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The draft by other words.


Letter to Congress on Increasing U.S. Ground Forces
January 28, 2005
Dear Senator Frist, Senator Reid, Speaker Hastert, and Representative Pelosi:

The United States military is too small for the responsibilities we are asking it to assume. Those responsibilities are real and important. They are not going away. The United States will not and should not become less engaged in the world in the years to come. But our national security, global peace and stability, and the defense and promotion of freedom in the post-9/11 world require a larger military force than we have today. The administration has unfortunately resisted increasing our ground forces to the size needed to meet today's (and tomorrow's) missions and challenges.

So we write to ask you and your colleagues in the legislative branch to take the steps necessary to increase substantially the size of the active duty Army and Marine Corps. While estimates vary about just how large an increase is required, and Congress will make its own determination as to size and structure, it is our judgment that we should aim for an increase in the active duty Army and Marine Corps, together, of at least 25,000 troops each year over the next several years.

There is abundant evidence that the demands of the ongoing missions in the greater Middle East, along with our continuing defense and alliance commitments elsewhere in the world, are close to exhausting current U.S. ground forces. For example, just late last month, Lieutenant General James Helmly, chief of the Army Reserve, reported that "overuse" in Iraq and Afghanistan could be leading to a "broken force." Yet after almost two years in Iraq and almost three years in Afghanistan, it should be evident that our engagement in the greater Middle East is truly, in Condoleezza Rice's term, a "generational commitment." The only way to fulfill the military aspect of this commitment is by increasing the size of the force available to our civilian leadership.

The administration has been reluctant to adapt to this new reality. We understand the dangers of continued federal deficits, and the fiscal difficulty of increasing the number of troops. But the defense of the United States is the first priority of the government. This nation can afford a robust defense posture along with a strong fiscal posture. And we can afford both the necessary number of ground troops and what is needed for transformation of the military.

In sum: We can afford the military we need. As a nation, we are spending a smaller percentage of our GDP on the military than at any time during the Cold War. We do not propose returning to a Cold War-size or shape force structure. We do insist that we act responsibly to create the military we need to fight the war on terror and fulfill our other responsibilities around the world.

The men and women of our military have performed magnificently over the last few years. We are more proud of them than we can say. But many of them would be the first to say that the armed forces are too small. And we would say that surely we should be doing more to honor the contract between America and those who serve her in war. Reserves were meant to be reserves, not regulars. Our regulars and reserves are not only proving themselves as warriors, but as humanitarians and builders of emerging democracies. Our armed forces, active and reserve, are once again proving their value to the nation. We can honor their sacrifices by giving them the manpower and the materiel they need.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution places the power and the duty to raise and support the military forces of the United States in the hands of the Congress. That is why we, the undersigned, a bipartisan group with diverse policy views, have come together to call upon you to act. You will be serving your country well if you insist on providing the military manpower we need to meet America's obligations, and to help ensure success in carrying out our foreign policy objectives in a dangerous, but also hopeful, world.

Respectfully, Members of PNAC
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I can still here 'm say..
There will be no draft, they voted over it before the election.....
And the mandate that election enables.......


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I prophesied about this before the last election. I ultimately hold those that voted this cretin in as responible if my son is drafted. I will say "I told you so" through tears of grief for all those who will die because of this man and his morbid policies of death and destruction.


NetDoc said:
I prophesied about this before the last election. I ultimately hold those that voted this cretin in as responible if my son is drafted. I will say "I told you so" through tears of grief for all those who will die because of this man and his morbid policies of death and destruction.
Then first allow me to add that the little green guy laughing is not meant for the ones that will be victimised for the greater good of a New American Century. But for the gullible that believed and believe all the prime bovine excrement that politicians tend to use to softly swing the cradle the American public sleeps in.

Secondly, I don't believe that he was voted in by the public. Not the first time, and not the second time. (But that is off topic here.)


NetDoc said:
There are none so blind as those who would vote "Bush".

