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The evolving human consciousness


Active Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors

I would expect the only thing any universal source consciousness monitors is everything, especially itself by way of disposable mirrors like us. ;)

I seriously doubt there is any records department, all evaluation would take place on a gestalt basis.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Again if we take the word 'heart & break it down into 2 components, we have the word 'hear' which means to listen & the letter 't', which can be used as a symbol for the 'cross', which would signify the 'christ ( or Ka-rise-t' )
From my observation the word 'heart' could mean 'listen to the Christ'
I don't believe there's anything particularly relevant about this, but I do think it's a clever dissection of the word and if I were a Christian I would be tempted to use it somewhere.
I am in 2 minds concerning the existence or origin of Christ (a.k.a Jesus - Yeshua - Emmanuel) Probably because the New testament is written by a collection of authors & put together over a hundred years after the death of Christ. Apparently, the earliest Christian groups were found in Judea present day Israel along the West Bank in the mid first century around 50AD. Christianity was originally a very small unorganized sect which offered the idea of personal salvation after death.

The 4 canonical gospels From the New Testament ‘Matthew, Mark, Luke & John’ were all composed within the Roman Empire between 50 – 100 years as a testament & biography of Jesus of Nazareth a generation after the apparent crucifixion of Jesus around 27-34 AD. Whether the Romans ‘Ka Jacked’ Jesus, Whether The Judeans ‘Ka jacked’ Horus I have no idea.

Imagine this… If you held in your hand a cross, or stood before an effigy of a Christ on the cross. Look down towards both of your own feet. The first 3 letters of the word feet spells ‘fee’ and the next letter ‘t’ could signify Christ on the cross, the word ‘fee’ means a payment made to a professional person for services rendered. Therefore the word ‘feet’ could mean a payment is due & made towards the Christ ( Ka-rise-t )

Look again you have 2 feet. These could also be a representation of the 2 cross’s that were on either side & were apparently present when Jesus was crucified. The 2 other people were meant to be thieves. I wasn’t there personally but I wonder if the big fellow takes credit cards. This again is merely my observations. You can call it apophenia... i would call it Occam's razor
The Vow

We all know that this written language I am using is a collection of symbols & glyph’s from different sources that have evolved into its present day form known to most as the ‘English Language’.

This written language to ‘most’ is simply an international tool that is used to convey messages & is found in most countries, places of entry, arrivals, exits ,ports, destination etc.

We have also learnt that each of these ‘written words or spoken words’ contain a letter which are commonly known as the 5 ‘vowels’ respectively they are the letters ‘A-e-i-o-u’.

The letter ‘ y’ is also considered a lessor vowels.

A similar word that sounds exactly like the word ‘vowel’ is the word ‘vow’ which means ‘a solemn promise or pledge, the intention to act or do something in the future’

If you take the letter ‘A’ which is the first word in the ‘Alpha-bet’ it could be a symbol that represents a compass & piece of paper. The word Alpha also means the ‘first or beginning’. The letter ‘A’ becomes … ‘Alpha the beginning the planning, the paper & compass’

The letter or symbol ‘e’ can mean & represent the golden ratio. The golden ratio can be depicted as a spiral which radiates outwards infinitely.

The spiral or golden ratio is the Fibonacci sequence ‘1.618’ & which is considered a sacred number or divine proportion.

Consider this ‘not only is the golden ratio or Fibonacci sequence found in science, astronomy & mathematics it is primarily found & is observed on earth ‘in or as’ flora. The golden ratio in its power is found in tornados, hurricane’s & weather cyclones. The golden ratio in its magnitude, splendour, infinite stillness is found as our observable galaxy. I am no linguistics expert but I offer you this … the word ‘cyclone', sounds & is similar to the words ‘Psyche clone’

The letter ‘i’ is a symbol or glyph which ‘designating the self’ or it can represent a person’s body with a head.

The letter ‘o’ is a symbol or glyph that can represent a ‘earth, planet or sun’

The letter ‘u’ is simply a symbol for ‘u turn or return’ … ‘heaven > earth >heaven’?

The 5 written vowels in its written sequence can mean something very important like ‘a signature or presence - the breath of God’.
A promise from a person representing a source or origin.
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The following is a collection of thoughts of events that have occurred over recent years.

The Humble Bee.

