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the conceal handgun thread


Deviled Hen
Er...so how's the law working out in Alaska?

I would think they could have more lenient laws there than in, say, a crowded metro area in the lower 48.

I don't have a problem with having to get a concealed permit. Um, actually, you probably should have to pass a test on basic gun laws, just so people get concepts like, "if you can back out of a situation, you got no legal right to shoot" and so forth.

People used to grow up around guns nearly anywhere in this country. But that was 100 years ago. Things are very different today, and I'd guess most people don't learn basic gun safety and use as part of growing up.

If you want to own a gun and keep it in your own home and you're fool enough to shoot your own foot with it, well fine.

If you want to take it out in the street, I'd like to know you have some idea you know what you're doing, or see it on you so I can take another route. :sarcastic


Well-Known Member
Keep the USAian laws. Go kill one another, to end the US of A, and then the civilized world will get some peace.


Religious Headbanger
Should a permit be required for concealing a firearm on ones body ?


Should there be regulation on gun occupancy in a vechile?

No. Same as walking down the street.

Should gun control laws be designated at the federal state municipal level?

Gun control laws should not be made period. Gun regulations, however, should be made at the state level. Never the federal level.

This is one of those issues that's always either all the way over here or all the way over there. There is a balance in the middle that is made up of rights and responsibilities. Do I think every adult without a record has the right to carry a concealed weapon? Yes. But at the same time every single person who wants to carry should express a sense of responsibility by showing they are properly trained in the safe use of a gun. Minimum training should be mandatory.

If someone has never been through a gun course they would not know that by carrying a gun you actually have to become MORE passive than someone who does not carry. Because three general criteria must be met in order to be justified in a shooting such as you can not have provoked the attack, you must show you could not have escaped and you must prove you were in danger for your life and limb.

A person who carries has less chance of being put into a situation where they would be attacked than someone who doesn't carry. Most people are not that aware of their environment. A person who carries has to be. And when they face a situation that holds the potentially for an attack they avoid it.

Sense we began our CCW policies here in Ohio there have been very few incidents and crime is down. I believe it is every person's right to defend themselves and I'll be damned if I'm going to trust my life to the government to defend me in the form of 911.


†ßig Dog†
I have mixed feelings on this. I believe in the right to bare arms. But I also read to many stories of kids shooting kids, or a child of 5-10 shooting himself or another child playing with another child. Being a convicted felon, I'm not allowed to own one, but with 3 kids in the house, I wouldn't anyways. Driving a truck, I at times go into a few very rough areas with hundrends of thousands of dollars worth of cargo on. Carrying a gun would not make me feel any safer. In fact, I believe you would have a better chance of being shot carrying a gun then not. If someone wants your cargo and knows or is pretty sure you have a gun, you're gonna get shot. Where as if you don't, you have some what of a chance to walk away.


Religious Headbanger
The question of gun safety and children is important. The #1 rule of owning a gun is to have complete control of the weapon at all times it is in your possession. And if it is not in your control it must be controlled by anyone. It is the responsibility of the owner to completely disable the weapon when he does not control it. There is no reason why any child should get a hold of a gun without supervision. If you put a gun lock on it and lock it in a safe place like a gun box or safe there should be NO WAY for them to get to it.

As far as weather carrying a gun will increase your chances of being shot it should make no difference to the perp. First, how is the perp going to know weather you have a gun or not? If you're carrying concealed then they shouldn't know in the first place. Statistics have shown that many potential violent episodes have ended or been avoided all together simply by brandishing a weapon.

Statistics have also shown that the good old days of just passively giving them what they want will ensure your safety are long gone. Today 80% of contacts with criminals end in violence.


Active Member
I don't think the government should have any say whether or not we are allowed to own, carry, or conceal firearms.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
GloriaPatri said:
I don't think the government should have any say whether or not we are allowed to own, carry, or conceal firearms.

Now that is a hilarious comment. Too funny GloriaPatri!

I dunno folks, having access to guns doesn't seem to have helped America all that much. As a Canadian I simply CANNOT even imagine wanting to own a gun, let alone feeling the need to carry a gun under my suit. I'm afraid I just don't get the psychology. Intellectually I understand the arguments but I am afraid most of the arguments just vaporize under scrutiny. :confused:

I would be more inclined to tell people that their fear will draw violence towards themselves and having a gun won't help the situation much. In some cases it will get you hurt or pushing up daisies. :sarcastic

So tell me, gun toting RF members... what IS the point of walking around with a deadly weapon? Are you living in such unsafe environments that you need to be able to maim or kill anyone who looks at you funny? Are people so crazy that you need a deadly weapon to "defend" your fragile existence? Do carrying a gun make you feel normal or superior to others? Does it give you a leg up on potential attackers? :shrug:

I should point out that if you stuck a gun to my head and threatened to blow my tiny brain out, I would smile and tell you to do whatever makes you happy. Your gun would not impress me in the slightest. Granted this might be upsetting to an assailant, but it would be a rather classy and fun way to go out. Whoa, that killer sure showed me, lol. *sigh*

Can anyone make a reasonable argument for carrying guns?


Well-Known Member
anders said:
Keep the USAian laws. Go kill one another, to end the US of A, and then the civilized world will get some peace.

LOL, so if the US of A would vanish the world would have peace? I didn't know the weed in Sweden was so potent! Oh by the way, thanks for all the help getting rid of Hitler during WWII so the Jews could have some peace.


Active Member
Scott1 said:
Over and above a regular handgun permit? No.... I think the state should only give a permit to those who would actually need to carry a firearm= as part of their job, business owners who carry a lot of cash, etc.... other than that, I wouldn't give a permit to anyone.

This is basically how it work in my country, except that business owners are not allowed to arm themself. Civilan posession of firearms are pretty much restricted to hunting and sport shooting weapons. Permits are also required in both cases and guns must be stored dismanteld in special weapon lockers. However we have had some scandals with military weapons in the possion of homeguard members, the rules for thease wepons are tightening uphowever. Permits are not issued for "self defence", except for a few rare cases when possesion of a pepper spray has been allowed.