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The dishonesty of creationists.

Half Asleep

Right, we don't come from apes. We do have a common ancestor though. "The genetic codes of human beings and chimpanzees differe by less than 1 percent" David Mills in Atheist Universe.

Actually we do. We have direct ancestors who, if they were alive today, would be classified as Apes.

Therefore we are Apes (Just not Great Apes), Birds are Dinosaurs, all Mammals are Reptiles, etc. etc.

Monophyletic Taxonomy doesn't make sense!


Well-Known Member
Actually we do. We have direct ancestors who, if they were alive today, would be classified as Apes.

Therefore we are Apes (Just not Great Apes), Birds are Dinosaurs, all Mammals are Reptiles, etc. etc.

Monophyletic Taxonomy doesn't make sense!
So where did apes evolve from, Reptiles? I have heard we are apes, but that the great ape and man share a common ancestor that no one has found yet? Is that wrong?


Active Member
So where did apes evolve from, Reptiles? I have heard we are apes, but that the great ape and man share a common ancestor that no one has found yet? Is that wrong?

No, it is just that you do not understand Evolution, you seem to think (by the way you formulate yourself) that "some animal" got a baby and surprise it was a Human.. Is that right? If not, I apologize, many people do not understand Evolution, I mean people in Universities right now, they have a basic "hum hum" about it but really know nothing, you need to aim for Biology to get a proper education, You are not alone, nothing to feel ashamed about.

You should read Dawkins new book it is aimed for people who do not understand Evolution and, I am saying this as a "neutral" (Heavily Critize him on various issues) judge of Dawkins, He is A very good Teacher.

I can almost promise you you would get an excellent understand of Evolution if you read either one of his books or any specifically aimed to teach about Evolution, this link may help.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No, it is just that you do not understand Evolution, you seem to think (by the way you formulate yourself) that "some animal" got a baby and surprise it was a Human.. Is that right? If not, I apologize, many people do not understand Evolution, I mean people in Universities right now, they have a basic "hum hum" about it but really know nothing, you need to aim for Biology to get a proper education, You are not alone, nothing to feel ashamed about.

You should read Dawkins new book it is aimed for people who do not understand Evolution and, I am saying this as a "neutral" (Heavily Critize him on various issues) judge of Dawkins, He is A very good Teacher.

I can almost promise you you would get an excellent understand of Evolution if you read either one of his books or any specifically aimed to teach about Evolution, this link may help.

I could be off base but my experience talking with Challupa he does not dismiss the ToE. I think he understands it but was trying to understand the tree and where our ancestors fit. Although...I could be completely wrong in my assessment... :D


Well-Known Member
No, it is just that you do not understand Evolution, you seem to think (by the way you formulate yourself) that "some animal" got a baby and surprise it was a Human.. Is that right? If not, I apologize, many people do not understand Evolution, I mean people in Universities right now, they have a basic "hum hum" about it but really know nothing, you need to aim for Biology to get a proper education, You are not alone, nothing to feel ashamed about.

You should read Dawkins new book it is aimed for people who do not understand Evolution and, I am saying this as a "neutral" (Heavily Critize him on various issues) judge of Dawkins, He is A very good Teacher.

I can almost promise you you would get an excellent understand of Evolution if you read either one of his books or any specifically aimed to teach about Evolution, this link may help.
Thank you for the sites and suggestions. I have read quite a bit on ToE but am always looking to learn more. I am aware of what you were saying, I was just a bit confused by your one post and wanted clarification.

Just so you know, I am not a creationist so don't worry. I have read several of Dawkins books, Hitchens and am currently in the middle of David Mills "Atheist Universe". I find ToE fascinating and love to learn more. I learn lots here on RF because we are so lucky to have very knowledgeable people that post here. I have learned so much from many here.


Well-Known Member
I could be off base but my experience talking with Challupa he does not dismiss the ToE. I think he understands it but was trying to understand the tree and where our ancestors fit. Although...I could be completely wrong in my assessment... :D
Yes, quite right, I do understand it, just not as much as I would like. However, I learn more every day.


