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The Fellowship of Gallifrey


Master of the Mystic Arts
I hope this is the correct place for this post, apoologies if it is not.:sorry1:

[FONT=&quot]So, the other night I was listening to a podcast about how various films and stories and comics etc inform various people practices and beliefs. Thinking of this I began to see if I could figure out if my own beliefs had been influenced by any of the comics/stories/tv-show/ etc I'm into. After some consideration I discovered that, if you break it down, my beliefs really align with the British sci-fi series Doctor Who. So, I sat down and wrote out what a belief system based upon Doctor Who might look like. This was really just an experiment and a bit of fun, but it does kind of make. Here is what I came up with;

[/FONT] The Fellowship of Gallifrey
The Fellowship of Gallifrey sees the life of the Time Lord known only as the Doctor as a metaphor for life and we see his actions as teachings as to how to live a full and rewarding existence. Here you will find a description of our beliefs and how they relate to the Doctor.

The TARDIS, the Doctors dimensionally transindental space ship, we see as a metaphor for our universe and life as a whole and our perception of those. If one sees the TARDIS only from the exterior all one perceives is a blue box. Slightly intriguing perhaps, but otherwise unremarkable. Look inside, however, and one sees the TARDIS is much larger, much more than we first thought.
The same holds true for life and the universe. All many perceive of their life and the universe is that which is directly in front of them; their day-to-day life and the knowledge that we are part of the Milky Way with a few other planets. However, look out side our own galaxy, past our every day existence and we can see that the universe, and life, are giant, if not infinite, spaces with endless possibility and unknown brilliance.

Time Lords can regenerate when they are gravely wounded or when their bodies become frail. We of the Fellowship view regeneration as a metaphor for times of great change within ourselves. All of us go through personal changes at points in our life, be it growing into maturity, becoming stronger through dealing with loss, discovering a hidden talent or any number of things. We see these instances as our own personal regenerations during which we change into a new, better self.

The Traveller
Although the Doctor is a genius by any standard and possesses possibly more knowledge than any other being in the universe he continues to travel through time and space in order to discover new tings. We believe that, like the Doctor, we should forever strive for greater knowledge and enlightenment. No matter how knowledgeable one is one can always learn more. Seek out knowledge, let it inspire, teach, mature and enlighten. Through knowledge we are able to perceive more than previously possible. It is through knowledge we can achieve our personal best.

The Path
Although the Doctor has never fully stated what his personal beliefs are we can tell from his interactions with others that he feels everyone should follow their hearts, they should strive to find their own path in life, Seek out that which speaks to you, that which moves you, and follow it.
Seek your own Path.

The Companions
Although the Doctor is remarkable his chosen companions are often those who would be considered “common people.” The Doctor, however, shows these people that they too are remarkable. This teaches us that we should not discount people based upon limited knowledge of them or on a first-impression basis for greatness may lie just under the surface. We should also not think little of ourselves because we too are great. We see ourselves as companions of the Doctor and following his teaching will show us how remarkable we truly can be.

Summing Up
If we where to sum up the Fellowship of Gallifrey’s beliefs they would be described thus;
·The universe, and life, is much grander than what we can see in front of our faces. Strive to perceive the fullness of life and the universe and your existence will be so much the greater.
·All of us go through change on some level. Embrace this change as it will mould you into the person you will become.
·Seek out knowledge. Any and all knowledge. It is through knowledge we learn, grow and are enlightened.
·Most importantly find that which speaks to you and follow it. Seek your own Path.

“Go forth in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.” – the First Doctor.

So...any thoughts, theories?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
How do these beliefs reconcile the classic Who?

Time Lords were the biggest, most powerful and most corrupt species in the Universe.



Master of the Mystic Arts
How do these beliefs reconcile the classic Who?

Time Lords were the biggest, most powerful and most corrupt species in the Universe.
Yes, that's true, the Time Lords where right ********, but this isn't based on the Time Lords, it's based on the Doctor himself who, as the classic series clearly states, was a renegade and exiled from Gallifrey because he would not conform with their laws. He belived the Time Lords to be wrong in what they did.
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So my best guess is that it doesn't attract chicks.:rolleyes:

That's all I wanted to know.

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I wish I knew more about Dr. Strange so I could comment.

I only saw a cartoon Dr. Strange movie once,
and though I really did enjoy it,
I don't remember enough to venture a comment.

(if Dopp was here the thread would maybe go on for pages...):sad4:

You obviously put alot of though into this
and I like your line of thinking.

Now A_E.... I KNOW you were just joking around about the hot chicks...
but it wasn't really the most THOUGHTFUL place to post your ... ummm....

but anyhow, I will answer your question.

