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The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

Jesus Christ, the Holy Prophet of the Holy Bible taught this: Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.

The prophet of Islam, Mohammed said: Hate your enemies and make them surrender to the god of prophet Mohammed and if they don't surrender, kill them.

The God of the Holy Bible says: I will do it for you. And He did and still does.
The god of the koran says: you have to do it for me. And he waits for Muslims to do it, whatever the "it". is for example like winning wars. For one example take all the wars that Israel fought against the Arab nations, especially the Six-day war. Four million Jews against 120 million Arabs., In just 6 days the Jews won. Just Google for " Miracles of the Six-day war" and read what you get.
Only the Almighty God of Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and King David could have won the war for His Chosen People, the Jews. There is no other explanation.

Once when an USA army General was asked why the USA doesn't study Israeli war strategies, his answer: We do not study miracles.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, the Holy Prophet of the Holy Bible taught this: Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.

The prophet of Islam, Mohammed said: Hate your enemies and make them surrender to the god of prophet Mohammed and if they don't surrender, kill them.

The God of the Holy Bible says: I will do it for you. And He did and still does.
The god of the koran says: you have to do it for me. And he waits for Muslims to do it, whatever the "it". is for example like winning wars. For one example take all the wars that Israel fought against the Arab nations, especially the Six-day war. Four million Jews against 120 million Arabs., In just 6 days the Jews won. Just Google for " Miracles of the Six-day war" and read what you get.
Only the Almighty God of Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and King David could have won the war for His Chosen People, the Jews. There is no other explanation.

Once when an USA army General was asked why the USA doesn't study Israeli war strategies, his answer: We do not study miracles.
The miracle would be when the Muslims know they follow a book written by humans and accumulated from multiple books
The miracleyou getwhena Muslimknowsthat Muhammad wasthe reasonpeopleaway fromGod
The miracle will get if the faith of Muslims that the Jews are human beings and have the right to exist in their original
But with signs of hatred in the Qur'an
And the faith of the Muslims that the Jews are not human beings will remain a long and bloody conflict
I believe in peace between Jews and Arabs and Muslims
Peaceisthe right ofIsraelto exist asa human right
And that all components are raise the hatred of Jews and Christians
This is abig miracle

Gnostic Seeker

Well they have two things in common, at least in their basic theology: that they have replaced Jews as Yahweh's people, and that the whole world will one day be Christian/Islamic. Those are the similarities that worry me.


Jesus in me
1. The Christian belief that the Messiah is the son of God.

I believe there is no difference between the Bible and the Qu'ran on this, so the differences are due to misinterpretations. So I do not believe this has to be characterizied as a Christian belief although it certainly can be included in Christin beliefs.

If one were to misinterpret the Qu'ran to say otherwise i would ask those people if they wanted me to consider that the Qu'ran is just written by a man since it supposedly disagrees with the Word of God in the Bible.


Jesus in me
Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

There is no widening gap.
It is as wide as it needs to be for Christians to remain Christian and Muslims Muslim.

I don't beleive there needs to be much of a gap but certainly there are things that would define one as Christian and another as Muslim.


Jesus in me
Superstitious people are superstitious and leery of other people's superstitions.
I believe I am not a supersticious person but I am leery of those who think of religious people as supersticious. I suspect it is a supersticion on their part.
The miracle would be when the Muslims know they follow a book written by humans and accumulated from multiple books
The miracleyou getwhena Muslimknowsthat Muhammad wasthe reasonpeopleaway fromGod
The miracle will get if the faith of Muslims that the Jews are human beings and have the right to exist in their original
But with signs of hatred in the Qur'an
And the faith of the Muslims that the Jews are not human beings will remain a long and bloody conflict
I believe in peace between Jews and Arabs and Muslims
Peaceisthe right ofIsraelto exist asa human right
And that all components are raise the hatred of Jews and Christians
This is abig miracle

Sorry...there could never be peace between the Jews and Arabs. Why? Because of the fact that Arabs are not able to co-exist with thier brethren. This hatred started with the two sons of Father Abraham. The second son Isaac (from mother Sarah) was hated by the first son Ishmael (from mother Hagar). Pl. read Genesis ch. 16 in the Holy Bible. This is what it is: Genesis 6:12: He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers.” (The Jews are the brothers of the Arabs because both had Abraham as father).

