Interesting that you jump to conclusions as to what i was talking about. And why the emphasis on atheist? Sound like you have issues with atheism.
Anyway, i was not considering Krauss's work although it is considered a valid hypothesis by many prominent scientists. Even if you have found one who disagrees.
I was considering something far more recent, quantum vacuum bubbles
Spontaneous creation of the universe from nothing
Now all you have to do is find someone who disagrees with the maths and you can have another uninformed laugh.
Color me not as impressed as I would like to be. This paper assumes a previously existing 'false vacuum' in which bubbles form of 'true vacuum', giving our expanding universe.
One thing they mentioned, but glossed over, is that it is far from clear how a universe like what we would see could arise in this way. In particular, how does the matter originate? They make a claim that the exponential expansion would drive apart spontaneously arising particle-anti-particle pairs, but only say that will be a matter for their future research.
More relevantly, the assumption of a previously existing spacetime and a false vacuum state is part of the 'something from nothing' issue. Now, it is quite possible that this previously existing spacetime just 'always exists' and that these 'bubble universes' simply arise at a certain rate within it.
So, at most, this paper shows how a transition from a DeSitter cosmology with a false vacuum to something that looks like a pre-inflationary bubble could happen. It doens't solve the issue of how to stop inflation, nor of the origin of the overall false vacuum.