In Hinduism, every soul is supposed to be identical. There is supposed to be, one universal soul. Hinduism does believe in God, and describes God in various ways. What Hinduism perhaps tries to express is, that we believe in God, because we can think, and because we are conscious, but the belief does not stem from thought and consciousness. If God is great, if God is good, and if you can be reminded of God, living in the world, then how does this prove that God exists, even when you know, and you cannot prove it? Every soul, again, is supposed to be identical. It seems, if every soul is identical, and if every person dies, and if every soul is a part of the universal soul, perhaps, the person who dies, is born again. It could be, that the soul becomes part of the universal soul again, but, then again, the soul is reborn. But, why reincarnation? Our souls are not reincarnated when we are born. We are souls who are living. Aren't our souls living in a body, seen as separate?