Active Member
Thank you for the sites and suggestions. I have read quite a bit on ToE but am always looking to learn more. I am aware of what you were saying, I was just a bit confused by your one post and wanted clarification.

Just so you know, I am not a creationist so don't worry. I have read several of Dawkins books, Hitchens and am currently in the middle of David Mills "Atheist Universe". I find ToE fascinating and love to learn more. I learn lots here on RF because we are so lucky to have very knowledgeable people that post here. I have learned so much from many here.

I am so sorry, I apologize.
Well, if there is any questions I would have no problem trying to help as well as others no doubt would pitch in if anything. you got anything specific on your mind? I usually use graphs because it gives a good representation, but remember, they are just a visual aid, nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry, I apologize.
Well, if there is any questions I would have no problem trying to help as well as others no doubt would pitch in if anything. you got anything specific on your mind? I usually use graphs because it gives a good representation, but remember, they are just a visual aid, nothing else.
Nothing I can think of right off. Usually the questions happen when someone posts something I have not heard of or have never had fully explained. Sometimes it's hard to ask questions, if you're not even aware they are there to ask. So I read and learn and that triggers questions for me. Don't worry, I will ask, as many here know, when I don't understand. No worries, no need to apologize. It's hard to know who believes what on here sometimes. For example, Footprints confuses me constantly. I never know what he believes.:)


Resident Liberal Hippie
I would like to thank eselam for providing another shining example of the Dishonesty of Creationists..
i must say i am very impressed. not that i wasn't expecting it but the way he handles the question is just wonderful.

I present to you Richad Dawkings
YouTube - Evolutionist Atheist Richard Dawkins unable to give a single example of beneficial mutations.

And thanks to Alceste for an intelligent and informed response.

Here's Dawkins' response:

The Information Challenge | Australian Skeptics

Wow. Creationists being deceptive, not understanding evolution and framing the debate so absurdly no informed scientist could ever give a satisfactory answer. What a shock.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Quite frankly, I can't think of another prominent group of people who are so persistently and pathologically dishonest as creationists/evolution denialists.

IMO, they're the biggest pack of liars I've ever seen.


Admiral Obvious
Quite frankly, I can't think of another prominent group of people who are so persistently and pathologically dishonest as creationists/evolution denialists.

IMO, they're the biggest pack of liars I've ever seen.
You living in a bubble?
You never heard of politicians?
Congress is just plum full of them...


Well-Known Member
Quite frankly, I can't think of another prominent group of people who are so persistently and pathologically dishonest as creationists/evolution denialists.

IMO, they're the biggest pack of liars I've ever seen.
Yeah, but Jose, you have to realise they're lying for Jesus.

That makes it OK. Righteous, in fact.


Resident Liberal Hippie
In 2005 Kent Hovind claimed,
"Spanish conquistadors" in 1571 found drawings of dinosaurs on stones, and "on them you will see people doing brain and heart surgery as well as every known dinosaur clearly depicted. Several hundred of them show humans and dinosaurs together."


Admiral Obvious
In 2005 Kent Hovind claimed,
"Spanish conquistadors" in 1571 found drawings of dinosaurs on stones, and "on them you will see people doing brain and heart surgery as well as every known dinosaur clearly depicted. Several hundred of them show humans and dinosaurs together."
the surgeries weren't aired live over the internet?


E Pluribus Unum!!!
I don't like dishonesty in creationists arguments but it's a no win situation, if I don't believe in evolution then I am a liar by trait according to some. Also creationists are human like everyone else and make mistakes and stretch the truth to their advantage at times. We have seen out right fraud on the evolutionist side down through the years also.

In both of the younger Abrahamics, a lie is considered a sin.

YECer and/or Creationists purposfully misrepresent, twist, or completely fabricate their lies to support their religious views and spread their religious doctrines.