Here's another point: Ever since Israel was recognized as sovereign nation by the United Nations Council in 1948, all Arab nations have vowed to destroy that tiny nation. They fought against Israel 6 times thinking that Israel could be totally wiped out. But what happened? Israel even though so tiny compared to the Arab nations around her, still she won all the wars hands down. If anybody thinks that Israel won because they had superior power in themselves, they art dead wrong. Why? Because it is NOT Israel fighting. It is the Almighty God of Isaac, Jacob, David fighting against the enemies of the Jews, keeping His promise which He made to the forefathers of the Chosen People called the Hebrews (a.k.a. the Jews).
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Sorry...there could never be peace between the Jews and Arabs. Why? Because of the fact that Arabs are not able to co-exist with thier brethren. This hatred started with the two sons of Father Abraham. The second son Isaac (from mother Sarah) was hated by the first son Ishmael (from mother Hagar). Pl. read Genesis ch. 16 in the Holy Bible. This is what it is: Genesis 6:12: He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers.” (The Jews are the brothers of the Arabs because both had Abraham as father).

Here's another point: Ever since Israel was recognized as sovereign nation by the United Nations Council in 1948, all Arab nations have vowed to destroy that tiny nation. They fought against Israel 6 times thinking that Israel could be totally wiped out. But what happened? Israel even though so tiny compared to the Arab nations around her, still she won all the wars hands down. If anybody thinks that Israel won because they had superior power in themselves, they art dead wrong. Why? Because it is NOT Israel fighting. It is the Almighty God of Isaac, Jacob, David fighting against the enemies of the Jews, keeping His promise which He made to the forefathers of the Chosen People called the Hebrews (a.k.a. the Jews).
Thisfalls far shortof logic
1. because common sense says that if they are brothers in the descent, this means that they are brothers, even in our time
2. historically did not prove that the Arabs have had influence on the Jews
Because the Arabs were not the owners of ancient civilizations/
The Arabs were residents of the desert Bedouin origin and did not know of any civilization of their own
3. Islam is the main reason to create so-called khedara Arabic
Even this misnomer
For the civilization that calls itself Arab or Islamic country is of abstract three civilizations destroyed by Islam
The Mesopotamian civilization and civilization of the Pharaohs and Roman and Byzantine civilization also unto the
4. the Arab State was not known until Islam came
This is not to say that there was hostility between Arabs and Jews historically
The Arabs were without any effect
Thehistorybefore Islam
6. the Jews were influential people in Yemen and Yemen is not Arab
The islandssurroundinginArabicis not Araborigin
The judgement States between Persians and Chaldeans and Assyrians
7. for these reasons, I believe that there is no historical enmity or hostility in this sense and kindly
8. remains owing to hostility and the rise of Islam
Islam is the planting of hostility between Jews and Muslims
Because not all Muslims are Arabs
But all the Muslims declare their hatred to Israel
And not the Arabs only
Because these yrmanon in the Qur'an
The Koran is the cause of this hate
9. Palestinians are not of Arab origin
The ancientinhabitants of PalestinewereofCretehad emigratedto
They were able to build their small or petty country
Because they built Israel when they entered land was population a mixture of Palestinians, and colonies of the Assyrians and Chaldeans, Egyptians and Greeks also
10. the conclusion of what I write now-
Thatthere can beno peace
Because the Prophet Muhammad Quran peace
He called for the extermination of Israel
The Qur'an says of the descriptions of the Jews
The Qur'ansaysabout the Jewsthe sons ofmonkeys andpigs
SohatetoJewsisthe wordspreadamong the Muslims
Therefore I say that Quran books that spread hatred
The world must address this problem quickly
And works to prevent the dissemination of the Koran because it holds these teachings calling for racial hatred

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Well they have two things in common, at least in their basic theology: that they have replaced Jews as Yahweh's people, and that the whole world will one day be Christian/Islamic. Those are the similarities that worry me.
This is not true
Because Islam is not theology
If the objective of Christianity spread
They are trying to spread to bone core teachings
It calls for peace education
And any education world believes in peace and love is meet with Christian, Jewish and are influential in spreading the love in the world
As taaaim Islam does not know peace and hate
And this is even possible and you don't meet with atheist thus the teachings
You areinyour atheismpeacefulcloser toChristianity fromIslam

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
1. The Christian belief that the Messiah is the son of God.

