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The Destruction of America


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
This is in a debate section so all can discuss, it is not a debate I am after, but solutions offered to race disunity.

In 1912 in America a talk was given by Abdul'baha, the New York Times reported that the mission stated in the talk was “to do away with prejudices…, prejudice of nationality, of race, of religion.” The article also quotes the talk directly: “The time has come for humanity to hoist the standard of the oneness of the human world, so that dogmatic formulas and superstitions may end.”

Not long after to an overflowing crowd in Rankin Chapel at Howard University, the first predominantly black audience ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would address in America, the Reverend Wilbur Patterson Thirkield, Howard’s eighth President, introduced ‘Abdu'l-Bahá. In that talk He offered;

“Animals, despite the fact that they lack reason and understanding, do not make colors the cause of conflict. Why should man, who has reason, create conflict? This is wholly unworthy of him.”

Many talks were given on Race Unity and removal of predudices in America that year and reported in the news across the country, but the topic of this thread comes from this quote, from one of those talks;

“Until these prejudices are entirely removed from the people of the world,” he wrote, “the realm of humanity will not find rest. Nay, rather, discord and bloodshed will be increased day by day, and the foundation of the prosperity of the world of man will be destroyed.” “Now is the time for the Americans to take up this matter and unite both the white and colored races. Otherwise, hasten ye towards destruction! Hasten ye toward devastation!” “Indeed, there is a greater danger than only the shedding of blood. It is the destruction of America.”

So that is the topic, I personally see the destruction of America is Anarchy, where it's unity in its diversity is destroyed by godless actions, which to me, the solutions were given in another talk offered in the same year.

“But there is a need for a superior power to overcome human prejudices, a power which nothing in the world of mankind can withstand and which will overshadow the effect of all other forces at work in human conditions. That irresistable power is the love of God. It is my hope and prayer that it may destroy the prejudice of this one point of distinction between you and unite you all permanently under its hallowed protection.” Talk at Hull House, Chicago

Please discuss.

If you wish to read the article these quotes come from about race unity, which has been an active movement in America since 1912, here is a link.

Race Unity in America : An Active Movement Since 1912 – Ohio Baha'i

images (7).jpeg

Regards Tony
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
I do believe that we have come to a crossroads whereas we are going to have decide which kind of country we want to be for the future. We are slipping and are likely to continue to slip even more unless we come to grip with what's ailing us in several areas.

I can elaborate, but I have to leave shortly.


Veteran Member
I do believe that we have come to a crossroads whereas we are going to have decide which kind of country we want to be for the future. We are slipping and are likely to continue to slip even more unless we come to grip with what's ailing us in several areas.

I can elaborate, but I have to leave shortly.

I think I know what you mean.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I do believe that we have come to a crossroads whereas we are going to have decide which kind of country we want to be for the future. We are slipping and are likely to continue to slip even more unless we come to grip with what's ailing us in several areas.

I can elaborate, but I have to leave shortly.

I'd say we have to deal with:

- racism
- misogyny
- wealth and income inequality
- massive government corruption
- the environment
- other investments for us and future generations

Not necessarily in that order.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Not overnight and not without forward and backward movement, but given my 75 years on Earth, I see it happening in actions like this:

‘Walk with us!’ On fourth night, Lexington police officers walk with protesters

Mayhaps we're watching not the destruction, but the re-construction of Ameristan.
Here's to hoping that all this woe spurs progress that both libs & cons can enjoy.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Mayhaps we're watching not the destruction, but the re-construction of Ameristan.
Here's to hoping that all this woe spurs progress that both libs & cons can enjoy.

It is good to see the positive that does result from conflict based events. It is important that people see the results of predudices and disunity.

Regards Tony


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
Prejudice is hatred without cause. Very hard to get these kinds of people to change. We need to start looking at people as individuals among individuals. A herd, or group mentality is only going to make things worse.

What are the attributes of God that can change the hearts of mankind?

When people lose their sense of moral responsibility, their sense of a clear right and wrong, and when people fail to look within themselves for the change they want to make, Then in times of crisis chaos bubbles over, and evil invites itself in.

