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The end is near


Is the probability of the end occurring this year any more realistic than it would have been in August of 2011 or at the turn of the century?

this has never been part of reality

and every guess ever made or attempted has been proven wrong.

and the people behind this personaly fantasy of tragedy, would claim god did if a random metor hit the planet.


Sugar and Spice
They're in decline, period. Sorry. It's my business to know this. Every single ecosystem is experiencing the effects of a global imbalance.
And can you honestly say that you know of nobody in "your business" who disagrees with the views you are expressing here?

Some have been given cosmetic improvements. I don't know of any truly comprehensive ecosystem management program anywhere.
I suspect you are not omniscient and that your knowledge may not be total.
Why? No political will.
On that I agree.

No, it doesn't, but disagreeing in an ignorant fashion does.
People skills fail.
I was trying to avoid saying that to you, but you had to go that one extra step, didn't you?
It is your opinion that all ecosystems are in decline and your right to offer evidence to back that claim up.

You might want to watch some of this. in which the presenter and scientist Chris Peckham describes how some ecosytems are thriving while others are in decline.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
lets hope it arrives before we completely destroy ourselves and our environments. have you ever wondered, if 'mother nature' really did exist as a goddess, why she isnt doing something about the environmental damage that is occuring?
She already did.
She gave us brains which learn from failure.
We're a work in progress.
But progress is slow.
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Old-School Member
lets hope it arrives before we completely destroy ourselves and our environments.

IMO, a better mindset would be to stop waiting for something (or someone) to save us from ourselves and to start working with one another to undo the damage we've done.
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Well-Known Member
And can you honestly say that you know of nobody in "your business" who disagrees with the views you are expressing here?
Maybe a few idiots. No credible scientists.

I suspect you are not omniscient and that your knowledge may not be total.
By all means, thrill me with an example of some comprehensively managed ecosystems. It will make my week.

People skills fail.
I was trying to avoid saying that to you, but you had to go that one extra step, didn't you?
I'm sorry you're ignorant and opinionated?
It is your opinion that all ecosystems are in decline and your right to offer evidence to back that claim up.
It's a scientific fact. Global pollution and climate change is impacting all ecosystems. Many species might be okay right now, even said to "thrive" in relatively unimpacted environments, but that doesn't mean the ecosystem is what it used to be.

Fact: Biodiversity is decreasing in every ecosystem.
Fact: Pollution is increasing in every ecosystem.

Do I need to wave a paper around to get you to accept an obvious fact?


You might want to watch some of this. in which the presenter and scientist Chris Peckham describes how some ecosytems are thriving while others are in decline.
Except that doesn't say that at all, nor would it, since Chris is a scientist. Poor play.
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Sugar and Spice
Maybe a few idiots. No credible scientists.
So anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot and only those who share your views are credible scientists?
I'm sorry you're ignorant and opinionated?
I am certainly opinionated, but I am not the one parading my arrogant ignorance here.

It's a scientific fact. Global pollution and climate change is impacting all ecosystems. Many species might be okay right now, even said to "thrive" in relatively unimpacted environments, but that doesn't mean the ecosystem is what it used to be.
Some would call that a U Turn. Some would call that "looking for a get out when you know you have lost the argument".
I quite agree, some ecosytems are not what they used to be. I have never argued that they were. But that doesn't mean that they are in decline. You have said yourself at various points in this thread that some ecosytems may appear to be thriving. It is your opinion that such apparent success is temporary.

Fact: Biodiversity is decreasing in every ecosystem.
Fact: Pollution is increasing in every ecosystem.
For somebody claiming to give a scientific argument you use a lot of very loose terms. What do you mean by biodiversity in this context? What do you mean by pollution in this context?

Do I need to wave a paper around to get you to accept an obvious fact?
The intelligent thing to do would be not to pick fights with somebody who is on your own side.
eCite - Ecosystem Service Values in Natural Resource Management: A Decision Support Framework

Except that doesn't say that at all, nor would it, since Chris is a scientist. Poor play.
And you have watched it have you?
I think not. Because he does say that.

People like you frustrate me because you give climate change deniers all the excuse they need not to take our arguments seriously.


Well-Known Member
I've been entirely consistent. I was clearly talking about _some species_ not ecosystems.

You have said yourself at various points in this thread that some ecosytems may appear to be thriving. It is your opinion that such apparent success is temporary.
It's apparent because it's superficial, not because it's temporary.. Scientifically illiterate people such as yourself might look out and see green and "thriving" individual species - these plants, those insects, whatever, and think they're seeing an ecosystem in perfect health when, in actuality, biodiversity is decreasing - by any metric you choose, and pollution is also increasing, by any metric you choose, except in direct response to clean-up efforts of highly impacted areas. Which don't at all affect the overall decline those ecosystems are still subject to. It's bandaids on axewounds.

All ecosystems today are less than what they used to be. Hence, decline.

