I can understand how an intelligent individual may have problems with the creation account in Genesis. What I don't understand is how that same intelligent individual has no problem whatsoever believing everything we see in the world somehow came from the so-called primordial soup.
The Biblical creation account isn't based on observation, research or testing. It's based on a book of ancient folklore. It's unevidenced and faith-based.
Science hates faith and seeks to fill in the blanks with facts.
An intelligent individual should be aware that the ToE is based on empirical evidence, it's testable and predictive. There is clear evidence that life-forms have changed over time. The ToE outlines reasonable, intuitive, demonstrable mechanisms accounting for this change. It is the
only reasonable and evidenced mechanism anyone's come up with.
Not only must a particular life form spontaneously arise, but the other organisms upon which it depends must have arisen in lock step. And what are the odds of the flora arising in the required sequence as that of the fauna which depends on that flora? That is more believable than Genesis?
An organism need not depend on other organisms. The intricate web of interdependence we see in modern, multicellular organisms developed over time. There are many, primitive organisms even today that thrive in isolation, feeding on sunlight or inorganic minerals.
Individuals more successful at exploiting or fitting in with their environments are also more successful at surviving and passing on their beneficial traits. Other organisms are part of the environment. Why wouldn't successful exploitation or co-operation with them be any different than any other selective interaction?
Science is based on observation. Who has ever seen one genus becoming another? Nobody! It's purely inference which is only slightly better than guessing. It is a model that admittedly could be said to fit with some observed phenomena, but there is perhaps a better model that nobody has thought of yet. A model is a model. It is not necessarily a reality.
Lots of people have seen speciation. How have you missed the many lists of observed speciation events I and many others have posted?
Most speciation occurs at a rate slower than we can easily observe in our short lives. The evidence for evolution isn't direct, eyewitness observation of speciation events. Expecting this would be absurd, and basing acceptance of the fact of evolution on this would be ridiculous.
We have abundant, indirect evidence from a dozen different disciplines all coming to the same conclusion. The mechanisms are intuitive, observable and leave consilient footprints everywhere. Failure to see and accept the evidence is symptomatic of a deep, pre-existing denialism.
I don't need to see every single piece of a jigsaw puzzle to make out the image. People are convicted of crimes everyday on indirect evidence.
Demanding absolute, eyewitness certainty before accepting something as fact would be paralyzing. One would believe nothing. Demanding absolute certainty in just one, particular field smacks of a desperate attempt
not to believe something that's somehow disquieting or in conflict with another, familiar belief.
If one does not believe Genesis it seems it would be better to just say, "I don't know how we all got here."
That would be reasonable only in the absence of abundant, clear, consilient, tested, predictive, evidence outlining the mechanisms.
If the Biblical "mechanism" of magic poofing and generation
ex nihilo is rejected, there is
no other reasonable explanation anyone has come up with.
I'm open to suggestions.