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The forum reads: Athiesm vs. Creationism


??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide. Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change. Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz


Woke gremlin
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide.

Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution?
The fossils and DNA evidence would still be pretty compelling.

Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks???
Because science adjusts it's views based on what's observed and what evidence is available at the time, as well as what methods we use to make those observations. The fact that science changes to reflect reality makes it more reliable, not less.

But YaHWeH does not change.
Then why does he apparently no longer endorse slavery?

Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz
You don't have the faintest idea what evolution actually states, do you?


If you work in my field you are my 'slave'. You're taking slavery out of context. Stealing people from their homes to be bound up by imperialists is slavery. But being a well paid slave isnt that bad, it pretty much includes all of us!!!!

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I still laugh at the thought that such a number exists. When will we ever need a number so large? :D

I don't know. Most people have a hard time telling the difference between a million and a billion. What the heck is the difference?


Woke gremlin
If you work in my field you are my 'slave'. You're taking slavery out of context. Stealing people from their homes to be bound up by imperialists is slavery. But being a well paid slave isnt that bad, it pretty much includes all of us!!!!


Perhaps, then, you don't understand that a slave is literally a person that you own and is considered your property. If you're okay with that, then your moral compass is broken.


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old.

From Wikipedia:

In 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) of Glasgow published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years. Notice the date and the age proposed at that time.

An age of 4.55 ± 1.5% billion years, very close to today's accepted age, was determined by C.C. Patterson using uranium-lead isotope dating (specifically lead-lead dating) on several meteorites including the Canyon Diablo meteorite and published in 1956.

Again, notice the date and the age proposed at that date.


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change.

because change is fundamental to our existence. We change our minds based on new information all the time. Also, there is no "atheistic ideology" that I am aware of.

Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't!
Wrong again, Bob. Check out talkorigins.org
The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation...
if facts shake your belief, then your belief wasn't strong in the first place.

To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness!
It is not absolute madness at all. In fact, you should listen to the highly interesting lecture given by Dr. Lawrence Krauss on the origin of the universe.

And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz
Ah well. what you gonna do?:shrug:


Wonder Woman
I'm just thrown over the title of this thread. How can one not understand that there are far more theists who accept evolution then there are theists who believe in creation?


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
I'm just thrown over the title of this thread. How can one not understand that there are far more theists who accept evolution then there are theists who believe in creation?

I wouldn't be so optimistic, especially in USA.

from Wikipedia:

the percentage of people in the USA who accept the idea of evolution declined from 45% in 1985, to 40% in 2005.[59] A Gallup poll reported that percentage of people in the US that believe in a strict interpretation of creationism had fallen to 40% in 2010 after a high of 46% in 2006. The highest the percentage has risen between 1982 and 2010 was 47% in 1994 and 2000 according to the report. The report found that Americans who are less educated are more likely to hold a creationist view while those with a college education are more likely to hold a view involving evolution. 47% of those with no more than a high school education believe in creationism while 22% of those with a post graduate education hold that view. The poll also found that church attendance dramatically increased adherence to a strict creationist view (22% for those who do not attend church, 60% for those who attend weekly).[60] The higher percentage of Republicans who identified with a creationist view is described as evidence of the strong relationship between religion and politics the United States. Republicans also attend church weekly more than Democratic or independent voters. Non-Republican voters are twice as likely to hold a strictly scientific view of evolution than Republican voters.


Admiral Obvious
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide.
Source Please.

Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA!
What proof is there of evolution?
I do not know about "proof" but there is tons of evidence.
Perhaps you should use Google and look it up?

First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks???
Source please.

I ask because I suspect you are merely pulling numbers out your backside without having even a clue as to what you are talking about:
In 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) of Glasgow published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years.[15][16] He assumed that Earth had formed as a completely molten object, and determined the amount of time it would take for the near-surface to cool to its present temperature. His calculations did not account for heat produced via radioactive decay (a process then unknown to science) or convection inside the Earth, which allows more heat to escape from the interior to warm rocks near the surface.[15]

Less than 30 seconds on Google and I get a much much larger number at a much earlier date.

But YaHWeH does not change.
If you say so.
But with your current track record, I find it hard to believe anything you post.

Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution.
What is your source for this bold faced lie?

The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll.
Do you think that ignoring all the definitions of the word you dislike helps your argument?

"WordNet (r) 2.0"
v 1: work out; "We have developed a new theory of evolution"
[syn: germinate, develop]
2: undergo development or evolution; "Modern man evolved a long
time ago"
3: gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to
television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and
wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new
position"; "develop a passion for painting" [syn: develop,

evolve 1640s, "to unfold, open out, expand," from L. evolvere "to unroll," especially of books; figuratively "to make clear, disclose; to produce, develop," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + volvere "to roll" (see vulva). Meaning "to develop by natural processes to a higher state" is from 1832. Related: Evolved; evolving.

evolution 1620s, "an opening of what was rolled up," from L. evolutionem (nom. evolutio) "unrolling (of a book)," noun of action from evolvere (see evolve). Used in various senses in medicine, mathematics, and general use, including "growth to maturity and development of an individual living thing" (1660s). Modern use in biology, of species, first attested 1832 by Scottish geologist Charles Lyell. Charles Darwin used the word only once, in the closing paragraph of "The Origin of Species" (1859), and preferred descent with modification, in part because evolution already had been used in the 18c. homunculus theory of embryological development (first proposed under this name by Bonnet, 1762), in part because it carried a sense of "progress" not found in Darwin's idea. But Victorian belief in progress prevailed (along with brevity), and Herbert Spencer and other biologists popularized evolution.
Your blatant dishonesty is most revealing.

Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation...
You do an awful lot of whining about n proof for evolution yet have no problems with the serious lack of proof for your chosen god?

Hypocrite much?

To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness!
Who has made this claim?
I mean, other than you in order to have something to whine about?

Where did your god come from?

And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz
Ah, I take it this a plug for your father?


Admiral Obvious
If you work in my field you are my 'slave'. You're taking slavery out of context. Stealing people from their homes to be bound up by imperialists is slavery. But being a well paid slave isnt that bad, it pretty much includes all of us!!!!

talk about slaughtering your own argument....



Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
I still laugh at the thought that such a number exists. When will we ever need a number so large? :D

Well, the internet will pretty soon need such a big number to assign all the IP addresses in the world. Although I can see IPv6 being sufficient for the next 10 years.


Invisible Puffle
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide. Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change. Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz
Carbon dating isn't used to date fossils. It's used to date much younger (< 70,000 years) samples of biological material. To date fossils you can use other methods of radiometric dating, all of which operate via the same mechanism as atomic clocks i.e. radioactive decay.

The sooner you let go of your fantasy and accept the world as it exists, the sooner you will find happiness.

EDIT: I just read another thread in the same-faith debates where you suggest the world is flat. I call Poe.
Last edited:

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide. Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change. Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz

You know, I'd much rather follow with interest something that changes with new and more reliable information than something that hopelessly stays static and ignorant to which it's forever stuck on replay no matter what transpires or comes to light.