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The Cartoon Controversy


To Save A Lamb
*arches a brow*
By the way, do you know about Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)?
Yes, and I like to reflect on how he dealed with people who personally insulted him.

With peace and paitence.


To Save A Lamb
Dear jamaesi, I hope that my english didn't made you lost in the middle of my text and i'll try to find a well translated one for you soon in sha Allah about this Hadith and others too.
You can send it to me in Arabic.


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This one is about the Jew and Prophet Mohammed

(عن عبد الله بن سلام قال : إن الله عز وجل لما أراد هدي زيد بن سعية قال زيد : ما من علامات النبوة شيء إلا وقد عرفته في وجهه سوى اثنتين لم أخبرهما منه : يسبق حلمه جهل الجاهل ، ولا يزيده شدة الجهل عليه إلا حلماً ، فكنت أنطلق إليه لأخالطه وأعرف حلمه ، فخرج يوماً ومعه علي بن أبي طالب ، فجاءه رجل كالبدوي ، فقال : يا رسول الله إن قرية بني فلان أسلموا ، وحدثتهم أنهم إن أسلموا أتتهم أرزاقهم رغداً ، وقد أصابتهم سنة وشدة ، وإني مشفق عليهم أن يخرجوا من الإسلام ، فإن رأيت ترسل لهم بشيء تعينهم. قال زيد : فقلت : أنا أبتاع منكم بكذا وكذا وسقاً ، فأعطيته ثمانين ديناراً فدفعها إلى الرجل ، وقال : اعجل عليهم بها فأغنهم .

فلما كان قبل الحل بيوم أو يومين أو ثلاثة خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى جنازة في نفر من أصحابه ، فجبذت رداءه جبذة شديدة حتى سقط عن عاتقه ثم أقبلت بوجه جهم غليظ ، فقلت : ألا تقضي يا محمد ، فو الله ما علمتكم بني عبد المطلب لمطل ، فارتعدت فرائص عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه كالفلك المستدير ، ثم رمى ببصره فقال : أي عدو الله أتقول هذا لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وتصنع به ما أرى ، وتقول ما أسمع ؟ فو الذي بعثه بالحق لولا ما أخاف فوته لسبقني رأسك. ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ينظر إلى عمر في تؤدة وسكون ، ثم تبسم وقال : أنا وهو أحوج إلى غير هذا، أن تأمرني بحسن الأداء ، وتأمره بحسن التباعة ، اذهب يا عمر فاقضه حقه ، وزده عشرين صاعاً من تمر.

فقلت : ما هذا ؟ قال : أمرني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن أزيدك مكان منازعتك . فقلت : أتعرفني يا عمر ؟ قال : لا ، فمن أنت ؟ قلت : زيد بن سعية ، قال : الحبر ؟ قلت : الحبر ، قال : فما دعاك أن تفعل برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما فعلت ، وتقول له ما قلت ؟ قلت : يا عمر إنه لم يبق من علامة النبوة شيء إلا وقد عرفته في وجه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حين نظرت إليه إلا اثنتين لم أخبرهما به ، يسبق حلمه جهله ، ولا يزيده شدة الجهل عليه إلا حلماً ، فقد اختبرته منه ، فأشهدك يا عمر أني رضيت بالله رباً وبالإسلام ديناً وبمحمد نبياً، وأشهدك أن شطر مالي لله ، فإني أكثرها مالاً ، وصدقة على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. فقال عمر : أو على بعضهم فإنك لا تسعهم كلهم ، قلت : أو على بعضهم.

قال: فرجع عمر وزيد بن سعية إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فقال زيد : أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد عبده ورسوله. فآمن به وصدقه وبايعه ، وشهد مشاهد كثيرة.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I tried hardly to find the english version of this hadith but i couldn't and i hope that one of the brothers here can find it for me.

BTW, what is IME

and Afwan .. :)


The truth, thank you for the Hadith...
But can you tell me about the reference?...I mean which Sahih is it from?

I read that Hadith before, but I want to get it in English


jamaesi said:
*arches a brow*
Yes, and I like to reflect on how he dealed with people who personally insulted him.

With peace and paitence.
Muslims are taught the tradition of the woman who would regularly throw trash on the prophet as he walked down a particular path. The prophet never responded in kind to the woman’s abuse. Instead, when she one day failed to attack him, he went to her home to inquire about her condition.

In another tradition, the prophet was offered the opportunity to have God punish the people of a town near Mecca who refused the message of Islam and attacked him with stones. Again, the prophet did not choose to respond in kind to the abuse.

A companion of the prophet noted his forgiving disposition. He said: “I served the prophet for ten years, and he never said ‘uf’ (a word indicating impatience) to me and never blamed me by saying, ‘Why did you do so or why didn't you do so?’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Even when the prophet was in a position of power, he chose the path of kindness and reconciliation.

When he returned to Mecca after years of exile and personal attacks, he did not take revenge on the people of the city, but instead offered a general amnesty.

In the Quran, Islam’s revealed text, God states: “When (the righteous) hear vain talk, they withdraw from it saying: ‘Our deeds are for us and yours for you; peace be on to you. We do not desire the way of the ignorant’. . .O Prophet (Muhammad), you cannot give guidance to whom you wish, it is God Who gives guidance to whom He pleases, and He is quite aware of those who are guided.” (28:55-56)

The Quran also says: “Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knows best who have strayed from His Path and who receive guidance.” (16:125)

Another verse tells the prophet to “show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant.” (7:199)

These are the examples that Muslims should follow as they express justifiable concern at the publication of the cartoons.

This unfortunate episode can be used as a learning opportunity for people of all faiths who sincerely wish to know more about Islam and Muslims. It can also be viewed as a “teaching moment” for Muslims who want to exemplify the prophet’s teachings through the example of their good character and dignified behavior in the face of provocation and abuse.

As the Quran states: “It may well be that God will bring about love (and friendship) between you and those with whom you are now at odds.” (60:7)


To Save A Lamb
IME - Input Method Editors.

I have my computer set up for English (American and British), German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Arabic. Only it's being weird about switching so I can only type in English.


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Premium Member
jewscout said:
no offense The Truth, but what the heck does that say???

just outta curiousity thanks
Sorry jewscout, I didn't get what do you mean !!! :sarcastic


Veteran Member
Premium Member
EiNsTeiN said:
The truth, thank you for the Hadith...
But can you tell me about the reference?...I mean which Sahih is it from?

I read that Hadith before, but I want to get it in English
الراوي: زيد بن سعنة - خلاصة الدرجة: حسن مشهور - المحدث: المزي - المصدر: تهذيب الكمال - الصفحة أو الرقم: 5/230

Me too, i couldn't find it in english.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
jewscout said:
what i mean is, i can't read arabic could i get a translation of it.
Ok, i got what do you mean now.

Actually, i couldn't translate the arabic hadith into english in proper way then maesi told me that it's ok with her to read arabic.

You can find the translated one "in poor english :eek: " in post # 18 in the same thread starting from this statment in the second part of the post.

Again, a jew once wanted to test the harmony, peace and wisdom within prophet Mohammed saying that he examined the prophicies of Mohammed except 2 things.


Religious Zionist
The Truth said:
Ok, i got what do you mean now.

Actually, i couldn't translate the arabic hadith into english in proper way then maesi told me that it's ok with her to read arabic.

You can find the translated one "in poor english :eek: " in post # 18 in the same thread starting from this statment in the second part of the post.

Again, a jew once wanted to test the harmony, peace and wisdom within prophet Mohammed saying that he examined the prophicies of Mohammed except 2 things.