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The Complete Temple of Set Dogma Revealed



No really....THAT'S IT! No verbal masturbation, no semantical arguments about who wrote what, no hidden meanings, no channeled texts from alien intelligences/non-existent gods, no rants, no coercion, no holier than thou pontiffs -just you and Your Xeper- no one else's.

Have a nice day:D


Are we Recruting now, Sireal?....

The understanding is that if refinement of the Self is sought through the individual... he will Come Into Being on his own terms. We will welcome them then. When we strive to meet and exceed our own expectations... we find our Path before us... Hence the road to the ToS is well in hand.

Ever Forward! "Xepera Xeper Xeperu"


Let me be of some assistance to our friend Sireal,

I have heard it said recently that the Temple of Set has no Dogma. Thats incorrect. We do. Here it is. You may write it down:

1. Being and Becoming is Good.
2. Being and Becoming can be acquired by conscious, rationally-intuited means.
3. The Temple of Set, if properly used and maintained, is among the best Tools for acquiring Being and Becoming.

This is elaborated well by Webb.


Have you considered the possibility that you can only Xeper so far in the ToS? Call it Chronzon, call it ego, call it what you may, it’s nothing that 9 ½ grams of mushrooms won’t take away. %)

Meditate on this if you will:

“If you know that you are in truth a Magus, then consider them well, for this is the state of being that you now assume - a state of being attained by only eleven other beings.”
-M. Aquino (Xem and Per-t: From Magic to Mysticism. Aug ‘82 Scroll of Set).

Hunt down this quote in the Scrolls and you will become aware of the 11 Magi spoken of: Moses, Buddha, Lao Tan, Krishna, Jesus, Osiris, Mohammed, Crowley, and…. ahem….LaVey, Aquino, Barrett, and now Norton.

Do you honestly think that Z. Schreck and the rest of the ToS Magi are equivalent to Lao Tan, or are you being led down the garden path? Mull it over for awhile. A few thousand years of history writ, but suddenly the ToS is spitting out more magic men than Jenna Jameson.

With that said, I have a quote for Sireal, who apparently does not like quotes:

“He (Set) is not a supernatural deity of the kind expounded in traditional religious dogma, but rather a non-terrestrial Intelligence developed to a scope and capability non-intuitive to the human mind at its present level of evolution. He is finite, yet his power and will are such that no creature of the universe may stand against them. This is not a supernatural trait, but one of a highly developed, supremely evolved Intelligence.”
-Lilith Sinclair (aka Aquino)
Quoted from “The God Set” Jan ‘77 Scroll of Set.

Doesn’t that sound like something to say while rubbing one out to LAM?

Hail Father Heathen!


For not to mention the whole "Set fumbling around with monkey DNA" stuff.. hehe. Well, there are certain taboo words which TOS Setians strongly dislike. Among them figure "faith", "dogma", "occult career". The point is that no new member will be promoted (or, as they call it, "recognised") to the II if he does not use his time as I for getting proficient enough in Setian BS bingo. What else would one expect from people who do not understand what occult grades are about to begin with?!

Concerning the mushroom stuff.. you are right. Xeper in the TOS will never surpass the ego-orientated mode of consciousness because of their belief in objectivism. They will not be able to let loose this slightly enhanced naive realism. And precisely that is the reason why there will never be a Master of the Temple - crossing the abyss is not possible with this world view. It is not even possible to approach that level.

But Xeper itself is not limited to that amount. It is possible also for a Setian to xeper beyond that level. The misunderstanding is that overcoming the Ego is not worthful because Ego would be something "evil" - nonsense! It is worthful because it will trigger a wholly new mode of consciousness. Of course, this is frightening for a consciousness which is in the Ego mode because it will be destroyed by that experience - at least to some degree, even when it is not a permanent state. But that is xeper..

Such are the points where the dedication to xeper will be revealed. What does it take to pass the fear? Courage? Or faith in some "salvation"? No. Actually, the Setian key is curiosity. If the curiosity outweighs the fear, then the individual sooner or later will take that step.


It has been said by those who’ve crossed the Abyss, that Set is not the demon of Daath that the ToS purports, but the microcosmic source. Do you possess “Of the Nature of the Gods”?

If not curiosity, the gravity of the Whore.

I think you are on to something Daelach.


Let me be of some assistance to our friend Sireal,

I have heard it said recently that the Temple of Set has no Dogma. Thats incorrect. We do. Here it is. You may write it down:

1. Being and Becoming is Good.
2. Being and Becoming can be acquired by conscious, rationally-intuited means.
3. The Temple of Set, if properly used and maintained, is among the best Tools for acquiring Being and Becoming.

This is elaborated well by Webb.

I didn't want to come off like I was recruiting, just cut to the chase and detour the usual semantical bs. Your description of Setian dogma is of course right on the money. Thanks Via.


Have you considered the possibility that you can only Xeper so far in the ToS? Call it Chronzon, call it ego, call it what you may, it’s nothing that 9 ½ grams of mushrooms won’t take away. %)

Meditate on this if you will:

“If you know that you are in truth a Magus, then consider them well, for this is the state of being that you now assume - a state of being attained by only eleven other beings.”
-M. Aquino (Xem and Per-t: From Magic to Mysticism. Aug ‘82 Scroll of Set).