They do this consistently, systematically, from pseudoscientists to self-professed archaeologists to "Creation Meuseums" and more.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
In 2005 Kent Hovind claimed,
"Spanish conquistadors" in 1571 found drawings of dinosaurs on stones, and "on them you will see people doing brain and heart surgery as well as every known dinosaur clearly depicted. Several hundred of them show humans and dinosaurs together."

Oh yes, the Ica Stones.

Many are indeed legitimate, but the ones depicting surgery and dino's are forgeries.

What really gives me a rib tickle is that the farmer who sold these forgeries to Dr. Cabrera admitted to it!

Yet YECers STILL insist the forgeries are real.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Thanks to Danmac who posted from this site. (And I think he was serious!)

The Story of Evolution

Once upon a time, (a few hundred million years ago), there lived a little one-celled animal
called "Amoeba". No one really knew where Amoeba had come from.They say his Fairy God-Mother named "Mutation"had created him.Certainly he could not have come from God, because after all, atheists must disbelieve in God as a matter of religious faith. No, the Fairy God-Mother named "Mutation" must have waved her magic wand and "poof!",Amoeba came into existence.
Nevertheless, this little Amoeba was very lonely. He had no friends to play with. Amoeba also did not have any arms or legs, so he had to stay home all day just floating around in the water. How boring!
One day, Amoeba decided what he would do to make his life more interesting. He would ask his Fairy God-Mother named Mutation to wave her magic wand over him! Yes, Amoeba would become a fish! So, Amoeba asked Mutation, and she waved her magic wand over Amoeba. "Poof!" Amoeba pushed out in all directions! Now he had fins and scales and now - now he could swim!
Still, this little fish was not happy. Amoeba could only stay home in the water and still did not have any arms or legs and could not walk. Amoeba swam back and forth wondering what he should do. Why of course! He would ask Mutation to wave her magic wand once again.
Amoeba asked Mutation, and she waved her wand again. "Poof!" Amoeba was now a salamander! Now he could venture out of the water! And so, he did! He played on the sand at the beach. "Thank you!", he said to his Fairy God-Mother. (Amoeba could not thank God, because, after all, he was an atheist, and atheists must always disbelieve in God. No, he must thank his "Fairy God-Mother" instead.)
Still, this little salamander was not happy. He could not run around for long on the ground, but was told that he had to stay near his home in the water. He wondered what he would do. Why, of course! He would ask his Fairy God-Mother, Mutation to wave her wand.
He asked Mutation, and she waved her wand again over Amoeba. Then..."Poof!" He became a lizard! Now he could walk around a lot on the ground. Still, he was not happy. It was not much of an improvement he thought from being a salamander. "Couldn't you please give me a 'free upgrade'?", Amoeba begged Mutation. "I want to be a mammal!"
Mutation, the Fairly God-Mother, listened to Amoeba's request. She thought that this seemed reasonable, so she waved her wand again over Amoeba. "Poof!" Amoeba was now a mouse!
You would have thought that Amoeba would now be happy, but he wasn't happy. No, he wanted another "upgrade". This time he wanted to be a "higher mammal". He wanted to be a Monkey! Well, Mutation wasn't amused. She thought to herself that Amoeba might want even more: to one day become a Human. Amoeba insisted that this was not true. No, he only wanted to become a monkey.
Well, the wand was lifted again and "poof!" Amoeba was now a monkey! Amoeba swung from the trees and had a good time. But, after a while, Amoeba became bored. He could run around, and even swing, but he could not stand erect. No, Amoeba wanted to become a Man.
Well, Mutation was not too happy when Amoeba came and asked her if he could be turned into a man. Mutation said, "What? I thought you said you did not want to become a man."
Well, Amoeba said that he really did, so Mutation waved her magic wand and "poof!""poof" Amoeba made a Woman to be his friend. She become his wife, and they all lived happily ever after. Amoeba became a Man! He still needed a friend to play with, so he asked Mutation and

It ought to be a crime to be this dishonest.:facepalm:
