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The Difference between Pentacostal Christianity and Witchcraft?


Obstructor of justice
I'm sure that title grabbed your attention :D

I don't mean that in a religious sense, but in a practical sense. Having been involved for a short while with Pentacostal/Charismatic Christians, I've noticed some similarities between it, certain Word of Faith doctrines and practices, and modern witchcraft (I say modern only because I don't see similarities when dealing with folk magic).

For example, many times in these churches you will see parishioners worshipping with their arms outstretched, trying to reach God, or to feel His love. Well, this is similar to the way in which many witches draw in energy and worship their Gods. Laying of hands also strikes me as being very similar to Reiki practices.

The Word of Faith movement seems to be much more New Age than Christian. I often see Joel Osteen's books marketed in bookstores along-side "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction". Those two books are really nothing but watered-down witchcraft taken out of context (as, the basis of most magic is will, and the "power of positive thinking").

So, how is it that Christians can follow these teachings and participate in these practices, and then condemn witchcraft as evil?


Through the Looking Glass
The fundamental tenet of Evangelical Christianity, the "profession of faith," "acceptance of Jesus" or "sinner's prayer" seems like spellcasting - power is exerted over/through a deity by the authority of certain combinations of words that affect the deity's actions and interventions in "reality."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I can see where the two might be compared. Isn't it generally the goal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian services to get their parishoners high by working them into a "religious frenzy?" I can see how this could be compared to the Hedonism of some of the atavistic "Nature religions"

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I'm sure that title grabbed your attention :D

I don't mean that in a religious sense, but in a practical sense. Having been involved for a short while with Pentacostal/Charismatic Christians, I've noticed some similarities between it, certain Word of Faith doctrines and practices, and modern witchcraft (I say modern only because I don't see similarities when dealing with folk magic).

For example, many times in these churches you will see parishioners worshipping with their arms outstretched, trying to reach God, or to feel His love. Well, this is similar to the way in which many witches draw in energy and worship their Gods. Laying of hands also strikes me as being very similar to Reiki practices.

The Word of Faith movement seems to be much more New Age than Christian. I often see Joel Osteen's books marketed in bookstores along-side "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction". Those two books are really nothing but watered-down witchcraft taken out of context (as, the basis of most magic is will, and the "power of positive thinking").

So, how is it that Christians can follow these teachings and participate in these practices, and then condemn witchcraft as evil?
Using the model of worship ordained by God to worsip falsely is not uncommon. When Christ sent Legion into the pigs He condemned the raising of those pigs for sacrifice on the altar to a false god Baal, who was to rule the elements. The model of sacrifice followed the offering of clean animals to the true God. He also proved His power over the elements to the apostles when He calmed the sea just previous to this.
Justifying fase worship because it follows true worship as ordained by God does not condemn true worship rites. It is quite the opposite.

Nice try though.

Not really.


Deviled Hen
Using the model of worship ordained by God to worsip falsely is not uncommon. When Christ sent Legion into the pigs He condemned the raising of those pigs for sacrifice on the altar to a false god Baal, who was to rule the elements. The model of sacrifice followed the offering of clean animals to the true God. He also proved His power over the elements to the apostles when He calmed the sea just previous to this.
Justifying fase worship because it follows true worship as ordained by God does not condemn true worship rites. It is quite the opposite.

You appear to have missed this early sentence from the OP:

MaddLlama said:
I don't mean that in a religious sense, but in a practical sense.
Sandy Whitelinger said:
Nice try though.

Not really.
So, the sum total of your response on the "practical" aspects is "not really"?

Nice try though.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
You appear to have missed this early sentence from the OP:

So, the sum total of your response on the "practical" aspects is "not really"?

Nice try though.
Removing the sriritual sense from the practical sense is a red herring. It is like asking why touching a soccer ball in play is foul when it isn't in football.


Obstructor of justice
Using the model of worship ordained by God to worsip falsely is not uncommon. When Christ sent Legion into the pigs He condemned the raising of those pigs for sacrifice on the altar to a false god Baal, who was to rule the elements. The model of sacrifice followed the offering of clean animals to the true God. He also proved His power over the elements to the apostles when He calmed the sea just previous to this.
Justifying fase worship because it follows true worship as ordained by God does not condemn true worship rites. It is quite the opposite.

Nice try though.

Not really.

