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The evolving human consciousness


Well-Known Member
Let the sleepers be they already have all the belief they need.

You'll get me doing it. Belief = Be + leaf. Be subject to the winds while nourishing the roots.

...a veritable miasma of language, consciousness, reality, and dreams.

Live in the sun but pick your own course through reality. Don't just blow in the wind.


Well-Known Member
I am going to attempt to reinterpret peoples understanding of the Beast in Revelations. The following is simply theoretical in nature.

Revelations Chapter 13 – paragraph 16 – 18

…. He also forced everyone small and great rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom, if anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666

The concept of the beast or ‘the mark of the beast 666’ is derived from the Book of Revelations. It is the final chapter in the book of the New Testament.

The mark of the beast/666 may serve as symbol for the antichrist & his or her Kingdom during the end times. The mark of the beast has been the subject of many speculative thoughts throughout history & many theories have been presented by various historians, theorist, men, woman of faith.

The mark of the beast is described as a ‘mark’ that will be imposed on people’s forehead or righthand & is closely associated with the number ‘666’ which is also mentioned in the same passage.

This mark may signify loyalty or devotion to an Anti-Christ person or Group of persons concept. Which would be a system of control that defies the teachings of ‘Christ’. This may manifest by means of economic control & identification within this Kingdom.

The Book of Revelations is filled with metaphoric language, vivid imagery & has been written by the Apostle John during his exile on the island of ‘Patmos’ which exists somewhere near the country Greece.

Interpretations of the mark of the beast vary from author to author which depends on individual theological beliefs & perspectives.

Some interpretation view this mark as a literal mark, possibly a physical branding or perhaps a type of microchip implant which would give more credibility to the microchips embedded in your personal bank cards, credit cards etc that we all carry around.

The mark of the beast could be interpreted as a symbolic allegiance to a regime that we live within. Let’s face it, it’s hard to live off the grid.

The number 666 is also mentioned in the passages of King Solomon’s

1 Kings 10:14… says “the weight of gold which Solomon received every year was 666 talents of gold, besides what came from tradesmen, from the traffic of the merchants, and from all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the region”

The mark of the beast may also symbolise the Antichrists attempt to challenge God or rival Gods authority. The consequences of receiving the mark of the beast are severe Revelations 14:9-11 it states that those who receive the mark will experience Gods wraith & eternal damnation this passage has led to great fear surrounding the concept & understanding of the mark of the beast.

We must remember Revelations is highly symbolic & apocalyptic in nature and its messages are interpreted differently by different individuals & religious organisations Some see the mark of the beast representing a corrupt & oppressive system while others see it as a literal insight or prophecy of future events. One thing is paramount in the teachings of Christ (or the concept teachings of a Ka-rise-t ) he asks all who would listen to be civil in nature.

Therefore, the mark of the beast remains a topic of debate and speculative thought, speculation as with most biblical historic accounts. It is important to approach the text of revelations with an open mind & careful consideration of its historical context.

How much time do we humanity have in regards to these apocalyptic events?

Interesting if you take a timepiece clock, you have 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute. The base number for 24 hours is 6 (2+4 =6) and again for 60 minutes is 6 (6+0 = 6) and again for 60 seconds is 6 (6+0=6). This gives you the numbers 6-6-6. The mark of the beast can be interpreted as ‘time’ or measured time. Those who feel their lifespan is limited will always view their lives as a time piece which is counting down, running out & final. & then there are others who view this life as a short-term stopover on their way to some type of heaven (or better life) The word ‘clock’ may be broken down & interpreted as ‘Ka-lock’ ka meaning spirit & lock meaning restricted.

Time or the concept of time can be infinite or finite, continuous or in most cases limited.

i would be interested in any persons view about Revelations & their personal thoughts on 'time'
The number 666 can be interpreted with numerology. The way numerology works, is each letter of an alphabet is assigned a number. In any language the first letter is assigned 1, so in English, a=1, b=2, c=3, d-4, e=5, f=6 g=7 h=8,i=9, j=10, k-11, l=12 m=13, n=14, o=15, etc to z=26.

The 666 implies three names; first, middle and last names. What you do is add up all the letters of each name. If the name was John Paul Smith, John will be j=10 + o=15 + h=8 + n=14 which equal 47. You keep adding these numbers, so from 47 we add 4 +7=11, and we keeping adding, so from 11 we add 1+1=2, until the name is reduced to just one number or John =2.

The 666 would be a number for a specific first, middle and last name person either in English or in another alphabet with more or fewer letters, in a language, that can have different sounding names.