The ordinary honey bee lives in ‘community colonies’ that have within their hive infrastructure highly specialized jobs. Each hive has about 50,000 bee’s and only one Queen. There are 100 female worker bees to every male drone bee. The male drone bees’ job is to mate with the Queen who produce about 1,500 eggs each day. Once the drone bees’ mate, they simply die. Drone bees have no stingers and cannot forage for food themselves. They rely entirely on the female worker bees that can be categorized as forager scout bees whose main job is to search for suitable foods sources.

There are carrier bees who follow the scouts and are specialists themselves, some only collect pollen and others only nectar. The female worker bees have only divisional jobs which also include feeding and nursing the growing larvae. There are cleaner bees who clean the honey cells and clear the hive of any debris. There are bees who clean forager bees to remove any dust and foreign bodies that have managed to find their way into the hive. There are undertaker bees who remove dead workers from the hive once they die, and there are packer bees who collect pollen and nectar from the returning forager bees. There are also bee colonies who will only specialise in a particular type of flower. Producing a particular brand of honey.

There are worker bees who simply produce ‘bees wax’ to build honey comb to store manufactured honey and other bees who produce wax to cap both ‘pupae cells and the cells full of ripened honey. There are bees who ripen honey by fanning their wings over the fresh pollen & nectar to evaporate excess water. There are bees who collect water to dilute honey to feed growing larvae. Other bees are collectors of tree resin who maintain and repair the hive, bees who keep and maintain security within the hive and are able to emit pheromones to warn of impending danger.

Some other interesting facts are, once a scout bee returns from locating a fresh source of food they engage in the remarkable figure 8 dance, which is more of a waggle 8 dance that allows other bees to know the location of food. The number 8 may be used as a symbol for infinity because of its ‘racetrack like feature’ which is infinite & endless.

When bees are allowed to prepare their own natural hives in the environment these natural hives take on the proportion of the golden ratio which is simply the number ‘9’ swirling around to form a larger spiral.

We humanity could learn a lot from the humble bee selfless hierarchy systems of divisional labour pool, that not only allow for the pollination of over 90% of humanities global agriculture needs, but are the reasons that we are able to view the beauty that is bestowed within the many varieties of flowers that exist to enhance our lives in one way form or another.

The strongest parallel of all is, when there is a occasional breakdown within the hierarchy bee community, this situation is aptly termed ‘Anarchy’.
King Solomon & his respect for the humble bee.

One day King Solomon was sitting on his throne with the great & wise men standing around him. Suddenly the door to the reception chamber was thrown open and the Queen of Sheba walked in.

“Oh King,” said the Queen. “In my country far far away, I have heard so much from others of your power & glory, but much more about your wisdom. They have told me there is no riddle so cunning that you cannot solve. Is this true?”

“Most certainly Queen” answered Solomon

“Well, I have a puzzle which I think will test your wisdom, shall I show it to you?”

“Most certainly Queen” answered Solomon

Then she held up in both hands 2 beautiful wreaths of flowers. The wreaths were so nearly alike & identical that none of those who were present there with the King could tell the difference.

“One of the wreaths” said the Queen, “is made of flowers plucked from the garden. The other is made from artificial flowers, shaped and coloured by the most skilful artist in the land. Now tell me King which is the true, and which is the false?”

The King was for once was puzzled. He stroked his chin. He looked at the wreaths from every possible angle. He frowned and bit his lip.

“Which is true” The Queen of Sheba asked again. King Solomon could not tell the difference or reply.

“I have heard you are the wisest man in the world, surely this simple task should not puzzle you”

The King moved uneasily in his throne. His wise men and great men shook their heads, some would smile if they dared. “Look at the flowers carefully and let us have your answer,” said the Queen.

Then the King suddenly remembered something, he remembered that very close by his window there was a climbing vine filled with beautiful flowers. He remembered that he had seen many bees flying among the flowers gathering honey from then all.

So he spoke and ordered, “Open the windows” The windows were opened. The Queen of Sheba was standing quite near the windows with the 2 wreaths still in her hands. All eyes were turned to the windows to see why the King had ordered this. The next moment 2 eager bees flew into the room. Then followed by another and another. All bees flew to the flowers held in the Queens right hand. Not one bee so much as looked to the wreath of flowers in her left hand.

“Oh Queen of Sheba, the bees have given you my answer” said King Solomon.