I believe there is no difference between the Bible and the Qu'ran on this, so the differences are due to misinterpretations. So I do not believe this has to be characterizied as a Christian belief although it certainly can be included in Christin beliefs.

If one were to misinterpret the Qu'ran to say otherwise i would ask those people if they wanted me to consider that the Qu'ran is just written by a man since it supposedly disagrees with the Word of God in the Bible.
Understandthe Quranwell
In the Qur'an,twocontradictoryChrist
Clear positionis that itdoes not believein Christ
2. Islam cannot be had with Judaism and Christianity
He put the name of Muhammad with the name of God in faith
This is an effective and important reason to know that the Jews refused to mention any name with God
It's an original and absolute unification
3. Christians believe in Christ is not fully human
That Christ is God in the presence in the body of Christ
Christians reject the idea of polytheism as accused by the Qur'an
And Christian is integral to Jewish monotheism
The Muslim hasto choose betweenQur'ancontradictions
Becauseof our faithin Islam is Islam
Not the oneness
Christianity and Judaism made oneness an undiminished but Mohammed common ignorance
This false teaching
Thisfalls far shortof logic
1. because common sense says that if they are brothers in the descent, this means that they are brothers, even in our time
2. historically did not prove that the Arabs have had influence on the Jews
Because the Arabs were not the owners of ancient civilizations/
The Arabs were residents of the desert Bedouin origin and did not know of any civilization of their own
3. Islam is the main reason to create so-called khedara Arabic
Even this misnomer
For the civilization that calls itself Arab or Islamic country is of abstract three civilizations destroyed by Islam
The Mesopotamian civilization and civilization of the Pharaohs and Roman and Byzantine civilization also unto the
4. the Arab State was not known until Islam came
This is not to say that there was hostility between Arabs and Jews historically
The Arabs were without any effect
Thehistorybefore Islam
6. the Jews were influential people in Yemen and Yemen is not Arab
The islandssurroundinginArabicis not Araborigin
The judgement States between Persians and Chaldeans and Assyrians
7. for these reasons, I believe that there is no historical enmity or hostility in this sense and kindly
8. remains owing to hostility and the rise of Islam
Islam is the planting of hostility between Jews and Muslims
Because not all Muslims are Arabs
But all the Muslims declare their hatred to Israel
And not the Arabs only
Because these yrmanon in the Qur'an
The Koran is the cause of this hate
9. Palestinians are not of Arab origin
The ancientinhabitants of PalestinewereofCretehad emigratedto
They were able to build their small or petty country
Because they built Israel when they entered land was population a mixture of Palestinians, and colonies of the Assyrians and Chaldeans, Egyptians and Greeks also
10. the conclusion of what I write now-
Thatthere can beno peace
Because the Prophet Muhammad Quran peace
He called for the extermination of Israel
The Qur'an says of the descriptions of the Jews
The Qur'ansaysabout the Jewsthe sons ofmonkeys andpigs
SohatetoJewsisthe wordspreadamong the Muslims
Therefore I say that Quran books that spread hatred
The world must address this problem quickly
And works to prevent the dissemination of the Koran because it holds these teachings calling for racial hatred