It's from all that time spent in the wood shed.;) :sarcastic

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
NetDoc said:
There are none so blind as those who would vote "Bush".
I'm sure they had their reasons. There are two or three people whom I am very close to who did so, and these are people who are intelligent, kind and well-informed individuals. Just because I do not understand their reasoning doesn't mean they were wrong to do so, it just means I am unable to understand.

My little sister is seriously dating a wonderful young man. She and he (and by extention, the rest of the family) are worried that the draft is a possibility. And, of course, if they decide to draft women, I'll be a prime candidate, too.

How likely a possibility do you guys think it is?


My father served in ww2,one of my brothers served in vietnam,another in the coast gaurd,I served in the air force,my nephew is in the air force and my niece is loading bombs on airplanes in Qatar TODAY.War is deffinitely not a good thing!It is a horrible,terrible,inhuman thing.But we have to make sure we can say the things we say here.We all don,t have to serve but support the ones who do.

"Those who long for peace must prepare for war."

Soounds silly but it is true.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Eventhough the military is already overextended, I doubt there will be a draft unless we get ourselves into yet another war.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
(Thanks for the kind words, Ceridwen! I'm shamelessly plagaurizing (sp?) from the "Very Secret Diaries" that was written for the LOTR fandom. It's one of those works that gets even funnier the later at night you read it.)

That's very true, Majik. I do support those who serve. I honor them with every fiber of my being, and I think that they are serving their country honorably and with courage. I know it's only my opinion, though, but I think that most of those who would speak out against a war are not trying to dishonor those who have, are, and will serve.

I thank you for your insight, Mr. Spinkles. Due to this thread, I looked up how the country would have to go about instituting a draft, and am less worried than I was before.


Mr_Spinkles said:
I don't think
You don't ? :bonk:

Mr_Spinkles said:
it's very likely. Makes for a great "chicken little" story, though.
Well, just remember then
Those were the same guys that gave you before 911 and I quote:

Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true. : John Pilger :12 Dec 2002 :eek:

How conveniant for Bin Laden to supply that "New Pearl Harbor" to them. :jam:

Do I have <again> to quote the German from another thread?


Sunstone said:
Eventhough the military is already overextended, I doubt there will be a draft unless we get ourselves into yet another war.
Ha.. Is the "Axis of Evil" destroyed?
Has "The War President" dissed the eternal war on terror for an eternal peace?
Keep your eyes on the pushing shoulders between Iran and the US and the "supplier" of information that makes them pushing...
Then a <staged?> confined terror event in the US where Iranian passports are found, combined with an eventual claim of a sighting of Bin Laden in Iran...
And there you go.. The "War President" points, says "Dead or alive, I don't care." and the lemmings go right over the edge...

I could be wrong, I hate it when I am right.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I don't think it's very likely. Makes for a great "chicken little" story, though.
Mind if I use this quote when it happens? I find you incredibly intelligent and intensely insightful, and wonder why you can't read the writing on the wall? The Republican War machine feeds on the uninformed, but you don't fill that bill.

They CAN NOT keep the the "Reserves" over there indefinitely. They will HAVE to do something to replace these young men and women. I wonder if enlistment is up or down. Anyone know?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Enlistment is down - significantly. There have been a few stories done on the drop in enlistment, and the possibility of "sweetening the pot" to attract more volunteers.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Something has got to give folks.

To paraphrase Rush... "Remember you heard it here first!"

BTW, wouldn't it be kinda fun to watch a forum where only Rush and Michael Moore could post? :D

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
That would be a great debate to listen to - and to score. I'd bet that if they both had one hour to speak on any given subject, neither one would make more than one factual, valid statement. From a strictly entertainment standpoint, it would be a hoot to watch it - but from a standpoint of trying to find the "truth" of any given subject, it would be a disaster of phenomenal proportions.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The Voice of Reason said:
That would be a great debate to listen to - and to score. I'd bet that if they both had one hour to speak on any given subject, neither one would make more than one factual, valid statement. From a strictly entertainment standpoint, it would be a hoot to watch it - but from a standpoint of trying to find the "truth" of any given subject, it would be a disaster of phenomenal proportions.

I take it you don't have too high of an opinion about pundits, TVOR?