The Queen then replied, “You are wise, King Solomon. You gather knowledge from the little things which common men would not consider or pass by unnoticed”

King Solomon a King of Israel lived 3 thousand years ago. He built a great temple in Jerusalem and was famous all over the world for his wisdom. They have said that King Solomon so loved the bee, that there was bees sown and attached to his burial garments when he was finally laid to rest.

You might ask yourselves why have I included this story in this thread. The answer is simple

The word King can be broken into 2 words. ‘Kin’ meaning family member and the letter ‘g’ is usually spelt like the number ‘9’, nine corresponding to the golden ratio.

The word Sheba can be broken down again into 2 words. ‘She’ pertaining to a female, and the word ‘Ba’. The Ba is an ancient Egyptian word that is associated with ‘the soul or spirit’

The Ka and Ba are intrinsically linked, the ka being the ‘life force or vital essence’ of an individual.
ACTS 2:18 “This will happen in the last days: I will pour out upon everyone a portion of my spirit. I will show portents in the sky above, and signs on the earth below”

“The 1st of January 2011 & again 1st January 2012 – location Beebe, Arkansas U.S.A”

On New years day 2011, 5000 ‘Red wing Black birds” were found dead in the small township of ‘Beebe’ located in the American state of ‘Arkansas’ in the U.S.A. Exactly one year latter on New Years Day 2012. Once again more ‘Red wing Black birds’ were found dead in the small township of ‘Beebe’.

The local sheriff & scientist concluded if I remember correctly, stated the birds may have suffered trauma from the noise given out by fireworks because of New Years eve celebration. They could find no other reason why these birds fell from the sky

Birds are generally & can be accepted as a sign possibly sent from a source for example like heaven?

I myself have accepted that some sort of veiled administration uses animals from either land and sea to make statements about human activity & notify humanity of unfolding future events.

I would put my money and bet ‘The word Beebe means to act like a bee….bee be!

To coexist & view global bee colonies as a fair, selfless and productive example that civilization should base our existing infrastructure on. Serve a Queen or gods Queen? maybe gods She-ba, our mother earth perhaps?
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Veteran Member
The following is a collection of thoughts of events that have occurred over recent years.

The Humble Bee.

The ordinary honey bee lives in ‘community colonies’ that have within their hive infrastructure highly specialized jobs. Each hive has about 50,000 bee’s and only one Queen. There are 100 female worker bees to every male drone bee. The male drone bees’ job is to mate with the Queen who produce about 1,500 eggs each day. Once the drone bees’ mate, they simply die. Drone bees have no stingers and cannot forage for food themselves. They rely entirely on the female worker bees that can be categorized as forager scout bees whose main job is to search for suitable foods sources.

There are carrier bees who follow the scouts and are specialists themselves, some only collect pollen and others only nectar. The female worker bees have only divisional jobs which also include feeding and nursing the growing larvae. There are cleaner bees who clean the honey cells and clear the hive of any debris. There are bees who clean forager bees to remove any dust and foreign bodies that have managed to find their way into the hive. There are undertaker bees who remove dead workers from the hive once they die, and there are packer bees who collect pollen and nectar from the returning forager bees. There are also bee colonies who will only specialise in a particular type of flower. Producing a particular brand of honey.

There are worker bees who simply produce ‘bees wax’ to build honey comb to store manufactured honey and other bees who produce wax to cap both ‘pupae cells and the cells full of ripened honey. There are bees who ripen honey by fanning their wings over the fresh pollen & nectar to evaporate excess water. There are bees who collect water to dilute honey to feed growing larvae. Other bees are collectors of tree resin who maintain and repair the hive, bees who keep and maintain security within the hive and are able to emit pheromones to warn of impending danger.

Some other interesting facts are, once a scout bee returns from locating a fresh source of food they engage in the remarkable figure 8 dance, which is more of a waggle 8 dance that allows other bees to know the location of food. The number 8 may be used as a symbol for infinity because of its ‘racetrack like feature’ which is infinite & endless.

When bees are allowed to prepare their own natural hives in the environment these natural hives take on the proportion of the golden ratio which is simply the number ‘9’ swirling around to form a larger spiral.

We humanity could learn a lot from the humble bee selfless hierarchy systems of divisional labour pool, that not only allow for the pollination of over 90% of humanities global agriculture needs, but are the reasons that we are able to view the beauty that is bestowed within the many varieties of flowers that exist to enhance our lives in one way form or another.

