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The devil is using the Democratic Party to destroy America


Veteran Member
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Millions must recognize how the enemy is using the Democratic Party with its seductive, totally unrealistic, godless vision for America.
There are millions of people who agree with you about that, although I don't think half of the country does. About half tend to support Republican candidates and half Democrats; but its not a Satan versus God situation. This is a human squabble, just a passing thing not particularly important in the grand scheme. Very little has changed in the USA since its beginning, except that technology has changed. You I suggest have been weaponized by a political party.

Here is the list of Democratic party issues from the OP article:
1. Radical redistribution of wealth;
2. Aggressive climate change initiatives;
3. Complete takeover of health care by federal government plus inclusion of all illegal immigrants;
4. Open immigration policy with full acceptance of all children and relatives; no border walls, entrance requirements, E-verify or penalties for those refusing deportation; disregarding the rule of law and full support for “sanctuary cities”; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros funded anarchy to “crash” our immigration system;
5. Government control over corporate profits;
6. Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above;
7. Legalization of recreational marijuana;
8. Implementation of comprehensive LGBTQ agenda – including indoctrination of children in schools, transgender initiatives, gender reassignment surgery and removal of any “sexual discrimination” in the workplace and schools, disregarding conscience objections;
9. Taxpayer-financed abortion-on-demand until birth with full-funding of Planned Parenthood;
10. Major defense spending cuts with money redistributed to entitlements;
11. Comprehensive gun control;
12. Liberal, not originalist, judges on the Supreme Court and federal courts;
13. Alignment and support for radical feminist agenda and marches;
14. Increased censorship of “hateful” conservative thought on social media;
15. Liberalized voting standards to include fraudulent practices and everyone the party deems as “disenfranchised”;
16. Partnership with Palestinians;
17. Alignment with United Nations and European Union transnationalism initiatives promoting “One World” globalism, rather than nationalism with international cooperation;
18. Euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide;
19. Taxpayer-funded child-care and college tuition;
20. Elimination of the Electoral College; and
21. Re-establishing the Iranian “nuclear deal” alongside increased protection for Islamic “rights” in America and abroad at the expense of Israel’s safety.
What should interest you is that the above list represents Republican positions, too. In fact both parties are in favor of 1, 6, 7. Many of the items on the list are incorrect or fringe and have adherents in both political parties.

"Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing." Isaiah 40:15

“Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1Peter 5:8-9).
[Full Article]
I suggest the person writing the article is not your friend. First of all, "The Devil" has been left untranslated there. The word is diabolos not satan, and it refers to someone who makes an undeserved accusation in a court. In this case its someone accusing Christians of being evil. This is central to 1 Peter which talks about being accused while being a good person. Its got nothing to do with a political party. The article is written in obscene ignorance what is called "Talking out of their ***."

As for the Republican party? Its a group of people concerned with policy decisions that affect how the economy is run, and everything else is beans to them. Consider how many decades they have been promising to outlaw abortion, yet they never do. At the same time Republicans have abortions. Despite this you believe Satan supports the Democrats but not the Republicans. huh


I didn't actually watch the video, but I don't think satan has any preference for the Democratic party. Satan uses anything and everything attempting to destroy anyone and everyone.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... John 10:10


The Mind Is Everything. U R What U Think
You can start looking for hair growing on the palms of your hands.
My what a vulgar creature it is that would think that is a proper response to a thread they're not mature enough to ignore when they disagree with the content.
And after choosing an Amish avatar to slander the brethren.


The Mind Is Everything. U R What U Think
Yes I have. I've been reading it since I was 6. Nowhere is Satan described as evil, the ruler of this world, a fallen angel, or any of that nonsense.
I hope not a single person, not even the atheist, believes a word of that.
Because I know you are false.

Look people, on the Net we know there are liars, real whack jobs, ridiculous websites, etc...

But when someone anywhere at all attempts to impugn the Jewish faith, think twice, and research for yourself. Don't be lazy and just believe them. Because in the process you are disparaging countless people who have been murdered because they were Jews. And anyone anywhere lying about the Jewish faith is no better .
It "ain't" hard. Jews publish sites to refute the adversary, Satan, that is out there aligned against them.
My Jewish Learning d o (otherwise :D appears spelling d o the normal way)
Jews Believe in Satan?

In Jewish texts, the devil is sometimes an adversary and sometimes an embodiment of evil.

Is Satan Elohim's Archenemy or Not? | Hoshana Rabbah Blog

Outreach Judaism: https://outreachjudaism.org/who-is-satan/
Last edited:


aged ecumenical anthropologist
BTW, if Trump is some sort of religious saint, then why does he act and say so much that's evil by pretty much any religious standards? Do I need to even list some of them?

Also, the various intelligence agencies met in council yesterday, and even though they're all Republicans and Trump-appointees, they disagreed with Trump's policies on ISIS, Iran, North Korea, Russian, and climate change? Ah, but how could I forget that Trump says he knows so much more than even all the generals? On top of that, they did not support Trump's assertion that we have a "border crisis".

So @TheresOnlyNow, do you have more faith in Trump than even our own intelligence agencies that includes our military leaders?


The Mind Is Everything. U R What U Think
That makes no sense, Jesus totally hates Trump probably because he's Hitler and Jesus was a Jew:

No, but considering most of the conversations around here....
Man, it never stops being pathetic when people invoke Adolf and know not one *amn thing about WW2 or Hitler, and think it makes in this case Trump look bad. No, it makes the ignorant that knows nothing about Hitler look pathetic.
And antisemitic.


The Mind Is Everything. U R What U Think
Yep. We need a 5 billion dollar lawn mower... What idiot takes this woman seriously?
The Liberals in the House that elected her to be their Speaker. And of course the Democrats of America who voted her to be their Representative in the 2018 mid-terms. Again. She's a career politician thanks to them.


The Mind Is Everything. U R What U Think
You clearly need to relax some more.
You need to stop flagrantly violating the rules against name calling. As do those who *** in order to vomit forth vulgar name calling against members. As does one who is so deviant as to impart their own masturbation issues against a WOMAN! This one. Because they're not capable of civility.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member

Millions must recognize how the enemy is using the Democratic Party with its seductive, totally unrealistic, godless vision for America.

“Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1Peter 5:8-9).
[Full Article]

And he likes his disciples stupid.

I don't believe in the devil. Just human beings going about doing stupid and sometimes evil things. I don't think even if there were a devil, humans need any help going about doing stupid and evil things so why bring the devil into the picture?


yawn <ignore> yawn
Huh... Weird how they never put this plan into action the whole time that they were in power for eight years.
When was that?
I am 60, and I don't recall it.

You can't be talking about the Obama administration. For 6 of those 8 years, Capitol Hill was dominated by TeaParty Republicans determined to undermine anything Obama did.
No matter the cost to the USA.


Veteran Member
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But noooooo.

So, hi! :D
Wishing you and yours a blessed and merry Christmas. And a peace filled and prosperous New Year.

I hope this is OK. I wanted to give a Christmas gift that for the Christian, in my view as one, keeps on giving.
That was your first thread around christmas, before you made so many unchristian and paranoid posts and embarrassed the faith. Even though I don't fully blame you for your paranoid statements, I can't help feeling angry. Please don't come back.

We Never Know

No Slack
IMHO the title should read "The devil is using politicians to destroy America".
We are were we are at because of both parties.