The Lost One
That’s where you are wrong. You got it all backward, Wildswanderer.False. Evidence isn't fact.
Evidence are facts. Evidence are part of the phenomena.
In sciences, you are testing the models (eg hypotheses, theories). You are using the “evidence” or “experiments” TO TEST the “hypothesis” or “theory”.
You are not testing the evidence.
It is the hypothesis or theory that could be (“tested”j wrong. The evidence are used as the “gauge”, to test & to determine if a model is probable or improbable.
There are two possible outcomes for a hypothesis or theory:
- If the evidence support the model, then the model is probable.
- If the evidence don’t support the model, then the model is improbable.
Option 2 is where the hypothesis have been refuted, debunked, so the hypothesis isn’t probable, which mean you shouldn’t even bother to present the hypothesis for Peer Review.
I wrote only “could be a candidate”, in “Option 1”. There could be more than 1 candidate. You could have 2 or more scientists presenting their independent alternative hypotheses for Peer Review. So there be 2 or more alternative hypotheses, competing for same spot.
There is 3rd option, where there are no evidence as in “zero evidence” or “absence of evidence”. In this case, the model is untestable, therefore the model is unfalsifiable, so the concept is pseudoscience.
Option 3 is worse than Option 2, because at least with Option 2 a hypothesis is still falsifiable and testable, even if it ultimately failed the test. Option 3 is worse because the unfalsifiable model cannot be tested, so it’s more than wrong, it is garbage.
Examples of unfalsifiable concepts, Irreducible Complexity, Intelligent Design and Creationism.
The entities, Creator and Intelligent Designer are important or essential parts of Creationism and Intelligent Design, but neither entities can be observed or tested.
Examples of failed “falsifiable” hypotheses: geocentric planetary motion, Static Universe model (Einstein, 1917), Steady State model (Thomas Gold, Hermann Bondi & Fred Hoyle, 1948-51).
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