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The Creator


New Member

In the physical sense, what is our creator?
A human, giant or alien type thing?
And what did he create?
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member

In the physical sense, what is our creator?
A human, giant or alien type thing?
And what did he create?
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?


Our songs don't make any mention of that, and a specific one of our brothers' songs say specifically that even the highest God probably doesn't know the answer to that question.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I do not separate "creator" and "creation" in my path, so these questions do not track well for me. We come from the Weave, we make the Weave, we are the Weave.

And by the Weave, I basically mean the grand, interconnected reality that we're all a part of.



In the physical sense, what is our creator?

Scientifically there is no such thing as a creator outside mythology.

A human, giant or alien type thing?

Words on paper, scientifically.

And what did he create?

Nothing has ever been attributed to the thousands of deities man has created in the past.

Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?

WE just evolved.

Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?


Nothing scientifically can be attributed to creation mythology.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member

In the physical sense, what is our creator?
A human, giant or alien type thing?
And what did he create?
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?


Creator and creation should not be viewed as separate things in my opinion and in non-dual theology.

Honestly to me, your cynicism sounds like an old-fashion atheist knocking down a Straw God concept. Your specialty would be debating fundamentalist Christians and not much beyond that.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Creator and creation should not be viewed as separate things in my opinion and in non-dual theology.

I think we're on the same page, you and I. We are the creator, we create our existence if we believe in non-duality. Alan Watts says this is the thing we forget... we are God. In my soon-to-be-patented brand of Vaishnavism :D the phenomenal world is a manifestation and embodiment of God, therefore we create it and are inseparable from it. It's sort of like one tenet of Kashmir Shaivism but with a Vaishnava twist.


In the physical sense, what is our creator? When our Creator manifested into a physical presence, He was in the being of Jesus Christ.
A human, giant or alien type thing? A human --Jesus Christ.
And what did he create? The universe.
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans? He created us as humans.
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth? The whole universe.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

In the physical sense, what is our creator?
A human, giant or alien type thing?
And what did he create?
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?


I believe the Bible gives the correct answers to your questions. Revelation 4:11 says of God: "You are worthy, Jehovah even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created."
That scripture reveals the Name of our Creator, and tells us he created ALL things. This includes the entire visible universe as well as the spirit realm.
"God is a spirit" and far above any other person. (John 4:24, Isaiah 45:18)
The Bible reveals God directly created the first man. The first man did not evolve from some lower animal. Rather, Genesis 2:7 states that "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul."

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I do not separate "creator" and "creation" in my path, so these questions do not track well for me. We come from the Weave, we make the Weave, we are the Weave.

And by the Weave, I basically mean the grand, interconnected reality that we're all a part of.

Lovely way to put it! :yes:


Brain User
Creator and creation should not be viewed as separate things in my opinion and in non-dual theology.
:sorry1: But if they are the same, we can't call one creator and the other one creation. He is just a passive observer at best and not the conventional God who is the creator of the Universe.


Active Member

In the physical sense, what is our creator?
A human, giant or alien type thing?
And what did he create?
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?

Usually a creator isn't recognized as a he or she. They are gender neutral.
So that rules out humans, giants, but leaves the possibility of aliens I suppose.


Active Member

In the physical sense, what is our creator?
A human, giant or alien type thing?
And what did he create?
Did we evolve from something he created or created as humans?
Did he create the whole universe or just us on earth?


Me, personally - mum and dad. ;)

Humans generally - just like any other animal on Earth, we have evolved from earlier species. We are still evolving, but natural selection may be more and more replaced by artificial selection and social/economical selection. Actually the highest educated and "most intelligent" (whatever that means) people are those who have the fewest children, so we may be evolving "backwards" in some sense, but the current global mixing of genes can be a huge strenght for our species.

Life on Earth - may have originated on Mars and arrived here on meteorites, but whether it arised here or on Mars, it did so by natural processes - complex molecules self replicating and gradually "becoming alive".

The Earth itself - accretion of free-floating matter in the protoplanetary disc around the young Sun about 4-5 billion years ago. Collisions of small bodies into larger ones.

The Universe - Big Bang. What caused it? Who knows? What happened before it? There was probably no "before" as spacetime itself arised with the Universe. Underlying cause - maybe a multiverse "bubbling" universes into existence all the time, maybe some other mechanisms.

But to believe that the "everything" we see in our Universe was created from "nothing" that was completely empty - except for a fully functioning intelligent omnipotent deity - without then having to explain how that deity came into existence, I think is way too simple and trivial and not a correct hypothesis at all.

To roughly paraphrase Carl Sagan - if the creator of the Universe is a God that has always existed, why not skip a step and say that the Universe has always existed (or the natural processes that created the Universe have always existed). If God created himself, why not skip a step and say that the Universe created itself (or any natural processes that gave rise to the Universe, created themselves).

I see no reason why one would introduce a god-of-the-gaps into our gap in scientific knowledge - it does not solve anything, and just introduces an even more complex being or system to explain why it exists.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Me, personally - mum and dad. ;)
Actually the highest educated and "most intelligent" (whatever that means) people are those who have the fewest children, so we may be evolving "backwards" in some sense, but the current global mixing of genes can be a huge strenght for our species.

Evolution via natural selection doesn't have a direction; there's no forwards or backwards. (It's kind of a pet-peeve of mine when someone, intentionally or not, implies that evolution has a direction.) If intelligence is detrimental to having children, then nature doesn't favor intelligence. Honestly, I think it has more to do with the economic situation than intelligence. Because the problem of survival is pretty much solved, large numbers of children are no longer necessary, and actually detrimental because of diminishing resources. That seems to somehow be "coded" (for lack of a better word; not trying to imply intelligent design, here) into our instincts, especially when considering Japan's current situation.

Though from an evolutionary perspective, I'm actually somewhat worried; all evidence points us to being the last of the hominids (unless Bigfoot, etc. turn out to be real.)
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Active Member
Our songs don't make any mention of that, and a specific one of our brothers' songs say specifically that even the highest God probably doesn't know the answer to that question.

No, Oden created the world from the body of Ymer and all that is within it, from his flesh the earth, from his blood the sea, from his skull the sky, from his hair the trees and from his bones the mountains.

This is how Midgård and all that would ever be in it was created.

As for humanity, we are the warriors of Odens army, we are judged by our willing spirits and fighting actions, born to wage war for eternity so we may enter Valhall as the kings AND queens we were born to be.