Are you even aware that there exist people in agony whom are being denied palliative care and are have problems like old age ands organ failure and desire to die. There are people in vegetative states who suck up vast resources that could be used by the living for better lives who are kept alive for profit. There are a few survivors of executions and are highly detrimental to society and would just be reexecuted anyway. Is a soldier morally bound to provide first aid to an enemy he just shot while under intense fire? I'm sure I could go on and on.
Why do you not see such things? Do you live in a black and white world where every decision can simply be found in the playbook of science?
Irrelevant to the topic.
And you believe this effect is magically turned on and off by a Practitioner of Science called a "Doctor"!!!
As I stated, the placebo effect is not magic, nor is it turned on or off. If you wish to make a counter-argument, you usually have to address the argument.
As it stands, this is an intellectually dishonest Straw Man, which seems to be your only debate strategy so far. It isn't working.
You can extrapolate the existence of things that might or might not be real but you can't extrapolate the existence of placebo effect which is clearly visible. Gravity is real and operates on all things at all times. All matter in the universe operates on all other matter at all times. Placebo effect is just as real and operates on all human consciousness at all times. Everything within the consciousness of all humans is at all times affected to a greater or lesser extent (within the definition of the term) by placebo effect. A person can get well by the laying on of hands, the touch of a doctor, or a belief in voodoo.
You want to consider the effect of one experiment at a time but in the REAL world where we all live every single experiment that has ever been performed applies simultaneously. I would add that all ancient science also applies but then you don't believe in ancient science or much of anything unsupported by Peers.
The placebo effect does not operate on the human consciousness at all times. I'm not sure where you heard that from.
I bet you can't tell me what I'm thinking or why. I bet you can't tell me a single one of my beliefs. I bet you can't tell me how a bee's thinking is different than mine.
Irrelevant, yet again. Your Gish Gallop smokescreen isn't going to work in a text-based forum.
I take your posts as condescension.
This one is.
It is apparent you are not trying to parse my sentences as they are intended and then you are trying to straighten me out with the words of Peers. Why don't you tell me what you know instead of what you've read in books. Tell me how the books apply to what I am actually saying. If you can't explain theory to a four year old then you probably don't understand it yourself.
I've met four year olds with a better understanding of these topics than you. You simply refuse to learn, which is apparent by your numerous Straw Men and your need to label everything you don't understand "magic."
I wouldn't take so much pride in not having read any books but I suppose you'd have to read a few books to realize why that's a backfiring insult.
I see. Doesn't this mean you have to tell the experimental group that they are getting real medication to try to control placebo effect? This might not work for obvious reasons so maybe this and all other statistics, computer modelling, and correlative studies are not really science at all. We put together complex molecules and then see what effect hey have on a population. This is very very little different than ancient people trying various herbs and preparation to see what if any effect they had or whether they are good for food or suddenly changed into a food through the theory of change in species. The biggest difference here is they knew each individual was different and sought to observe these differences and we do not. we just supply drugs to populations not individuals. And, yes, we test for placebo effect. Ancient people didn't experience placebo effect so had no need for further observation.
You would do better to study the effect than make wild assumptions about it.
We are all mystical because this is the nature of homo omniscience, but mysticism in science is at best annoying and sometimes appalling.
You have it backwards. When mysticism actually works it becomes science.
I believe the mutilation of children is principally caused by mysticism. Obviously this is not true in every single instance but rather in some or many. I'm sure I don't know.
I believe that position is not only ignorant but that you have demonstrated that it is formed from willful intellectual dishonesty on your part. You have the gall to lecture us about real science without understanding how a remedial medical study is performed.
It's pathetic.
This is what everyone believes. We are homo omniscience and that people each believe this is why all humans in all eras are unique to their time and place.
We believe we experience reality directly but the reality is we can experience only through what we have been taught which was acquired through language.
Or mebbe placebo effect doesn't apply to you!!!
I think it's telling that, along with rejecting book learning as a whole, you also have to reject that you can experience reality.
Well, you might be right about that one, but you're wrong that I share that issue.
I don't call it "mutilation" because it is harmful in every case. It is probably quite beneficial or even life saving in some or many cases. I call it mutilation because children are not competent or experienced enough to make choices that are irreversible. I should hardly be surprised if some of these children are virgins. This is especially evil because now days children are indoctrinated. They come out of school unable to read and write but all singing Kumbaya. As these people age their opinions and beliefs are likely to change much more than many previous generations. It seems only natural to leave as few other types of scars on them as possible
I think it's a shame that childhood indoctrination is so widespread these days. I came across this one user who thought the placebo effect was magic and that the life-saving surgeries performed by medical experts are actually mutilations performed by mystics.
People like that are beyond my help.