Muslims believe that their god and the God of the Holy Bible are the very same god. They believe that Abraham who is thier forefather who is also the forefather of the Jews, had the very same god. What they fail to realize is that the God of the Jews (Hebrews) LOVES the Jews and the Land of Israel whereas the god of Islam HATES the Jews and the Land of Israel. This fact alone should teach the arabs that the god of the Koran can never be the God of the Torah (Old Testament of the Holy Bible). Arabs believe that thier foremother Hagar was a princess from Egypt and NOT the slave woman of Sarah as the Torah states.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Muslims believe that their god and the God of the Holy Bible are the very same god. They believe that Abraham who is thier forefather who is also the forefather of the Jews, had the very same god. What they fail to realize is that the God of the Jews (Hebrews) LOVES the Jews and the Land of Israel whereas the god of Islam HATES the Jews and the Land of Israel. This fact alone should teach the arabs that the god of the Koran can never be the God of the Torah (Old Testament of the Holy Bible). Arabs believe that thier foremother Hagar was a princess from Egypt and NOT the slave woman of Sarah as the Torah states.
Thank you forthat clarification
The Arabs are trying to cling to myths not with historical logic
And also the God of Islam is not an instance to God the Jews or the Christians
There are threequalities thatcannot beaccepted by theJewishor Christian
Even a healthy mind
1. God Foxy-2-God traverses-.
3. God forget.-
4. God is harmful-.
5. God kills
6. function of God in Islam strange function
Imagine it is the marriage contract between Muhammad and Zaynab Bint jahsh
I think that's enough to know that the God of Islam is different from God in Christianity and Judaism
Muslims believe that their god and the God of the Holy Bible are the very same god. They believe that Abraham who is thier forefather who is also the forefather of the Jews, had the very same god. What they fail to realize is that the God of the Jews (Hebrews) LOVES the Jews and the Land of Israel whereas the god of Islam HATES the Jews and the Land of Israel. This fact alone should teach the arabs that the god of the Koran can never be the God of the Torah (Old Testament of the Holy Bible). Arabs believe that thier foremother Hagar was a princess from Egypt and NOT the slave woman of Sarah as the Torah states.

Let me add a little here: The god of the Koran was revealed only after prophet Mohammed came into being in the Middle East, born into an Arab family and that means 500 yrs after prophet Jesus Christ, born into a Jewish family came on the scene in the same Middle East. Mohammed who was a caravan trader came across a lot of Jews in his travels and had long discussions with the Jews. This way Mohammed learned a lot from the Jewish religion and so most of the Koran is from the O.T. with many changes to suit his Islamic "theology." For an example the son who was taken by Abraham to be sacrificed was changed from Isaac to Ishmael.

The most horrible addition Mohammed made in the Koran is that Jesus Christ was never crucified. This can be easily proved to be wrong just by reading the writings of non-Christian historians. These historians had nothing to gain by writing false statements. They wrote that Jesus was crucified and killed. Pl. Google for : Crucifixion of Jesus recorded by secular historians. On this truth alone the Koran fails the test of truth.

Let me site the following taken from the Web site, www.cofcnet.org/…le_studies/christian_evidences/...
"Additionally, there is secular history that speaks of the death and resurrection of Christ. Josephus, the Jewish (not a Christian!) historian speaks of Christ's life, miracles, death and resurrection as a historical fact. Pagan historians such as Pliny, Tacitus and Suetonius speak of Christ's death and to some degree the belief by some that he arose from the dead. Can these non-Christian witnesses be completely ignored? Surely their record carries great weight, especially in light of what has already been proven from the Gospel record.

Add to this the fact that no first century historian testifies to the contrary. I know of no first century historian that claimed to have found the body of Jesus. I know of no first century historian that says the tomb was not empty. I know of no first century historian that was there when the disciples claimed to have seen Jesus after his resurrection and discredits their claim. We have abundant historical proof of Christ's resurrection and NO KNOWN DENIAL in early history. Truly, the resurrection of Christ is an established fact of history. You can believe it and place your hope on it's promise that someday, those faithful to God will also break forth from their graves, glorified and immortal. Or, you could join the ranks of unbelievers who deny the plain record of history and suffer the consequences at the end of time.
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I am responding to the foll: "10. Their disbelief in the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), even though he is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments."

Please show me the verses in the Holy Bible where the prophet Mohammed is mentioned.
At the moment, Islam has more guns. Catholicism is not Christianity.

Islam may have more guns but does it have more fire-power than what Chritian nations have, taking into consideration nuke-power?