Pentacostal/Charismatic worship and the word of faith movement is just as modern as the witchcraft associated with neo-paganism, so neither of them can really be compared to a model of worship set down thousands of years ago. Neither group sacrifices animals, and I highly doubt that the first followers of Jesus could be found in churches swaying with their arms up in the air as a form of "drawing down God's love".

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Pentacostal/Charismatic worship and the word of faith movement is just as modern as the witchcraft associated with neo-paganism, so neither of them can really be compared to a model of worship set down thousands of years ago. Neither group sacrifices animals, and I highly doubt that the first followers of Jesus could be found in churches swaying with their arms up in the air as a form of "drawing down God's love".
Neither is there scriptural condemnation of the pentacostal practice yet there is condemnation for witchcraft. It is the purpose in the heart that is paramount.


Obstructor of justice
Neither is there scriptural condemnation of the pentacostal practice yet there is condemnation for witchcraft. It is the purpose in the heart that is paramount.

So, then one is OK because it focuses on God, and the other is not OK because it doesn't?

Why is "Christian Witchcraft" condemned also then?

Is drawing in the power of God during worship at all similar to magic?


Lord of the Badgers
The similarities aren't surprising, to me anyway.

Firstly, we're all human beings so our minds work in a pretty similar fashion no matter who we are or what we believe - so it's not really surprising that different religions would develop similar rituals and ways of communicating/feeling close to God.

Secondly, just as Christianity absorbed many pagan practices as it developed in Rome, i have little doubt that the neo-pagan faiths borrow aspects from the cultures they have arisen from - i.e. Christian ones.

As to why Chrisitians condemn witchcraft, its condemned in the Bible and if its in the Bible it must be true. ;)


Jesus loves you
I would say that quite a few practices are nothing less than plain witchcraft / shamanism redressed in Christian language.

Visualising what you want and then speaking it in to reality.

Using faith as some kind of force to get what you want.

Visualising Jesus or other saints and then talking to them to get advice.

Going into hypnotic trances to traumatic past events and introducing Jesus into them.

Saying "In Jesus' Name" as though it is a sure way to get your prayers answered.

Repeating set prayers such as the prayer of Jabez.

Anointed candles, handkercheifs etc.

I agree with the OP but you should know that it is not accepted as sound practice throughout Christianity there are many books and lectures given against this kind of thing.

Edit: B.T.W - there are plenty of pentecostals who are not involved with this kind of thing whose services I am more than happy to attend, I was raised a pentecostal for 6 years and have seen it practiced within biblical direction and it is wonderful.


Obstructor of justice
I agree with the OP but you should know that it is not accepted as sound practice throughout Christianity there are many books and lectures given against this kind of thing.

Edit: B.T.W - there are plenty of pentecostals who are not involved with this kind of thing whose services I am more than happy to attend, I was raised a pentecostal for 6 years and have seen it practiced within biblical direction and it is wonderful.

Oh, I realize that this isn't something that goes on across the board It's just struck me as odd, since I find that the Christians who do these sorts of things are often the first to tell me how wrong witchcraft is. I always found that sort of strange. And I see a lot of people who are "ex-witches" go that direction, and sometimes I wonder if it's because the style of worship is more familiar.


Jesus loves you
And I see a lot of people who are "ex-witches" go that direction, and sometimes I wonder if it's because the style of worship is more familiar.

I only know of a couple of ex witches, one was doreen irvine who was a high priestess and lives near to me she went to pentecostalism. It's an interesting point, I know of a couple of ex witches who became pentecostals, one was was Doreen Irvine who lives near to me, she was a high priestess who tells an amazing story, I couldn't guess as to why they are attracted to pentecostalism first though.


Obstructor of justice
This is kind of off-topic, but Paul, please promise me that you won't believe what she says at face value, if you ever speak to her? Being somewhat familiar with her stuff, her story may be more sensationalism to steal the money of dutiful Christians than actual truth.

Just sayin'...:eek:


Well-Known Member
So, how is it that Christians can follow these teachings and participate in these practices, and then condemn witchcraft as evil?

I've learned alot about what other christians believe sence I've been a member on this fourm. As I've said before I was raised southen babtist Which is very close to what holiness pentcostal's belive. They are raised to believe that witchcraft is a tool of the devil & is not of thire God. They take the bible at face vaule PERIOD!
When I first came on here there were I didn't understand why those who call themselves christians did not believe the same. Again I know this is slightly off topic. :sorry1: