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Historical errors and inaccuracies in the Bible
I can't consider every point, as it is long, and some of them have already been dealt with, or are petty, imo, but feel free to isolate any you feel are too important to leave out.
My comments will follow each claim.
From What Are the Bible's Biggest Scientific and Historical Errors?
Claim :
#1 - Many base their entire religious ideology around the presumption that the Bible is free from errors or mistakes
It's not a presumption, but a careful examination of the facts, give evidence that the Bible is reliable and authentic, despite minor errors, and alleged contradictions.
#2 - We can find errors and mistakes everywhere we look in the Bible because it's a collection of texts written centuries and millennia ago. Not all of the writers agreed and they were all ignorant of things humans have learned since then.
Circular reasoning - We can find errors and mistakes everywhere we look in the Bible because it's a collection of texts written centuries and millennia ago. The Bible is a collection of texts written centuries and millennia ago. Therefore we can find errors and mistakes everywhere we look in the Bible.
#3 - tatements that conflict with facts about reality we have learned through scientific investigation — can be found throughout the Bible because the biblical texts were written at times when human knowledge about our world was quite limited.
I don't find any conflicts with true scientific discovery. Can you name one, and explain how it conflicts?
#4 - One might expect an ancient text to have an accurate record of ancient events, but historians, as we know, have not always been completely honest with their representation of events.
In the past, records were written with an ideological agenda behind them, not for the sake of pure actual accuracy. Historical mistakes and errors are only to be expected.
It is true that some historians are not honest, but that's no reason to brand all historians as dishonest. People today are dishonest.
Should we label all scientists dishonest, because of the ones who were dishonest?
Not reasonable.
From Historical Errors in the Gospels.
#5 - New Testament is filled with events that never actually happened, they are episodes of mythology that get played over and over in the lives of sun-gods like Mithras, Horus, and Bacchus, etc.
I suppose the one making that bold claim, intends to back it up.
#6 - The darkness at the crucifixion, the rising saints of Matthew, the earthquake, resurrection, and the “crucifixion” itself are mythological events, they were NOT recorded by historians who lived during that period of time. Philo Judaes lived around 50 CE and never mentions the Gospel events; the Roman records of Pilate DO NOT mention Jesus. Thousands of criminals were crucified by the Romans, but no record exists of Jesus, simply because the Pilate did not crucify him. He was saved by God according to Psalms 20:6, Hebrews 5:7, and Al-Quran 4:157. Regarding the alleged “darkness and earthquake in Matthew”, there is not a shred of evidence to support the Gospel story.
Did Philo mention the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE? Therefore it never happened, otherwise he would have mentioned it.
What an unreasonable argument!
There were Jaws living from before 30 BCE to beyond 70 CE, and none have been known to mention the destruction of the city. That does not mean it never happened.
Historians don't mention everything.
The darkness, and earthquake were recorded.
This darkness was a miraculous event, caused by God. It could not have been caused by a solar eclipse, which occurs at the time of the new moon. This was Passover season, so the moon was full. And the darkness lasted for three hours, far longer than the longest possible total eclipse, which lasts less than eight minutes.
In Luke’s account, the observation that “the sunlight failed” is included. Luke 23:45
#7 - We have explicit quotations from scholars to substantiate that “Herod’s slaughter of the innocents” is just another recapture of pagan mythology. The sun-gods of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt were threatened at birth, and the order was made to kill all the “new-born infants”. The same episode was replayed in the life of Jesus, who is considered a ‘sun-god’ by modern Secular scholars.
These are claims, based on opinions, I'm sure.
Details could change that though. Do you have any?
#8 - Jesus was not the Son of God but the ‘Sun of God’. Amazing isn’t it? God would never defy His own creatures, even to the slightest extant. Hence, the titles of “Lamb of God” and “God the Son” are reversions to paganism. The “God the Son” implies the pagan trinity. The title “Lamb of God” is also not unique; it was applied to Krishna as well, the Hindu savior who lived hundreds of years before Christ was born.
More claims. No supporting facts.
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