In the 1980's many doom sayers thought Ronald Reagan was the Anti Christ, but his name did not add properly.
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Well-Known Member
If there is a universal source ‘consciousness’ that monitors human development & helps humanity in the progression of various subjects, for example ‘science, religion & languages’ there must have been a pathway of evolving tools that have been developed and are ‘in use already, readily available, cost effective & is used globally’
Empathy is the path that consciousness evolved from. Mother to infant newborn. The instinct to care for that new life led to an empathy. The consideration of the other life's needs and wants. That path is where i find consciousness developed to the instinctive living process. Then to be able to exchange information, 'need food' and then labeling is where words began.


Well-Known Member
Spoken and written language are subjective. Any sound can be coined as a new word. There is no natural cause and affect between words and their sounds beyond a social convention.

I have never heard a cat make a sound, that sounds like the word cat, so why was that sound chosen? Meow would make more objective sound sense for a cat. It was subjectivity minted like a coin. The word marriage is no longer a man and women making it more ambiguous and even more subjective. Different people may no longer form a meeting of their minds.

The word "set" used to be the word with the most meanings. In 1928 the Guinness World Record; OED said it had 200 meanings. It was since overtaken by the word "run.", which now holds the record, until the OED meets again in 2037. If I say run, what does it mean to you?

Adding to this, there are about 6500 different languages at this time on earth; All things has have different noise connection depending where you go.

One the other hand, there is natural universal language connected to sight. What we see is based on photons entering the eyes in various combinations, that create a language of visual images, that is the same for all humans regardless of the subjectivity of our various spoken languages. If I placed a cat on a table, in front of 6500 people representing all the 6500 languages, all would agree what they see, but each may make a different sound, expressing what see; clarity and confusion.

The brain has two sets of language; universal and subjective which can lead to some special affects. Science publishes with written subjective language. This is useful, but not enough, since it also has pass the objectivity of the sight test; redo the experiments, since words can have more than one meaning even in science.


Well-Known Member
The number 666 can be interpreted with numerology.

The 666 implies three names; first, middle and last names.

The 666 would be a number for a specific first,
How many observe chemistry?
The most predominant isotope of Carbon is C-12. Most all known life lives upon that element.

6- protons, 6-electrons, 6- neutrons....................C-12

Just to know that, now each and everyone reading it, has it branded upon the head (learned).

How many here have ever witnessed that rendition?


Well-Known Member
Spoken and written language are subjective. Any sound can be coined as a new word. There is no natural cause and affect between words and their sounds beyond a social convention.

This is a fundamental assumption of those speaking modern languages. It is a belief founded in what we take to be common sense just as we assume no language can be metaphysical despite the fact an eight word metaphysical language operates the internet and underlies what is jokingly called "artificial intelligence" (it's not funny). We can't imagine a language that every word has a logical and mathematical relationship to every other word yet this is exactly what the bee's waggle dance is saying.

The original word for "tiger" may well have been the sound a person makes when caught by one. The word was even used by proto-humans to warn of specific dangers. It has splintered and evolved in a million ways.

In most language the word "mother" is similar to the sound a baby makes when nursing commences. Perhaps people used to speak a language just like this and learned about nature directly through observation and the logic of language. Perhaps this is how they knew about the hydraulic cycle and electricity. They sure as hell weren't making voltmeters and launching weather balloons.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Spoken and written language are subjective. Any sound can be coined as a new word. There is no natural cause and affect between words and their sounds beyond a social convention.

I have never heard a cat make a sound, that sounds like the word cat, so why was that sound chosen? Meow would make more objective sound sense for a cat. It was subjectivity minted like a coin. The word marriage is no longer a man and women making it more ambiguous and even more subjective. Different people may no longer form a meeting of their minds.

The word "set" used to be the word with the most meanings. In 1928 the Guinness World Record; OED said it had 200 meanings. It was since overtaken by the word "run.", which now holds the record, until the OED meets again in 2037. If I say run, what does it mean to you?

Adding to this, there are about 6500 different languages at this time on earth; All things has have different noise connection depending where you go.

One the other hand, there is natural universal language connected to sight. What we see is based on photons entering the eyes in various combinations, that create a language of visual images, that is the same for all humans regardless of the subjectivity of our various spoken languages. If I placed a cat on a table, in front of 6500 people representing all the 6500 languages, all would agree what they see, but each may make a different sound, expressing what see; clarity and confusion.

