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The evolving human consciousness

If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science & religion’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
Does this work in other languages?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science & religion’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
I'd be impressed if that applies to languages other than English as @SalixIncendium pointed out .


Veteran Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science & religion’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
I believe in a ‘chose’ one. He may play a role in universal consciousness
Again if we take the word 'heart & break it down into 2 components, we have the word 'hear' which means to listen & the letter 't', which can be used as a symbol for the 'cross', which would signify the 'christ ( or Ka-rise-t' )
From my observation the word 'heart' could mean 'listen to the Christ'


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Again if we take the word 'heart & break it down into 2 components, we have the word 'hear' which means to listen & the letter 't', which can be used as a symbol for the 'cross', which would signify the 'christ ( or Ka-rise-t' )
From my observation the word 'heart' could mean 'listen to the Christ'
Perhaps you need an explanation on how discussion works. You present an idea, others present questions, and you address those questions. You don't ignore the questions and reiterate your idea. Otherwise it comes off as preaching, and I'm confident you've read the forum rules.

Again, does this work in other languages other than English?
My deepest apologies if i sound like i was preaching. This is not my intention. I am not attached, attend or represent any Church or religion. I do not classify myself a Christian. I live in a country which is predominantly Christian. I simply have my personal views on religion. i am unsure if 'my observations or technique' works in other languages. As i have not been gifted with the ability to speak or write other languages. I live in a dwelling that has at the moment 'A Korean person, a Japanese person, an Arab person & one of mixed blood Eurasian /Polynesian mix. We all communicate through the English language.
I am going to attempt to reinterpret peoples understanding of the Beast in Revelations. The following is simply theoretical in nature.

Revelations Chapter 13 – paragraph 16 – 18

…. He also forced everyone small and great rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom, if anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666

The concept of the beast or ‘the mark of the beast 666’ is derived from the Book of Revelations. It is the final chapter in the book of the New Testament.

The mark of the beast/666 may serve as symbol for the antichrist & his or her Kingdom during the end times. The mark of the beast has been the subject of many speculative thoughts throughout history & many theories have been presented by various historians, theorist, men, woman of faith.

The mark of the beast is described as a ‘mark’ that will be imposed on people’s forehead or righthand & is closely associated with the number ‘666’ which is also mentioned in the same passage.

This mark may signify loyalty or devotion to an Anti-Christ person or Group of persons concept. Which would be a system of control that defies the teachings of ‘Christ’. This may manifest by means of economic control & identification within this Kingdom.

The Book of Revelations is filled with metaphoric language, vivid imagery & has been written by the Apostle John during his exile on the island of ‘Patmos’ which exists somewhere near the country Greece.

Interpretations of the mark of the beast vary from author to author which depends on individual theological beliefs & perspectives.

Some interpretation view this mark as a literal mark, possibly a physical branding or perhaps a type of microchip implant which would give more credibility to the microchips embedded in your personal bank cards, credit cards etc that we all carry around.

The mark of the beast could be interpreted as a symbolic allegiance to a regime that we live within. Let’s face it, it’s hard to live off the grid.

The number 666 is also mentioned in the passages of King Solomon’s

1 Kings 10:14… says “the weight of gold which Solomon received every year was 666 talents of gold, besides what came from tradesmen, from the traffic of the merchants, and from all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the region”

The mark of the beast may also symbolise the Antichrists attempt to challenge God or rival Gods authority. The consequences of receiving the mark of the beast are severe Revelations 14:9-11 it states that those who receive the mark will experience Gods wraith & eternal damnation this passage has led to great fear surrounding the concept & understanding of the mark of the beast.

We must remember Revelations is highly symbolic & apocalyptic in nature and its messages are interpreted differently by different individuals & religious organisations Some see the mark of the beast representing a corrupt & oppressive system while others see it as a literal insight or prophecy of future events. One thing is paramount in the teachings of Christ (or the concept teachings of a Ka-rise-t ) he asks all who would listen to be civil in nature.

Therefore, the mark of the beast remains a topic of debate and speculative thought, speculation as with most biblical historic accounts. It is important to approach the text of revelations with an open mind & careful consideration of its historical context.

