Sgt. Pepper
All you need is love.
Thanks. I have been sick with worry since I love Busia so much, but I talked to a vet online today so I think I know what it is and it is not serious. However she needs to be seen by a vet and hopefully the vet clinic will be able to fit me in tomorrow.
I hope your cat is feeling better, my friend. Please keep me updated.
It might surprise you to know that I have had the same struggles with the Christian/Baha'i God, who I believe are one and the same God. Not only did I believe He had ignored my suffering and did not care how much I suffered, but I also believed He deliberately sent me suffering to punish me for being a bad Baha'i, or at the very least to test me. Part of the reason I believed the this was because of what my older brother used to tell me that God was killing my cats to teach me a lesson to be more detached. I had not been deepened in the Faith so I was very vulnerable to what my brother said.
That was a long time ago but it stuck in my mind for a long time until I started getting involved with other Baha'is who knew better. It took me a long time to dig my way out of that hole and the digging started in 2013, but even after that I still had an uphill battle because I did not like God, let alone love God, and I could not believe God was loving. I still question how a loving God could allow so much suffering in the world, not only my own suffering, but I try to love God because I know it is in my best interest.
Thank you for sharing your story with me here, Trailblazer. I truly appreciate it. Contrary to what you believe about God, I believe that it is in my best interest to forsake my belief and faith in him. I don't need or want him in my life anymore, and I know that I am much better off without him. I began to heal emotionally and gradually began to turn my life around only after I gave up my belief and faith in God, and I genuinely believe that it was the best decision that I've ever made for my mental health and my emotional well-being.