I don't sense a world unity unfolding. Each generation has to fight for freedom and justice for all. But the peace is won among those who's aim is to do right by the virtues they hold dear.

If God has higher will then humanity then it's through love that people will make the necessary steps to re-establish peace.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
I really feel a great affinity for the American people as it grapples with a number of core issues in regards identity and nation building. One of the most important is race unity and without it any nation falls and is unworthy of contributing to the moral leadership the world so desperately lacks.

America has been an important ally for both New Zealand and Australia for over a century. We’ve been allies and fought together in a number of historical wars. We are democratic nations who hold similar ideals. We have all had to work incredibly hard to build better relationships with our indigenous peoples and all races. In a heartbeat it could easily be New Zealand or Australia whose racial tensions and wounds come to the surface for all the world to see.

Faith communities across our countries have made concerted efforts to build unity and set an example of how we hope to be. The Baha’i community is a relatively young religious movement that took root in America in the later part of the nineteenth century. The African-American community has been an essential part of who we are as our community from the earliest days. As a faith community we have had many challenges and successes in building race unity. However it remains a work in progress for us all, and none of us can claim perfection, indeed far from it.

I believe most Americans deeply care about their country and want to be united and freed from the disease of racism. With those aims in mind New Zealanders and Australians stand beside America as true friends.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
As long as America has Donald Trump as President, nothing is going to get better. I say it now with heartfelt certainty -- he is the worst possible person to be in charge at this time, and for so many reasons that we've all seen over the past 3 1/2 years.

This is a man who admires -- by his own acknowledgement -- the strongman dictators of the world: Putin, Erdogan, Xi, Kim. How he longs to be like them, oh it's a heartfelt longing, practically sexual, I'm betting.

And now he is: he cleared out peaceful protesters for no other reason than the world's silliest photo-op -- holding up a Bible (he had to get from somebody else) in front of a church, like he was the new Saviour! Why can't America see him for what he is? He's threatening to do what he has no legal right to do -- send federal troops into states without them requesting it -- to quell dissent. He'll be turning every town square into Tien An Men square before you know it.

Why can't Americans see him for what he is?

But until they do, nothing is going to get better any more. Find a way to heal from the disaster that is (hopefully soon "was") Trump, and maybe. But if not, your divisions will lead you to a long, slow disaster that you will deeply regret.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I do believe that we have come to a crossroads whereas we are going to have decide which kind of country we want to be for the future. We are slipping and are likely to continue to slip even more unless we come to grip with what's ailing us in several areas.

I can elaborate, but I have to leave shortly.

Understand that I fully support you view, but...

I don't think "we" can make that decision. Maybe you and I can but the "world" seems to have its own idea about how to proceed into the future. Unless perhaps you are an oligarch with the money to manipulate the media, you and I aren't even a player in the decision making.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is in a debate section so all can discuss, it is not a debate I am after, but solutions offered to race disunity.

In 1912 in America a talk was given by Abdul'baha, the New York Times reported that the mission stated in the talk was “to do away with prejudices…, prejudice of nationality, of race, of religion.” The article also quotes the talk directly: “The time has come for humanity to hoist the standard of the oneness of the human world, so that dogmatic formulas and superstitions may end.”

Not long after to an overflowing crowd in Rankin Chapel at Howard University, the first predominantly black audience ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would address in America, the Reverend Wilbur Patterson Thirkield, Howard’s eighth President, introduced ‘Abdu'l-Bahá. In that talk He offered;

“Animals, despite the fact that they lack reason and understanding, do not make colors the cause of conflict. Why should man, who has reason, create conflict? This is wholly unworthy of him.”

Many talks were given on Race Unity and removal of predudices in America that year and reported in the news across the country, but the topic of this thread comes from this quote, from one of those talks;

“Until these prejudices are entirely removed from the people of the world,” he wrote, “the realm of humanity will not find rest. Nay, rather, discord and bloodshed will be increased day by day, and the foundation of the prosperity of the world of man will be destroyed.” “Now is the time for the Americans to take up this matter and unite both the white and colored races. Otherwise, hasten ye towards destruction! Hasten ye toward devastation!” “Indeed, there is a greater danger than only the shedding of blood. It is the destruction of America.”

