I believe youth are being corrupted as we speak by the influneces they are surrounded by everyday, but this is not the primary reason . The image they are trying to resemble is that which is molded by our society and those who have the power to change cultural trends ,fashion, success and beauty,such as movie stars , rock idols, etc.
Influnece should not affect a well grounded and rooted individual who is secure in themself from the love,affection and affirmation given in child rearing.
The influence in their upbringing, regarding there living conditions, discipline, comfort, family unity etc. all affect the child becoming a successful adult. Parents,teachers, coaches etc. all become the immediate images these youth aspire to be like.
Advertising agencies introduce peer pressure and the manipulation thru adds insisting that you need something you have'nt got, money , clothes, products etc,
The youth want to fit in and be accepted and needed,and be part of a group, regardless of the costs and therefore they must know their identity, standards and boundaries, prior to subjection to these negitive influences in the world.