Do these 12 dimensions of consciousness, or these ideas in general, tie in to / with sacred geometry? They sound familiar and I was into sacred geometry for a while (I still love it, I just don't think SG as a religious view works).
Can you give some links you recommend? I find these concepts far more interesting that the banal concepts discussed over and over with the average person.
Yes...but i dug deep to find it. I will link some momentarily...but i will need to find my sources. In general...hinduism is the oldest known and documented religion...with that said...hinduism also states a belief that no religion is the only way to salvation above all others, but that all geniune paths are facets of God's light, deserving tolerance and understanding. It doesnt matter what belief you believe all the sudden...its suddenly ok to seek out thats cool! And no, im not hindu. Lol. But i did learn from it....they have mantras. Or chants...envolving sounds of extended vowels...and in a group of people reciting these chants, or mantras, would cause an enlightment was scientifically causing the area surrounding vibrate at a higher or lower frequency. Oddly enough...the ancient pyramids constantly megnetically vibrate at a 6.8 hrz. (Which is scientifically proven to be in the range of frequency of the healthy human brain.) All ancient holy lands...are set precisely on a natural higher frequency, or 'grid line' on the earth. They where trying to raise there get to a higher level of conscienceness. Sacred geometry undoubtedly ties into this concept. a fractal. Used time and time again...because thats what we are...fractals. a pattern within chaos. This is just some general understanding...and i thought id get your brain turning. Lol. I will try to link some sites with credibility...until around...when the truth is usually stands out. Its playing connect the dots...