The part I’ve highlighted, is exactly that, conspiracy theory, which is based on
(A) either on your ignorance of what Peer Review is and how it work,
(B) or you are making things up.
There are no voting in Peer Review.
One or more independent scientists will examine and analyze the models, evidence and data, to ensure that it meet the requirements of Scientific Method. They will also independently check for errors, inconsistencies/discrepancies, and more importantly, fraudulent acts (such as doctoring data).
Take for instance, Intelligent Design advocate, Michael Behe, who tried to submit Irreducible Complexity (IC) paper. He submitted no evidence, hence he has no verifiable data.
What he have, are some illustrations and some computerized charts that are not based on any data from evidence he has gathered. So his charts are made of false information.
No reviewers will accept baseless charts. His work on IC has never been peer-reviewed.
So what does Behe do?
He write a book explaining and justifying his Irreducible Complexity, called Darwin’s Black Box (1996) and sent it to a publisher (Free Press) that don’t do peer-review.
Behe has even admitted at the Kitzmiller vs Dover case (2005) that there are no original data and no original research for Intelligent Design.
Intelligent Design and Behe’s own Irreducible Complexity are pseudoscience concepts, based on creationism, where they change god’s name to Designer.
Peer Review are used to weed out any pseudoscience concepts and concepts that have no verifiable evidence and data.