I find you intellectually dishonest and will no longer be communicating with you. Have a nice life. Do try to become more scientifically literate.
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Sugar and Spice
Are you a teenager having a tantrum?
Well, I'm happy to let other people read this thread and judge who is being an idiot.

Oh I see you have now edited out "idiot" and some of your more insulting and childish phrases (well in fact almost completely re-written your last post). Afraid of being called out on them no doubt. Well if anyone read the original they will know what I am referring to.
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Super Universe

Defender of God
I don't know why I'd be answering you, but...

Since when does discovery create new species? The rate of speciation, in equilibrium, is somewhat more than the "background rate of extinction" - the usual expected rate. Now we are orders of magnitude beyond the background rate as a consequence of human industrial activity.

Cancer grows too. And then the host dies. What's your point?

Empty platitude.

I didn't say discovering new species thus creates them. Can you name some of the 50,000 species that have gone extinct because of human industrial activity?

Humanity is like a cancer? You're in the fear promotion department. Just because you are afraid doesn't mean the rest of us should be.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
CME at the end of the year. Not exactly the end of the world or even of the human race, but our modern society would take a massive hit. It'll be chaos in the streets. Its a pretty slim chance, though. Even if there is a massive CME, the odds of it coming right at us are not very high.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Is the probability of the end occurring this year any more realistic than it would have been in August of 2011 or at the turn of the century?

No, I don't think the end is anywhere in sight. However, I don't think you were really ASKING that question. I think this is just another poke fun at the non-intellectual old-school Christian types. These types seem to be few on RF and a shrinking group among intelligent theists. Have fun beating the dying horse.


Well-Known Member
Is the probability of the end occurring this year any more realistic than it would have been in August of 2011 or at the turn of the century?
I believe the end times events are very near. While the events may not begin this year (they may), I believe with each passing day the probability increases. We do not know the day or hour, but we can know the season is near. I believe people should trust in Christ for the free gift of eternal life right away and hopefully be raptured and avoid the Tribulation. Many will trust Christ during the Tribulation, but I would not wish for anyone to have to endure that.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
lets hope it arrives before we completely destroy ourselves and our environments. have you ever wondered, if 'mother nature' really did exist as a goddess, why she isnt doing something about the environmental damage that is occuring?

I would prefer that humanity overcome it's own shortcomings through our own growth and efforts rather than via some cheap 'n cheesy deus ex machina.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
lets hope it arrives before we completely destroy ourselves and our environments. have you ever wondered, if 'mother nature' really did exist as a goddess, why she isnt doing something about the environmental damage that is occuring?
So you find the appearent inaction of a deity in the world today to be a compelling argument for the non-existence of said deity. I agree. But I have to say I find this facinating and more than a little amusing.


Empirical Curmudgeon
I believe the end times events are very near. While the events may not begin this year (they may), I believe with each passing day the probability increases. We do not know the day or hour, but we can know the season is near. I believe people should trust in Christ for the free gift of eternal life right away and hopefully be raptured and avoid the Tribulation. Many will trust Christ during the Tribulation, but I would not wish for anyone to have to endure that.

I believe people should trust in The Flying Spaghetti Monster for the free gift of eternal life, beer volcanoes and stripper factories, right away and hopefully be noodled and avoid the Rush.
Many will trust the FSM during the Rush, but I would not wish for anyone to have to endure that.


You could always follow Krishna, Muhammad, Osiris, Odin, or any number of gods that promise an afterlife.

The question is; which one to choose and why?


Well-Known Member
I believe people should trust in The Flying Spaghetti Monster for the free gift of eternal life, beer volcanoes and stripper factories, right away and hopefully be noodled and avoid the Rush.
Many will trust the FSM during the Rush, but I would not wish for anyone to have to endure that.


You could always follow Krishna, Muhammad, Osiris, Odin, or any number of gods that promise an afterlife.

The question is; which one to choose and why?
Alrighty then. I reckon I'll stick with Jesus who loved me and died for me.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Alrighty then. I reckon I'll stick with Jesus who loved me and died for me.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

It's sweet how god sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself, so that he may save something he created from something he created.

Of course, it wasn't a true sacrifice since no lost was truly incurred by god (the resurrection trivialized the death).


Well-Known Member
It's sweet how god sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself, so that he may save something he created from something he created.

Of course, it wasn't a true sacrifice since no lost was truly incurred by god (the resurrection trivialized the death).
It's sweet to me however foolish it sounds to you. I believe the Bible, which says:

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1 Cor. 1

That's what I believe.


Empirical Curmudgeon
Alrighty then. I reckon I'll stick with Jesus who loved me and died for me.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

And how exactly do you know that any of that is true?
I mean, it's not as if you can use the bible as a reference to show that the bible is true.
That would be circular reasoning and we certainly want none of that...

Also; beer volcanoes and stripper factories!
That HAS to beat sitting on a cloud playing a harp...