So that is the topic, I personally see the destruction of America is Anarchy, where it's unity in its diversity is destroyed by godless actions, which to me, the solutions were given in another talk offered in the same year.

“But there is a need for a superior power to overcome human prejudices, a power which nothing in the world of mankind can withstand and which will overshadow the effect of all other forces at work in human conditions. That irresistable power is the love of God. It is my hope and prayer that it may destroy the prejudice of this one point of distinction between you and unite you all permanently under its hallowed protection.” Talk at Hull House, Chicago

Please discuss.

If you wish to read the article these quotes come from about race unity, which has been an active movement in America since 1912, here is a link.

Race Unity in America : An Active Movement Since 1912 – Ohio Baha'i

View attachment 40453

Regards Tony
People just have to stop using race as a tool of leverage and a means to an end, and to stop reminding people of one's skin color which reinforces even more, ones differences. Especially with media.

Equanimity doesn't do much good if you keep reminding and pointing out the differences so it's not a real big surprise to come across prejudice and bigotry.

Like I said many times nobody listens to God, aka Morgan Freeman who says if you want to end racism, stop talking about it.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
People just have to stop using race as a tool of leverage and a means to an end, and to stop reminding people of one's skin color which reinforces even more, ones differences. Especially with media.

Equanimity doesn't do much good if you keep reminding and pointing out the differences so it's not a real big surprise to come across prejudice and bigotry.

Like I said many times nobody listens to God, aka Morgan Freeman who says if you want to end racism, stop talking about it.
The way that is working is that people should stop talking about a problem because if they do it will magically disappear.

Some day discrimination will be irrelevant but not today.


Veteran Member
This is in a debate section so all can discuss, it is not a debate I am after, but solutions offered to race disunity.

In 1912 in America a talk was given by Abdul'baha, the New York Times reported that the mission stated in the talk was “to do away with prejudices…, prejudice of nationality, of race, of religion.” The article also quotes the talk directly: “The time has come for humanity to hoist the standard of the oneness of the human world, so that dogmatic formulas and superstitions may end.”

Not long after to an overflowing crowd in Rankin Chapel at Howard University, the first predominantly black audience ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would address in America, the Reverend Wilbur Patterson Thirkield, Howard’s eighth President, introduced ‘Abdu'l-Bahá. In that talk He offered;

“Animals, despite the fact that they lack reason and understanding, do not make colors the cause of conflict. Why should man, who has reason, create conflict? This is wholly unworthy of him.”

Many talks were given on Race Unity and removal of predudices in America that year and reported in the news across the country, but the topic of this thread comes from this quote, from one of those talks;

“Until these prejudices are entirely removed from the people of the world,” he wrote, “the realm of humanity will not find rest. Nay, rather, discord and bloodshed will be increased day by day, and the foundation of the prosperity of the world of man will be destroyed.” “Now is the time for the Americans to take up this matter and unite both the white and colored races. Otherwise, hasten ye towards destruction! Hasten ye toward devastation!” “Indeed, there is a greater danger than only the shedding of blood. It is the destruction of America.”

So that is the topic, I personally see the destruction of America is Anarchy, where it's unity in its diversity is destroyed by godless actions, which to me, the solutions were given in another talk offered in the same year.

“But there is a need for a superior power to overcome human prejudices, a power which nothing in the world of mankind can withstand and which will overshadow the effect of all other forces at work in human conditions. That irresistable power is the love of God. It is my hope and prayer that it may destroy the prejudice of this one point of distinction between you and unite you all permanently under its hallowed protection.” Talk at Hull House, Chicago

Please discuss.

If you wish to read the article these quotes come from about race unity, which has been an active movement in America since 1912, here is a link.

Race Unity in America : An Active Movement Since 1912 – Ohio Baha'i

View attachment 40453

Regards Tony
Sometimes I feel we still have a long way to go, before the unity is established.
It might be after the next Manifestation of God.