As for Catholicism, it is definitely not real born-again Christianity. Why? Because Jesus Christ Himself said to a highly respected Jewish member of the Ruling Council of Israel that in order to get into heaven a person must be born again (John ch. 3 v.3) . So, according to the founder of Christianity, no person who is not born again has any part in true Christianity. Studying other parts of the Holy Bible it is patently clear that no idol worshipper will be a part of true Christianity. Therefore, every Roman Catholic person who bows down to a statue or an icon will ever get into heaven. Only those who qualify to get into heaven are considered to be of true Christianity.

Coming to all religions, they all fall into the category of UN-believers according to Jesus Christ. Why? Because the qualification to get into heaven--the Abode of Almighty God--is that a person must be born again by the power of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. A Google search for "Salvation in Jesus Christ" will show what I mean.

If anybody reading this wants to be BORN AGAIN so that at death he/she will get into the Heaven where the Lord, God and Personal Saviour Jesus Christ lives with His Father and Holy Angels, then here is a site to visit: How to Be Born Again: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow (If you visit this site, pl ignore the adverts at the very bottom because they are of some CULTS of Christianity).
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Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

5. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) was crucified by the Jews on the command of Pontius Pilate, and that he died on the cross.

And Allaah knows best.

If Allah knows best, how come Allah did not know about the crucifixion death of Jesus Christ? Just completely ignore the accounts in the Bible about the crucifixion of Jesus and look up the RECORD written by secular historians who lived during the time Jesus was crucified. Pl. visit this site and get the TRUTH.
Ancient Secular History Speaks About Jesus

Just remember that these historians were not at all Christians and thus had nothing to gain from what they wrote. They were writers of history and they wrote for the benefit of people who would come after they are dead and gone, people like us.
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I quote: " 2. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him)...."

My Qtn: How can any human being invoke PEACE upon "The Prince of Peace"?

Messiah means "the anointed One of Almighty God." Almighty God anointed the Messiah (The Saviour/Joshua/Jesus) already at His baptism by John the baptizer, not only with the power to do miracles but also with PEACE.

It is He Who grants PEACE to human beings, not human beings granting peace upon Him in prayer or other way!

No human being, full of sin as they are, has the power to say to God: "peace be upon you."
It's the other way around and thus the Words of Jesus: " in me ye might have peace."

Jesus was to be called the Prince of PEACE in a prophecy by Isaiah 900 yrs before Jesus was born. Here it is: " For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." ( Isa. 9:6.)

Prophet Isaiah even named the child [Jesus] The Mighty God and Everlasting Father. Was prophet Isaiah deranged (insane) to write such words?

John 16:32-33 King James Version (KJV)
32 [Jesus said] "Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
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Sura 2:133: Pickthall: Or were ye present when death came to Jacob, when he said unto his sons: What will ye worship after me? They said: We shall worship thy god, the god of thy fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, One Allah, and unto Him we have surrendered.

May I please know why the name Jacob has been omitted above? I ask it because father Abraham had a grandson Jacob in his lineage thru' wife Sarah? Btw, Hagar was his second wife thru whom Ishmael came. Since Jacob was in the first line via Sarah, why is Ishmael mentioned, when he was not of the first line?
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That list of Christian beliefs is not accurate. I don't have the time to go through it. Let me ask, do not muslims believe the Old Testament? What make you of Isaiah 53 (or Psalm 22)?

Isaiah 53

Who has believed what we've been saying?
Who has seen the Lord's saving power?
2 His servant grew up like a tender young plant.
He grew like a root coming up out of dry ground.
He didn't have any beauty or majesty that made us notice him.
There wasn't anything special about the way he looked that drew us to him.
3 Men looked down on him. They didn't accept him.
He knew all about sorrow and suffering.
He was like someone people turn their faces away from.
We looked down on him. We didn't have any respect for him.
4 He suffered the things we should have suffered.

He took on himself the pain that should have been ours.
But we thought God was punishing him.
We thought God was wounding him and making him suffer.
5 But the servant was pierced because we had sinned.

