I guess the situation, for me at least, is that (and I find this difficult to explain so others can understand me; my fault) I figure that God, in creating the universe. made the 'laws' by which it works. Of course everything would then work by those laws/rules, and since they are the ones God created, there is certainly no need for Him to break them.
So, if He designed evolution as a process, why would He go in and stir the pot? It's already doing what He wants it to do. So is every other process by which the universe works. To imagine that He has to come in and tweak things is to imagine that He was poor designer. IMO, of course.
Now WE, operating according and within those rules, aren't going to see beyond them to a designer; why should we? if the rules work as they should (and they should, if God designed them) then we aren't going to see anything outside or beyond them. Our view, as theists, would be the same view non-believers have; all we see are the rules/laws/processes. I think that if we SEE God's touch in them, it would only be because they broke somewhere.
This means that we won't ever see objective, scientific, proof that god is behind universe creation.
We can, however, through prayer and such, receive personal and subjective evidence that He is. Individually. I can't prove His existence to you...and you can't prove His non-existence to me.
but both of us have to approach the study of the universe the same way, with the same methods, and we will see precisely the same things when we do. You...or at least atheists...will see in this examination of the way the rules work evidence that God is not required.
Well, He's not; if He were, He would have been an extremely bad Designer of things. IMO, of course, and my opinion isn't worth much.