The strongest parallel of all is, when there is a occasional breakdown within the hierarchy bee community, this situation is aptly termed ‘Anarchy’.
"ABC and XYZ of beekeeping" is a good read.

But I'd not be go applying any of it to people.


Well-Known Member
I would put my money and bet ‘The word Beebe means to act like a bee….bee be!

Reality is so much more complex than most can even imagine. It is infinitely more complex than most believe.

There is information in everything but especially in language because language was once logical and the words themselves never "changed", they morphed.

The Himalayan ranges are home to ‘*9’ of the highest peaks on earth including ‘Mount Everest’ being the highest in the world. In Tibet Mount Everest is known as ‘Chomolungma’ meaning ‘Mother Goddess of the Universe’, and to the Nepalese people Mount Everest is known as ‘Sagarmatha – Goddess of the Sky’. These mountain ranges are the world’s largest natural wall the earth has in exitance. They are 2400 km long and were reputed to have taken 60 million years for the earth to form and create.

The word Himalayas can be broken down into 3 words and when spoken slowly are the words ‘Him -ma-layers’. ‘Him’ pertaining to a male presence, and ‘ma’ meaning a female presence. The word ‘laya’s can be pronounced ‘layers’. The word Himalaya then takes on a new meaning …the highest mountains in the world are the ancient meeting place, connection & layers of mother earth & father heaven, where they both meet in a physical sense. The dynamics of these thought can’t help but leave a person feeling small & insignificant but impressed of the size, magnitude, colossal nature of a concept creator.

The word Everest can be broken down into 2 words Eve & rest. Eve being the concept of the first woman on earth, and the word ‘rest’ meaning a place to sleep.

I have added this post because ‘Cladking’ is right ‘my, yours, ours, their, everyone’s realities are so different & ideas ,beliefs can be so much more diverse & complex.

*9 – in regards to the golden Ratio.

Gestalt – what an awesome word
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Veteran Member

The Himalayan ranges are home to ‘*9’ of the highest peaks on earth including ‘Mount Everest’ being the highest in the world. In Tibet Mount Everest is known as ‘Chomolungma’ meaning ‘Mother Goddess of the Universe’, and to the Nepalese people Mount Everest is known as ‘Sagarmatha – Goddess of the Sky’. These mountain ranges are the world’s largest natural wall the earth has in exitance. They are 2400 km long and were reputed to have taken 60 million years for the earth to form and create.

The word Himalayas can be broken down into 3 words and when spoken slowly are the words ‘Him -ma-layers’. ‘Him’ pertaining to a male presence, and ‘ma’ meaning a female presence. The word ‘laya’s can be pronounced ‘layers’. The word Himalaya then takes on a new meaning the…the highest mountains in the world are the ancient meeting place, connection & layers of mother earth & father heaven, where they both meet in a physical sense. The dynamics of these thought can’t help but leave a person feeling small & insignificant but impressed of the size, magnitude, colossal nature of a concept creator.

The word Everest can be broken down into 2 words Eve & rest. Eve being the concept of the first woman on earth, and the word ‘rest’ meaning a place to sleep.

I have added this post because ‘Cladking’ is right ‘my, yours, ours, their, everyone’s realities are so different & ideas ,beliefs can be so much more diverse & complex.

*9 – in regards to the golden Ratio.

Gestalt – what an awesome word
"Rest" does not mean "a place to sleep".
Etymology is interesting.
But you are just being silly.


Well-Known Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’

Like the bennu bird on @thebenbenstone the truth will rise again. Just as the original benben was lifted from the primordial mound onto the first pyramid, truth will come from the chaos we call language and regain its rightful place.

There are so many connections between words and truth and reality yet we assume they are all mere coincidence because there is no logic in the words when they are used by us. We are witness to their sloppy use and how they evolve even over the shortest term. It would never occur to people today that language was once concrete and the product of logic and reality itself. It would never occur to us that the original logic is still being directed by human consciousness and logic.

Sure language is all a mish mash with no means to positively separate all the ingredients like the thick broth of a soup swimming around in peoples' heads and approximated by dictionaries but the relationships still exist.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to perceive.
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Well-Known Member
I personally find the search for these connections difficult and confusing so instead I am more interested in etymology and changes in language and its usage but I do like to read other peoples' work in this area. The numerologists are less interesting because even though ancient words had a mathematical relationship one to another this relationship was based on meaning not the letters of the words.
I was told - taught this many years ago,

The numbers….