How much time do we humanity have in regards to these apocalyptic events?

Interesting if you take a timepiece clock, you have 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute. The base number for 24 hours is 6 (2+4 =6) and again for 60 minutes is 6 (6+0 = 6) and again for 60 seconds is 6 (6+0=6). This gives you the numbers 6-6-6. The mark of the beast can be interpreted as ‘time’ or measured time. Those who feel their lifespan is limited will always view their lives as a time piece which is counting down, running out & final. & then there are others who view this life as a short-term stopover on their way to some type of heaven (or better life) The word ‘clock’ may be broken down & interpreted as ‘Ka-lock’ ka meaning spirit & lock meaning restricted.

Time or the concept of time can be infinite or finite, continuous or in most cases limited.

i would be interested in any persons view about Revelations & their personal thoughts on 'time'


Premium Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
I do believe that the 'potential' of human consciousness is indeed evolving, but I question what you describe above is relevant to this.

The old world was tribal, and tribal old-world beliefs and barriers still exist, but slowly we are evolving to a world consciousness.

Yes, languages are an important part of this evolution with the rise of universal languages, such as standard computer languages, Scientific languages, and universal spoken languages like English are becoming more prevalent.
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Revelations Chapter 13 – paragraph 16 – 18 ...... "This calls for wisdom, if anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast for it is man’s number. His number is 666"
The following again is theoretical, If you take the word 'time' and break it down into 3 parts 't - i -me' you will find you have 3 words.
First word you have the letter 't' which may mean a cross & may signify 'the' or 'a Christ'. Secondly you have the letter 'i' which signifies a human body with a dot for a head. Thirdly you have the word 'me' which designates 'the self'. The word 'time' then becomes the words 'christ - i -me'
(no not me the author) My understanding is the 'Ka-rise-t' is an ancient order which may have its origins in ancient Egypt 'the so called cradle of creation. We must also remember that throughout history there has been many prophets sent from the 'dimensions of the blessed' and that they have appeared in various countries at different times throughout history some have been major messengers & some have been minor messengers.
I understand that a certain clock was struck by lightning on August 23rd . I wonder what the time read? what is the significance? Or perhaps it may have been just something random 'no' significance at all.


Premium Member
Revelations Chapter 13 – paragraph 16 – 18 ...... "This calls for wisdom, if anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast for it is man’s number. His number is 666"
The following again is theoretical, If you take the word 'time' and break it down into 3 parts 't - i -me' you will find you have 3 words.
First word you have the letter 't' which may mean a cross & may signify 'the' or 'a Christ'. Secondly you have the letter 'i' which signifies a human body with a dot for a head. Thirdly you have the word 'me' which designates 'the self'. The word 'time' then becomes the words 'christ - i -me'
(no not me the author) My understanding is the 'Ka-rise-t' is an ancient order which may have its origins in ancient Egypt 'the so called cradle of creation. We must also remember that throughout history there has been many prophets sent from the 'dimensions of the blessed' and that they have appeared in various countries at different times throughout history some have been major messengers & some have been minor messengers.
I understand that a certain clock was struck by lightning on August 23rd . I wonder what the time read? what is the significance? Or perhaps it may have been just something random 'no' significance at all.
Not relevant to the subject of the thread.
"Not relevant to the subject of the thread"
Perhaps i do not have the right credentials as i am neither an academic, teacher of science or philosopher. I am merely what you would describe a person who labors. I appreciate anyone's input with this thread and i am very appreciative Shunydragon for your input.
I hope to follow a path . "The 5 vowels found in the English language , stream of conscience, thought etc until i reach the golden ratio"
What ever evolves from this thread i am sure there will be corrective guidance or input that will help with the creative aspect of what i am trying to achieve. Remembering I do not represent any culture or religion. One thing is certain my writings will be reasonably original.:)


The Lost One
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

it is called “human consciousness“, and it is the people past and present who were, are responsible for their own development including your examples “science, religion & languages”, all made by people.