I am a hot chick.
Dr. Strange's post attracted me.

So there you go. ;) :flirt:
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Yes, that's true, the Time Lords where right ********, but this isn't based on the Time Lords, it's based on the Doctor himself who, as the classic series clearly states, was a renegade and exiled from Gallifrey because he would not conform with their laws. He belived the Time Lords to be wrong in what they did.
He became Lord President and abused the privliges when ever it suited him... (he often cited and obeyed Gallifreyan law when it was to his benefit)
He destroyed his own planet (killing all his own kind) and committed genocide several times. (all for the greater good.)

Don't get me wrong... I love the Doctor to death... but while he is a hero, he isn't always a good guy.


ps... I also am a female (I'll never call myself a chick) and Dr. Who is my favorite show.


Master of the Mystic Arts
Oh... oops...

that's not really so STRANGE though,
that I don't actually know WHO we are talking about....


I'm still a hot chick though.
This changes nothing.

Lol, no worries UV.

He became Lord President and abused the privliges when ever it suited him... (he often cited and obeyed Gallifreyan law when it was to his benefit)
He destroyed his own planet (killing all his own kind) and committed genocide several times. (all for the greater good.)

Don't get me wrong... I love the Doctor to death... but while he is a hero, he isn't always a good guy.
Yeah, I know, but what's the fun of a hero who is 100% good? ;)

While the Doctor can be obnoxious (fifth), rude (first), seemingly childish (second) and self centered (6th again) he can also be extreamy brave, powerful and loyal. Just look at what a honorable chap the thrid Doctor was. So yes, while he DID do thigns to his own end it was, ultimately, for the greater good. And yes, he did destory his own planet, his own people and (seeminly at the time) the whole Dalek race it was either that or the whole of time and space would be destoryed. He had to make a choice.

I think, in that alone, you can see a very imprtant lesson. Always aim for the greater good. Two races or the whole of creation. And you know, we cna see from the current series it's a burden he carries heavily.

He's not perfect, he makes mistakes. But he does, in his way, do absolutally everything he can to improve the world. He also dosen't take sides. Sure, he regard the Daleks as mostly evil, but he has numerous times given them the chance to change. Conversly when the humans blew the Sycorax out fo the sky he berated them just as much as he would any other race. Everyone is equal to the Doctor (for the most part) and I think that is a very important message.

But it's all open to interptiation which is why it's fun. :yes:
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Oh its a great show... and a lot of lessons can be found there... but seriously you could do that with any show...

Plus we must never forget the Doctors view of 'gods'. ;)
I'm sure he would be very annoyed at having a religion spring up around him.



Master of the Mystic Arts
Plus we must never forget the Doctors view of 'gods'. ;)
I'm sure he would be very annoyed at having a religion spring up around him.

Ha, yes you are right. But, as I said in my original post, this was more of an experiment than anyhting, jsut seeing if my beliefes were inspired by fictional sources and Doctor Who just seemed to be the "loudest" one.

I'm not going to run around praying to the Doctor or anything (not that there would be anything wrong with that) I jsut thought it was an interesting idea and what I came out with was curious.

Glad to find anoter Who fan here too!


Veteran Member
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I would say the biggest lesson to take from Dr. Who is that violence is almost never the answer.
Problems are never solved with guns, but by thinking and discussion. (and the occasional McGuffin :D )



I would say the biggest lesson to take from Dr. Who is that violence is almost never the answer.
Problems are never solved with guns, but by thinking and discussion. (and the occasional McGuffin :D )


Very true, Painted Wolf, which is probably why Doctor Who has never caught on with mainstream American audiences like, say, Star Trek (in whatever incarnation) or Battlestar Galactica has. The main hero thinks his way out of jams, instead of blasting his way out. The show reflects the British mindset very well, I think.



Active Member
Man, I'll definitely pass on frubals in your honour my friend. Doctor Who is among the best series ever, and it has won Best British Series twice in a row now.

Man, I love DW, but I wouldn't build a religion around it/him. But, as Goon said, what a well thought out thread, evry good.

CB :cross:


Master of the Mystic Arts
Very true, Painted Wolf, which is probably why Doctor Who has never caught on with mainstream American audiences like, say, Star Trek (in whatever incarnation) or Battlestar Galactica has. The main hero thinks his way out of jams, instead of blasting his way out. The show reflects the British mindset very well, I think.


Isn't ti funny how America just dosen't seem to "get" Doctor Who. I remember when the new series first started one UN network turned it down becasue they felt it was "too British." :areyoucra

Anyway, for my tastes Who, both the classic and the new series, is infinatley better then any American series I've seen.