0 = A symbol for a planet or Sun.

1 = The acknowledgement of oneself. The number ‘1’ being similar to the lower-case letter ‘i’ identifying a person’s body with a head.

2 = The acknowledgement of another human soul, 2 being ‘us’ or ‘we’.

*3 = The acknowledgement of a higher order, identifying a ‘god’ of some sort.

The location of the Great pyramids on the Giza plateau. The pyramids are a calendar of past, present and future events. The longitude & latitude lines intersect at 30 degrees North & 31 degrees East.

This gives you ‘God on earth & God and I’. Interesting 30+31=61 ( golden ratio 1.61….)

*the number 3 can be drawn, written from the base upwards, it then gives you a stylized word for ‘g,o,d’

There is a place towards the very East which is identified as the first city on earth that receives the first dawn easterly morning sun on earth, this place is called ‘Gisborne’.

I have identified the words ‘Giza born’

I have also identified within the words ‘golden ratio’… 9old… Ra...t…10.
If you simply type in the number '9' in Wikipedia, you will see the evolution of the glyph 9, it evolves from a question mark ? >to the number >3, and keeps going until it resembles the glyph '9'
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I was told - taught this many years ago,
In different cultures, different numbers can have different additional meanings besides their math value. For example, in modern America, 13 is an unlucky number. There is absolutely nothing to this. At best they are fun traditions. At their worst it is superstitious nonsense.


Veteran Member
I was told - taught this many years ago,

The numbers….

0 = A symbol for a planet or Sun.

1 = The acknowledgement of oneself. The number ‘1’ being similar to the lower-case letter ‘i’ identifying a person’s body with a head.

2 = The acknowledgement of another human soul, 2 being ‘us’ or ‘we’.

*3 = The acknowledgement of a higher order, identifying a ‘god’ of some sort.

The location of the Great pyramids on the Giza plateau. The pyramids are a calendar of past, present and future events. The longitude & latitude lines intersect at 30 degrees North & 31 degrees East.

This gives you ‘God on earth & God and I’. Interesting 30+31=61 ( golden ratio 1.61….)and

*the number 3 can be drawn, written from the base upwards, it then gives you a stylized word for ‘g,o,d’

There is a place towards the very East which is identified as the first city on earth that receives the first dawn easterly morning sun on earth, this place is called ‘Gisborne’.

I have identified the words ‘Giza born’

I have also identified within the words ‘golden ratio’… 9old… Ra...t…10.
If you simply type in the number '9' in Wikipedia, you will see the evolution of the glyph 9, it evolves from a question mark ? >to the number >3, and keeps going until it resembles the glyph '9'
But now you can no longer be taught anything,
like how to recogize woo woo nonsense?
I have decided to share some stories with you that have helped shape not my life, but my thoughts on God.


Maybe Late 2002-2004

The Fishing Trip

During the end of 2002,2004 i cannot recall with complete accuracy. i had left my job at a local restaurant. I had not arranged any other employment, so was not working. I somehow scored a job as a deckhand on one of the fishing boats that come into the local port periodically, I had previously enjoyed leisure fishing but had never been on a commercial fishing boat before. I thought "yeah" i will give it ago. The boat was called the "Kotari" and it was based up north in a town called from Mount Maunganui, The crew consisted of myself, a skipper & another deckhand (Patrick) who like myself was a local Man. We were both inexperienced commercial fishermen, but were keen to get some sort of professional work experience.

We all met at the local fishing port, after introduction we went to the local supermarket to buy groceries to last us the 5 days we were meant to be away at sea. After topping up on fuel & Ice, we headed out from the ‘Napier Iron pot harbour’ In a easterly direction, The skipper estimated the fishing ground we were to fish from was about 70kms from the land. He was hoping to catch blue fin tuna. Apparently, this was the time of the year they passed through on their migratory passage northward.

The fishing day consisted of placing bait on 1200 fishing hooks usually prepackaged squid bait. This job was done when we set the long line and the boat slowly made its way from the first transmitter & buoy. It takes up to 5 hours to manually place the first piece of bait on a hook, to the end when the last bait is finally laid. The fishing line can stretch up to 20kms long. it has numerous smaller floater buoy’s to help keep it afloat and on both ends are electronic transmitters. These transmitters are used to "find" the fishing line once we rise in the morning.

