Well-Known Member
What I am asking is how, that is by what means, did Christ reconcile us to our Creator? (I know he did it, I am asking HOW.) 'Ludicrous demand' and 'idiotic proof- texting'; I don't talk to you like that, please be kind. Let me clarify that I do not deify or worship scripture and have nothing against the teachings, sacraments and traditions of any church so long as they are in keeping with scripture. Be certain, I do not use scriptures out of context, they fit perfectly the context I use them in. I DO try to use as MANY scriptures that have clear, plain meaning as I can, to back up my beliefs. If I say, "The cow jumped over the moon." then I better be able to back it up with the authority of scripture. (can't back that one up) If I say that we are reconciled to God by the death of Christ I should be able to back it up with scripture. (here we are: Romans 5:10For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son..Ephesians 2:16And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross...Colossians 1:20And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself...yet now hath he reconciled 22In the body of his flesh through death...)How could He not? Do you not believe that He was fully human and fully Divine? Do you not believe He is the one Mediator between man and God (yes both of these are clear from Scripture, even should you wish to ditch the rest of Holy Tradition).
As for your ludicrous demand that I engage in some idiotic proof-texting - in a word, no. Unlike the sola scripturalist I do not deify Scripture and have no desire whatsoever to engage in a pathetic exchange of verses ripped out of context and presented in a fashion heedless of the Tradition in which they were composed.
So, here, I provide scripture to back up my belief that "we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, by the cross, through the blood of the cross, in the body of his flesh through death." And there is so much more scripture that says that, actually, it is a theme throughout the entire Bible. There is nothing wrong with using scripture to back up one's beliefs and everything right about it. So,again, I would like to know, how do YOU say we are reconciled to our Creator?