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The draft by other words.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Rush is the Anti-Moore

or is it

Moore is the Anti-Rush

Either are more full of more bull than both TVOR and me put together. You can tell when they are distorting the truth though... their mouths are open. :D

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Sunstone said:
I take it you don't have too high of an opinion about pundits, TVOR?
That's amazing, Sunstone!!! How could you tell what I was thinking of Moore and Rush? I'll throw Sean Hannity and Al Sharpton in there as well.



The Voice of Reason said:
I'll throw Sean Hannity and Al Sharpton in there as well.

Wow!!!! Nice visual.
I would pay hard earned money to see Sharpton verbally lash Sannity until it starts to feel indecent to enjoy a beating that severe...


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The Voice of Reason said:
That's amazing, Sunstone!!! How could you tell what I was thinking of Moore and Rush? I'll throw Sean Hannity and Al Sharpton in there as well.

It's just a matter of reading between the lines of your posts, TVOR. I fear you suffer from "Pundit Appreciation Deficiency Syndrom" or PADS. Better have a check up. Left untreated, PADS can have serious consequences on your ability to get gung ho behind an absurd political position. And how can you fit into today's post modern society if you can't bring yourself to get gung ho behind an absurd political position.


ok, To get back on track:

Some quote's :

Updated January 29, 2005
"[/size][/font]Now That Election Is Over, Expect to See Conscription"

"Within a matter of weeks, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), plans to try and re-institute the military draft, saying the present voluntary system places an unfair burden of war among lower- and middle-class Americans while giving the rich a free ride from military service."

“He is essentially reintroducing legislation that failed to gain support last session."

" In a political move, Democrats quickly rushed the bill to the House floor, where it was summarily rejected by an overwhelming majority. Rangel even voted against his own legislation, for obvious tactical political reasons."

" With the election now over, opponents of the draft claim the path is now clear for politicians from both sides of the aisle to get behind the draft, with Rangel obviously leading the charge."

" In a recent Los Angeles Times article, former security advisors Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski were quoted as saying the U.S. requires at least 500,000 more troops to sustain the war in Iraq and reinstatement of the draft may be unpopular but necessary."

“At best, Rangel’s bill merely plays into Bush’s hands,”

" A White House spokesman this week refused to comment on Rangel’s initiative, but said Bush has publicly opposed any legislation to reinstitute the draft. Privately, however, Galvin and others fear Bush is just waiting for the right moment “to spring the draft back on the American people” since he no longer has to worry about getting re-elected."

American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003

"Faced with the inevitability of a Bush draft, supported by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress as a response to “staying the course” in Iraq, the American people, especially young Americans, who will be the victims of bullet-stopper slavery, will once again rise in opposition, as they did in the 1960s and the early 1970s. Of course, the Strausscons expect this and that is why the Patriot Act was put in place and the FBI—with help from the CIA and, we can only presume, intelligence operations run out of the Pentagon—will work double-time to undermine and characterize as terrorist any effective anti-war and anti-draft movement. Opposition will be far more difficult than it was in the 1960s, as brutal as the government’s response was at the time, culminating in COINTELPRO and murder at Kent State and elsewhere. It will be up to the cell phone generation, far more brainwashed by consumerism and the corporate media than the previous generation, to resist the bullet-stopper slavery that will decimate the lower and middle classes in this country. It remains to be seen if they are up to the challenge, especially if another 9/11, or something worse, is engineered between now and when the draft notices begin arriving."