After 5 days at sea we returned to 'Port Ahuriri' to off-load our small catch. I agreed to come back in a few days to try another week of fishing. The work was hard but it was good experience. There's a kind of peace out there in the ocean. You grow to admire and respect the sea when it becomes a way of life.

The second week of fishing consisted of the same preparation; except we were both more seasoned & experienced. Upon reaching the fishing grounds, we proceeded to bait the hooks through the night & set the line. We ate and then retired for the evening, had turns waking up to keeping an eye on the onboard radar. Every few hours we would receive onboard radio station reports which fisherman used to keep track of the weather forecast for the next few days, on this occasion they warned us of a incoming storm which was to reach us within 24hours,

We woke in the early morning and tracked down the beginning of the fishing line, we found the transmitter & proceeded to winch in the line. After about 2 hours the skipper realised our fishing line had broke during the night. This was caused by either another boats propeller or by a entangled sharks teeth. As we were examining the line. I heard a sharp sound like the sound of a whip. I lost my balance and grabbed the supporting metal rail bar which ran along the side of the boat. My entire face and body was covered in sea-water. I was trying to work out if a freak wave had drenched me, but then realised the boat had lurched to one side, so much so, that my face had actually mad contact with the sea. I turned and asked the skipper if we were meant to be out at sea (because of the previously days storm warning) He replied that we were looking for the other ‘transmitter buoy’ which was still attached to the lost fishing line. I realised the skipper had made a bad decision placing the value of a transmitting device before the "lives" of his inexperienced crew. The seas became very rough in a short time, myself and Patrick were very scared as we had never been in a weathered storm out at sea.

The skipper abandoned the search for his transmitter and tried to make his way back to Napier’s port. Which was about a half days sailing in normal conditions. After a few hours of trying to head back to Napier, he gave up, As the current and seas were to uncontrollable & rough. He made the decision to head to an outcrop peninsula, known as ‘Mahia’ the ocean current were also running in that general direction. During the course of our race to safety, we had numerous broken windows, lost more of our equipment, lost the 400 kg bait box. It had smashed its way through the tail end of the boat leaving a gaping hole. We lost the use of most of our electrical lighting. We were very scared & frightened. It was winter and cold out at sea and here we were! trying to make a run for safety in the dark.

Over a period of time when you’re scared that you may die, A million thoughts race through your head. It’s not like a "car crash" which is instant or a "near miss" at a road side. It’s prolonged agony of not knowing your immediate future if you were going to live or die. The seas were so rough, the last image i had before night fell, was a huge wave blocking out the setting sunlight, and being engulfed in semi darkness. It is a image that will haunt me and fascinate me, until the day i die.

While the skipper was at the helm, Patrick and i both prayed silently, hoping to survive and get out of this predicament. During the storm i remembered a story, a family member told me apparently one of my grandfathers had died at sea after purchasing a fishing boat. My great grandfather a chief had also drowned crossing a river. I made a silent prayer to my forefathers dedicated to them asking for help, i couldn’t think of anyone else to pray too.

To put it quiet bluntly! I have never been so scared in my life before, for such a long period of time. After hours of being thrown around in the darkness, you become accustomed to the fact "you might die"

After many hours we eventually made it too safety behind "Mahia peninsula., It was still dark when we arrived, we threw out the anchor and all retired for the night for much-needed sleep. I was the first to wake, I climbed up the gantry, climbed out onto the deck to have a look at the seas to get my bearings. The skies were covered in storm cloud but the rain had stopped. I could see land and the streets that snaked along the Mahia's coast. We were only about 150 meters from land. i made my way to the front of the boat which was facing towards the open sea, I directed my gaze skyward and focused on a beam of light that had broken through the clouds. It was facing in a northerly direction; My gaze became fixed and fascinated as i realised i had been watching the beam of light for about 5 minutes. It had not moved. There was plenty of cloud movement but still the beam of light had not moved.

I raced back into the hull and grabbed Patrick. He immediately followed me back out onto the deck. The beam of light was still there like a finger pointing north. Patrick said to me " I don't know what you said in your prayers bro, but thanks" I knew the light was pointing in the direction we must follow. towards Gisborne’s harbour. After the skipper woke and joined us we headed northwards to Gisborne, to safety.

During the night of the prayers i did mentioned if I survived i would promise to attend church service, if i made it back to land .....and i did!
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