Hunt down this quote in the Scrolls and you will become aware of the 11 Magi spoken of: Moses, Buddha, Lao Tan, Krishna, Jesus, Osiris, Mohammed, Crowley, and…. ahem….LaVey, Aquino, Barrett, and now Norton.

Do you honestly think that Z. Schreck and the rest of the ToS Magi are equivalent to Lao Tan, or are you being led down the garden path? Mull it over for awhile. A few thousand years of history writ, but suddenly the ToS is spitting out more magic men than Jenna Jameson.

With that said, I have a quote for Sireal, who apparently does not like quotes:

“He (Set) is not a supernatural deity of the kind expounded in traditional religious dogma, but rather a non-terrestrial Intelligence developed to a scope and capability non-intuitive to the human mind at its present level of evolution. He is finite, yet his power and will are such that no creature of the universe may stand against them. This is not a supernatural trait, but one of a highly developed, supremely evolved Intelligence.”
-Lilith Sinclair (aka Aquino)
Quoted from “The God Set” Jan ‘77 Scroll of Set.

Doesn’t that sound like something to say while rubbing one out to LAM?

Hail Father Heathen!

Mr Advocate... I'm sure you are aware of my intentions here on the Setian Forum... But i'm curious as to your motivations? Let us all here "hear" about your motivations concerning your Being,Becoming and Influence in this Forum? It seems as though there has been a insurmountable ammount of strife in your Path... What is it really my friend?


It has been said by those who’ve crossed the Abyss, that Set is not the demon of Daath that the ToS purports, but the microcosmic source. Do you possess “Of the Nature of the Gods”?

If not curiosity, the gravity of the Whore.

I think you are on to something Daelach.

Its seems quite well that your whorish gravitational pull is strong enough for everyone here Mr. "freshman Member" Advocate... Untill you elude from your shadow, shall i converse with such a mouthful. Only until then... it is done.


It has been said by those who’ve crossed the Abyss, that Set is not the demon of Daath that the ToS purports, but the microcosmic source.

Mh, I am not into the cabala, so I do not understand the point here.

Do you possess “Of the Nature of the Gods”?

No, I have not read Cicero, only Seneca, Caesar and Ovid.

If not curiosity, the gravity of the Whore.

What Whore? What gravity?

I think you are on to something Daelach.

I hope so.. (-;


"Mr Advocate... I'm sure you are aware of my intentions here on the Setian Forum... But i'm curious as to your motivations? Let us all here "hear" about your motivations concerning your Being,Becoming and Influence in this Forum? It seems as though there has been a insurmountable ammount of strife in your Path... What is it really my friend?"

“Insurmountable amount of strife”? That’s funny.

I’m simply playing His advocate. Is questioning your own beliefs an “insurmountable strife”?…my friend…:D


Is questioning your own beliefs an “insurmountable strife”?

Maybe not insurmountable, but at least considerable, IMO. But then again, Set has never been a god of peace and harmony. So why would Setians regard strife as something to be avoided.. (-;


"Mr Advocate... I'm sure you are aware of my intentions here on the Setian Forum... But i'm curious as to your motivations? Let us all here "hear" about your motivations concerning your Being,Becoming and Influence in this Forum? It seems as though there has been a insurmountable ammount of strife in your Path... What is it really my friend?"

“Insurmountable amount of strife”? That’s funny.

I’m simply playing His advocate. Is questioning your own beliefs an “insurmountable strife”?…my friend…:D

Its actually rather common, yes.:yes: I encourage it on an annual basis...We need to keep our wits about us by knowing what we're doing and where we're going. Becoming attuned to/with your Path.


Social Meritocratist
Hunt down this quote in the Scrolls and you will become aware of the 11 Magi spoken of: Moses, Buddha, Lao Tan, Krishna, Jesus, Osiris, Mohammed, Crowley, and…. ahem….LaVey, Aquino, Barrett, and now Norton.

Do you honestly think that Z. Schreck and the rest of the ToS Magi are equivalent to Lao Tan, or are you being led down the garden path? Mull it over for awhile. A few thousand years of history writ, but suddenly the ToS is spitting out more magic men than Jenna Jameson.

Mr. Advocate,

Once again, that was written a LOOOOONG time ago and was taken out of context of the entire article Dr. Aquino wrote. Zeena, which I sure you are aware is no longer a part of the ToS never held the degree of Maga and in my opinion she baffled many of the higher ups of the time will her bull to get to the degree of Magistra.

Jenna on the other hand is truly one of the Magi. I know. I met her and she kissed me on the cheek and I glowed for hours. :yes:

Magister Robert Adams
Host, KHPR: The Voice of Darkness


Social Meritocratist
It has been said by those who’ve crossed the Abyss, that Set is not the demon of Daath that the ToS purports, but the microcosmic source.

Mr. Advocate,

Could you please cite your source on this? I've been a member for almost 20 years and have never heard anyone say that Set was the demon of Daath and yes, being a IV° that means I've crossed the Abyss. It kind of sucked actually.

Magister Robert Adams
Host, KHPR: The Voice of Darkness