The brain has two sets of language; universal and subjective which can lead to some special affects. Science publishes with written subjective language. This is useful, but not enough, since it also has pass the objectivity of the sight test; redo the experiments, since words can have more than one meaning even in science.
Perhaps, like so many other species, cats had no need for any specific language to develop when they had other means of conveying information?



Well-Known Member

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Some people seem to think otherwise - the YECs. :oops:
And to add to the previous about cats, it might seem obvious that a solitary predator - that relied on stealth to catch prey - might not want to emit sounds. And being solitary rather than social, less drive to communicate with other cats apart from certain circumstances. With this applying to so many other species too. Unlike humans, where our ancestors were social, had need of a language to pass on knowledge to others, and could use their vocalisations in many different scenarios to their advantage.


Well-Known Member
Some people seem to think otherwise - the YECs. :oops:

A lot of science believers keep telling me there could be no human language until the hyoid bone arose between 40 and 70.000 years ago.

Of course there was a language earlier. It contained words like "tinder", "spark", "water", and a few hundred other words. It was a metaphysical language like all species languages but it was to simple to launch human progress.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
A lot of science believers keep telling me there could be no human language until the hyoid bone arose between 40 and 70.000 years ago.

Of course there was a language earlier. It contained words like "tinder", "spark", "water", and a few hundred other words. It was a metaphysical language like all species languages but it was to simple to launch human progress.
Very useful, but the point is that many species seem able to communicate with others of their species and to others that are not, and even if we don't understand much of what they might be communicating, it is obvious that many species do have some kind of language - even if not of the symbolic sounds variety that tend to make our lives a lot easier. To many, non-humans are just acting on instinct and therefore couldn't possibly do any communicating, thinking, problem-solving, or simply displaying emotional responses - much like we might do - but then it's so much easier to separate us from them so as to fulfil any beliefs, usually being religious, demanding such.


Well-Known Member
Very useful, but the point is that many species seem able to communicate with others of their species and to others that are not, and even if we don't understand much of what they might be communicating, it is obvious that many species do have some kind of language - even if not of the symbolic sounds variety that tend to make our lives a lot easier. To many, non-humans are just acting on instinct and therefore couldn't possibly do any communicating, thinking, problem-solving, or simply displaying emotional responses - much like we might do - but then it's so much easier to separate us from them so as to fulfil any beliefs, usually being religious, demanding such.

We're mostly on the same page here.

However I don't believe that human beliefs about other species were created by religion or science per se so much as they arose through language. We speak of dumb animals and believe in human omniscience. we believe in a condition called "intelligence" which exists only in humans. These things are just old wives tales and in reality all individuals of all species are conscious. All individuals demonstrate an ability to make decisions which improve their odds of survival and reproduction. There is no "intelligence" and our belief in it results from extrapolation of some quality seen most easily in human behavior.

Other species communicate among themselves and with one another to a great extent. Humans are the odd man out because our many languages are formatted differently. There can be no translation across this formatting and human consciousness is defined by (created by) our analog and symbolic languages.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
We're mostly on the same page here.
I think so.
However I don't believe that human beliefs about other species were created by religion or science per se so much as they arose through language. We speak of dumb animals and believe in human omniscience. we believe in a condition called "intelligence" which exists only in humans. These things are just old wives tales and in reality all individuals of all species are conscious. All individuals demonstrate an ability to make decisions which improve their odds of survival and reproduction. There is no "intelligence" and our belief in it results from extrapolation of some quality seen most easily in human behavior.
I'm sure it isn't solely due to religions that many do often have some peculiar beliefs about non-human life as purely acting on instinct - often being of the YEC variety - but the Abrahamic religions do tend to make this distinction between humans (created by God, and risen above all other life) and all other lifeforms so as to enable them also so often to treat them more like objects.
Other species communicate among themselves and with one another to a great extent. Humans are the odd man out because our many languages are formatted differently. There can be no translation across this formatting and human consciousness is defined by (created by) our analog and symbolic languages.
Well it no doubt will get better or worse when AI gets up and running.


Well-Known Member
Well it no doubt will get better or worse when AI gets up and running.

I doubt AI will be able to come up with very many new things. It has its place but I suspect true "insight" requires a brain.

Before too long we'll have actual machine intelligence and humans will be obsolete.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I doubt AI will be able to come up with very many new things. It has its place but I suspect true "insight" requires a brain.
It certainly seems like it might decipher non-human communications, and as to such being one thing that has eluded us for so long - mainly from our arrogance as to not even accepting such goes on.