He was crushed because we had done what was evil.
He was punished to make us whole again.
His wounds have healed us.
6 All of us are like sheep. We have wandered away from God.
All of us have turned to our own way.
And the Lord has placed on his servant
the sins of all of us.
7 He was beaten down and made to suffer.
But he didn't open his mouth.
He was led away like a sheep to be killed.
Lambs are silent while their wool is being cut off.
In the same way, he didn't open his mouth.
8 He was arrested and sentenced to death.

Then he was taken away.
He was cut off from this life.
He was punished for the sins of my people.
Who among those who were living at that time
could have understood those things?
9 He was given a grave with those who were evil.
But his body was buried in the tomb of a rich man.
He was killed even though he hadn't harmed anyone.
And he had never lied to anyone.
10 The Lord says, "It was my plan to crush him
and cause him to suffer.
I made his life a guilt offering to pay for sin.

But he will see all of his children after him.
In fact, he will continue to live.
My plan will be brought about through him.
11 After he suffers, he will see the light that leads to life.
And he will be satisfied.
My godly servant will make many people godly
because of what he will accomplish.
He will be punished for their sins.

12 So I will give him a place of honor among those who are great.
He will be rewarded just like others who win the battle.
That is because he was willing to give his life as a sacrifice.

He was counted among those who had committed crimes.
He took the sins of many people on himself.

I disagree on the last line. Jesus Christ--the Perfect, Innocent, Substitute Lamb of Almighty God took the sins of ALL OF HUMANITY on Himself and died on the Cross of Calvary by shedding His Blood.

The proof is in the following verse in the Holy Bible.

John 1: 29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Thisfalls far shortof logic
1. because common sense says that if they are brothers in the descent, this means that they are brothers, even in our time
2. historically did not prove that the Arabs have had influence on the Jews
Because the Arabs were not the owners of ancient civilizations/
The Arabs were residents of the desert Bedouin origin and did not know of any civilization of their own
3. Islam is the main reason to create so-called khedara Arabic
Even this misnomer
For the civilization that calls itself Arab or Islamic country is of abstract three civilizations destroyed by Islam
The Mesopotamian civilization and civilization of the Pharaohs and Roman and Byzantine civilization also unto the
4. the Arab State was not known until Islam came
This is not to say that there was hostility between Arabs and Jews historically
The Arabs were without any effect
Thehistorybefore Islam
6. the Jews were influential people in Yemen and Yemen is not Arab
The islandssurroundinginArabicis not Araborigin
The judgement States between Persians and Chaldeans and Assyrians
7. for these reasons, I believe that there is no historical enmity or hostility in this sense and kindly
8. remains owing to hostility and the rise of Islam
Islam is the planting of hostility between Jews and Muslims
Because not all Muslims are Arabs
But all the Muslims declare their hatred to Israel
And not the Arabs only
Because these yrmanon in the Qur'an
The Koran is the cause of this hate
9. Palestinians are not of Arab origin
The ancientinhabitants of PalestinewereofCretehad emigratedto
They were able to build their small or petty country
Because they built Israel when they entered land was population a mixture of Palestinians, and colonies of the Assyrians and Chaldeans, Egyptians and Greeks also
10. the conclusion of what I write now-
Thatthere can beno peace
Because the Prophet Muhammad Quran peace
He called for the extermination of Israel
The Qur'an says of the descriptions of the Jews
The Qur'ansaysabout the Jewsthe sons ofmonkeys andpigs
SohatetoJewsisthe wordspreadamong the Muslims
Therefore I say that Quran books that spread hatred
The world must address this problem quickly
And works to prevent the dissemination of the Koran because it holds these teachings calling for racial hatred

There is one huge problem which every Muslim who reads the Quran has to resolve in their hearts and it is this: Isa Al Massih (Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, definitely was killed on a cross.

The above fact is not only recorded in the Christian Bible but in secular history as well. Muslims can argue all they want about the record of Jesus' Crucifixion as recorded in the Bible ,but how can they argue and dismiss the facts that secular historians wrote?

If one wants to look for the truth here is a site to visit: Early Secular Writings Regarding Christ