I find it very unfortunate that you simply do not know what the word "proof" in science actually means. But since you don't, there's little else I can say -- with one tiny exception: for every "truth" proclaimed by both science and religion (since you insist it holds true for religion as well), science has not only vastly more "evidence," it has virtually ALL OF IT. Religion has pretty much none. Or if you think it does, provide me one piece of testable (not provable, testable) evidence for any entirely religious claim you'd care to make.
It is unfortunate to me that science had to change the definition of a few words to be able to claim their theory as truth.
If you can't "prove" something, then it isn't a fact....and if something is a theory, it should not be given the status of a fact until is it proven. Evolution cannot be proven scientifically any more than ID.
It is supposition at best.....educated guesswork at least.
The truth of the matter is, we have two belief systems, with two conflicting scenarios and neither one can "prove" by actual evidence that they are right.
No one saw God create anything and no one saw a single creature evolve into something else.
Each view requires faith in the evidence which is interpreted very differently by both sides. We choose what makes sense to us.
The "evidence" presented by science to support the gradual evolution of one species into others, is largely based on what science "thinks might have" happened, but there is no way to prove any of it. One only has to read the literature to see that the terminology is highly suggestive and short on actual evidence. Without interpretation, no one would ever even guess what science postulates. One fossil found on one continent, and another fossil found in a far distant place....supposedly separated by millions of years, and all of a sudden, they are related in a chain of evolution?
Obviously science fiction can masquerade as science fact if enough people swallow the suggestions made by the right people.
Not a strawman at all, as it would be a most reasonable assumption, given your own arguments about both education and courts that I've quoted in this post, that both education and courts and useless. What is useless ought really not to have trillions spent on it, now, should it?
Funny, but I don't recall saying anything like that, so who is putting words in whose mouth now?
My arguments support truth over fiction, but we all know that truth is often sacrificed when someone has an agenda and a good story to spin.
Education is fine provided that it isn't based on false teachings....
The courts have a measure of success in bringing criminals to justice, but they can hardly decide between science and religious beliefs.
Actual knowledge has frequently demonstrated itself much better than contradictory belief systems, in my view. I've yet to see mathematicians burning each other at the stake for believing in the wrong theorem about right triangles.
Now you are talking about counterfeit Christianity. The Catholic Church might have sanctioned something like that because it believes that God tortures wicked souls in hellfire, but that is not a Bible teaching and no Christian is sanctioned to take the life of anyone, for any reason.
The Bible and science are not at odds....its is the Bible and this theory that cannot agree.