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The Demiurge


Lord of the Badgers
The Son of Sophia, the blind god who acknowledges none above him. He sits upon his golden throne surrounded by his Archons. He is the ruler of this world.

Murderer, rapist, deceiver. He is a devil, an almightly demon and yet his name is worshipped by millions.
Willfull ignorance and arrogance are his nature.

This is how the ancient Gnostics saw the demiurge who's name is Yaldaboath.
Whether he is a real celestial being, or simply a psychological concept - his influence is seen everywhere.

Wherever scientific evidence is rejected in favour of blind faith, we find the demiurge laughing.

Wherever religious or secular concepts and ideals are placed above human life, the demiurge lives there.

Whenever economic concerns are given priority over human suffering, the demiurge is pleased.

Greed, attachment, hate, violence, ignorance, blind faith, arrogance, selfishness - these are the weapons the demiurge uses to keep us unaware of our true nature, to keep us in love with the physical and rejecting of the spiritual.


Glass half Panda'd
This is true.... but what was the point? Would you like us to discuss how we think he influences us, or is this more of a "did you know....?" kind of post?


The Lost One
Plato's "artisan" or "craftsman" had nothing to do with the "evil" of the Gnostic demiurge. In fact had nothing to do with good and evil.

Yes, I understand the Gnostic texts, he is the imperfect creator, the evil and jealous god, and the Gnostic version of Satan.


Glass half Panda'd
gnostic said:
Plato's "artisan" or "craftsman" had nothing to do with the "evil" of the Gnostic demiurge. In fact had nothing to do with good and evil.

Where did that come from? I dont remember Halcyon saying anything about Plato....


The Lost One
No, Halcyon didn't mention it. But before Gnosticism, Plato wrote in Timaeus, where the demiurge was perhaps mentioned for the 1st time. Plato's demiurge was indeed a creator of the physical world, but he gave no indication that demiurge having either good or bad attribute.


Glass half Panda'd
gnostic said:
No, Halcyon didn't mention it. But before Gnosticism, Plato wrote in Timaeus, where the demiurge was perhaps mentioned for the 1st time. Plato's demiurge was indeed a creator of the physical world, but he gave no indication that demiurge having either good or bad attribute.

Well isnt the physical world "evil" anyway according to Gnostics? Plato's demiurge may not be the same one? Maybe it was a common term after Plato's first usage of the word to describe the physical/unspiritual/material? (then again, i'm very unqualified to talk about this intellegently....)


The Lost One
Actually, I am just as unqualified.

From what I read of The Apocryphon of John, and similar texts, Yaldbaoth is seeking to keep the humans entralled to their physical bodies. He want to keep them trap, feeding off the spark for his own gain, sort of like vampires use human blood as sustenance.

If you read, Apoc of John, you will remember that he stole Sophia's light or power. And he took away Adam's memory, so that he would remain ignorance of the gnosis.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
My interpritation is that the demiurge is not the gnostic version of "Satan", but he is what most of the world (at least followers of most Abrahamic faiths) worship as god. The word "demiurge", as someone pointed out, means "craftsman", the "creator" of this world. It is his creation, the world itself, that is evil and only through "gnosis" or "enlightment" can we escape it.


Glass half Panda'd
spacemonkey said:
Why do you think that Adam and Eve where forbiddin to partake of the fruit of "knowledge"?
Because if they stayed ignorant, the Dimurge would be able to grow off their ignorance...?


Lord of the Badgers
Buttons* said:
This is true.... but what was the point? Would you like us to discuss how we think he influences us, or is this more of a "did you know....?" kind of post?
I dunno, i felt like writing it is all.

For me he's the barrier we must overcome to reach gnosis, he's the seduction and fears of the material existance wrapped up in a neat little package.

Buttons* said:
Because if they stayed ignorant, the Dimurge would be able to grow off their ignorance...?]
After they ate the fruit of knowledge, Yaldaboath kicked them out of the garden sharpish to prevent them eating of the tree of life and becoming like the gods. I don't understand what this means though, since the Archons are ignorant. :confused:


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Buttons* said:
Because if they stayed ignorant, the Dimurge would be able to grow off their ignorance...?
It is ignorance that the Demiurge uses to keep us trapped in his creation.The story of Adam and Eve is not to be taken literally, it is an allegory. The "Tree of Knowledge" represents Gnosis, the one thing that can release us from enslavement by the Demiurge, the "God" of the OT. The concept of Gnosis, or enlightenment, or Nirvana, as the path to heaven, is prevalent in the majority of religions past and present.


Glass half Panda'd
spacemonkey said:
It is ignorance that the Demiurge uses to keep us trapped in his creation.The story of Adam and Eve is not to be taken literally, it is an allegory. The "Tree of Knowledge" represents Gnosis, the one thing that can release us from enslavement by the Demiurge, the "God" of the OT. The concept of Gnosis, or enlightenment, or Nirvana, as the path to heaven, is prevalent in the majority of religions past and present.

yes, i know this *smiles*


I am Who I am
You need to watch out where one gets the information about the Gnostic's. The church called them heretics do you think they are going to give you a truthful definition? In fact I hear the same response from the RCC all the time when in comes to Gnosticism: "Gnosticism is a heretical root from Christianity, the idea that a select elite can develop special powers and gifts through specialized knowledge that is hidden from most mortals." I am sorry but this statement written by Church officials offends me dearly.

To know the truth you should hear both sides. I gave orthodox Christianity a chance and listen to them. Than I gave the Gnostic's a chance and found there idea to be the better one. Don't forget the demiurge rules the physical world. Isn't the Roman Catholic Church one of the Major WORLD Religions?

Religion... Can either be liberating or the most enslaving thing ever to exist. Like I said i would be suspicious of the people against gnosticism for telling me what Gnosticism is about. Its like a asking a white supremacist if he is friends with any minorities, theres tension and hatred. Gnosticism is like the minority picked on by those who hate them for being different. I believe Jesus blesses those who are persecuted under injustice as the Gnostics have in the past, present and most likely future.