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The Creation of life on Earth explained

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
pretty pictures of functioning brains:






I like how Schizo looks like a face xD


Premium Member
And if we have this force why do we die? Does it run out?

Of course there is a force or by whatever name one calls that. It works locally to reduce entropy. When we understand it, we will understand that it never runs out. It appears to run out in the perspective of ego self that is unaware of the singularity of life and awareness.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Of course there is a force or by whatever name one calls that. It works locally to reduce entropy. When we understand it, we will understand that it never runs out. It appears to run out in the perspective of ego self that is unaware of the singularity of life and awareness.
How does it prevent entropy?
If it reduces entropy why does the ego die?


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Entropy reduces locally. The second question is another subject. Suffice it to say that ego never existed that it could die.
How does entropy reduce locally?
I'd love to know because I'm really feeling the build up of Entropy in my body lately. :cool:

Then how about my body? That will surely die, why doesn't this anti-entropic force stop that from happening?



Premium Member
How does entropy reduce locally?
I'd love to know because I'm really feeling the build up of Entropy in my body lately.

By being able to use external energy from food etc. and eventually of sun. Schrodinger called it Negentropy.

How do you know your entropy is increasing? Curious. :shrug:

Then how about my body? That will surely die, why doesn't this anti-entropic force stop that from happening?


Why should it? And how am i supposed to know? If you know kindly tell me.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
By being able to use external energy from food etc. and eventually of sun. Schrodinger called it Negentropy.
You mean how living things export entropy via loss of heat and chemical changes.
That's not a force. Gibbs free energy is the term modern biologists tend to use today.
Gibbs free energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Entropy and life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How do you know your entropy is increasing? Curious. :shrug:
My cells are no long able to replace themselves like they used to. Errors are building up in my DNA and so on.

Why should it? And how am i supposed to know? If you know kindly tell me.
You are the one who says this force prevents entropy... I thought you would know about how it works and why. :shrug:



Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
The chances of a random yellow spot of the right size and in the right location are so low that by the time this happened the plant species would probably be extinct anyway.

How do you know this? Care to give an exact number on the probability of this happening?

Do you understand that given the universe is 13 BILLION years old or 13 THOUSAND MILLION years old, it is incredibly likely that life can easily exist in not just our planet, but other planets too? Do you understand that there are at least 100 sextillion stars in the universe? That is 1 followed by 23 zeros. even if a tiny tiny tiny tiny percentage of them have planets which can support life, I would assume there would be a lot of alien planets.

Most people are unable to deal with these large numbers simply because our mind is unable to comprehend such huge values. That is why computer scientists are trained to think about large numbers without losing their minds. Sites like google have to parse 12.5 BILLION pages to return a related page that you are looking for within less than a second. Do you understand the complexities of such large numbers?

Did you know that darwinian natural selection is far far more efficient than random chance?

Please watch the excellent documentary " The Blind Watchmaker by Prof. Richard Dawkins to understand how Darwinian selection is different from random chance.
It is available on youtube.


Well-Known Member
Flying Teapot: ^

Well I did try reading the book - didn't rate it too highly - too much waffle.

Anyway, I've agreed with the general scientists on board these threads that natural selection occurs in the Darwinian way - the argument now has gone down to the very small (ie: quantum physics, creation of Big Bang and the very big , ie: higher consciousness, animal ESP etc..)

Seems like you have just flown into this debate on your magic Teapot!;)


Premium Member
Of course there is a force or by whatever name one calls that. It works locally to reduce entropy.-----.

You mean how living things export entropy via loss of heat and chemical changes.
That's not a force. -----

You are the one who says this force prevents entropy... I thought you would know about how it works and why. :shrug:


I do not understand what preventing entropy means.:D Does not matter however.


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
Flying Teapot: ^

Well I did try reading the book - didn't rate it too highly - too much waffle.

Anyway, I've agreed with the general scientists on board these threads that natural selection occurs in the Darwinian way - the argument now has gone down to the very small (ie: quantum physics, creation of Big Bang and the very big , ie: higher consciousness, animal ESP etc..)

Seems like you have just flown into this debate on your magic Teapot!;)

I think the documentary is much more easy to wrap your head around. Perhaps you only tried reading the book because you lost interest half way through. The documentary, however, is very engaging and easy to understand.


Well-Known Member
The Star Wars films have obviously turned the idea of The Force into an absurd Sci-Fi concept, nonetheless at least they acknowledge its existence.

In reality it is unlikely that the Force can be used to give people special powers or run around with Light Sabers!