There are no “universal consciousness” externally monitoring human development. What you are claiming are pure speculation and wishful thinking.
i look at the 'written English language' subsequently formed from the 26 letter English alphabet, which in my view are simply a collection of symbols & glyph's that have developed & evolved over time to its present day form. I also understand this language has its origin from many sources. I view all written & oral languages as merely tools to communicate in a direct form from one person to another.
I do not believe in a omnipotent sovereign heavenly father, but the concept of a heavenly father from a human biblical point of view is 'one who creates & provides' therefore i can understand why some people acknowledge a 'greater Prescence than themselves' in there lives. I believe we are taught or coached to think of a 'sovereign God generally male identity' is simply because we humans can easily identify the concept of a father figure within our lives. I personally have no idea who created us. I believe in evolution, science, astronomy why? because i find these fields of study more interesting than a Bible.
I admire those who people who dedicate there lives to study in there specialized field of expertise,. We humanity are a work in progress. I have visited places of worship in my life but walked away with the same empty cup i arrived with. I have visited spiritualist, talked to mediums & clairvoyants and still my cup was empty. If i can read & absorb information and walk away with something i have understood 'i feel i have learnt something. Sometimes i read one thousand lines but only manage to understand a paragraph. Still i feel i have achieved something. I may have started this thread with the breakdown of written words that have identified a 'male presence' but these are simply my observation's. The question is 'are my observations coincidental?' ... perhaps! Am i a wishful thinker because i feel we are connected to something greater than ourselves.... then the answer must be yes!
Do i personally feel i deserve more, & that I'm going somewhere special when i die? the answer is... simply No.
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I have mentioned previously in this thread the term ‘Dimensions of the blessed’. It is in reference to another dimensional reality. Most people would call it the spirit world.

There are various terms found in ancient transcripts, scriptures & holy books that make reference to these places. In recent years we have come to understand that these places do exist. I have noticed programmes being created in places like ‘Hollywood’ that have been promoting the very existence of other dimensional realities. These promotions usually star a ‘medium’ which is usually a person that communicates with a person from the ‘land of the living – which is apparently us’, and on the other side ‘the person who communicates with the living’ is usually a person that has recently passed away and is now termed a deceased person. You may have noticed that the people chosen to receive messages are usually reasonably famous celebrities who are known to the public and have high public profiles.

Why do spirit people choose these ‘public figures’ is probably because these people are related relatives and have reasonably high public profiles which may lead to the preconception that these people receiving these messages are reasonably credible.

I have trained myself personally ‘not to’ look at heaven towards the skies, but to think as heaven as a parallel dimensional reality that coexist within our realm.

For the scientific minds ‘you could perceive this other reality’ as space between the space where atoms have the ability to coexist because of a term called *ARPS – Angular rotation of particle spin’.

I personally do not believe in a place called ‘hell’ simply because I do not believe that a creative force would create such a place and waste resources.

I term the spirit of the ‘Holy spirit as the ‘Hollywood spirit’ simply because the Holly or Holy emanates, exist & is created infamously in a location on earth we call the ‘City of Lost Angels’ which is famous for its actors and entertainers. I will write about this topic more in the near future.

(*32/170 this is for people who want to play Sherlock Holmes)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

That tool must be the written & spoken language that I am using now. i will give you an example.

If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

Again if we take the word ‘heart’ & break it down into 2 components, the word ‘he’ meaning ‘a male (or in reference to a male) & the word ‘art’ meaning in its most basic interpretation ‘someone who specializes in any given field’ in this case ‘creativity or creation’ bearing in mind I am still using the original word ‘earth’.

I can’t help but identify with a male presence ‘for example a creative heavenly father’

This is merely my observation. Your thoughts are very welcome
It's amazing because it's hard for me to understand how consciousness developed to the point that humans can weigh things out ethically. I would say a bit different from supposedly by science human's close relations such as... gorillas perhaps. Or bees, not so close but the point is clear. Consciousness evolved? (I don't think so but that's me.) I think God put whatever ability He wanted to in each part of creation.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
If you take the word ‘earth’ & wrapped it around our planet, joined the letters ‘h’ & ‘e. we would spell the word ‘heart’.

And if you take the word "Erde" and wrap it around our planet [and] join the letters 'E' and 'e', we would spell "deEr."

(Of course, we would aalso need really, really huge letters.)​