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The forum reads: Athiesm vs. Creationism


Posted by immortalflame: perhaps, then, you don't understand that a slave is literally a person that you own and is considered your property. If you're okay with that, then your moral compass is broken.
Um we are slaves, the banks own us and everything we have. We just allowed to 'think' were free. It isn't called a ratrace for nothing. We are slaves!

Flyingteapot wrote: in 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) of Glasgow published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years.
Flyer um that was one guy and its not what was printed in the textbooks and imprinted on every kid as the absolute gospel. And between 20 million and 400 million?? C'mon can you call that an educated guess? And what calculation did he use??? Maybe he sucked it out his thumb?

And I'm very happy, just because I believe followers of evolution are hiding athiests, doesn't mean I have problems. They believe whatever tjhey want to, not what they should!


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
Flyingteapot wrote: in 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) of Glasgow published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years.
Flyer um that was one guy and its not what was printed in the textbooks and imprinted on every kid as the absolute gospel. And between 20 million and 400 million?? C'mon can you call that an educated guess? And what calculation did he use??? Maybe he sucked it out his thumb?

Kelvin was the person who gave us absolute zero temperature. Ever heard of temperature mentioned in Kelvins? Thats the guy. Go read some books, or even some wikipedia before making silly statements.

Also, ignoring the fact that by 1956 we knew earth was 4.5 billion years old just shows your penchant for selectively choosing facts which make your case. :ignore: Everything else doesn't fit with your model of the world, so you are gonna ignore it. Reality, and science don't go away just because you ignore them


Admiral Obvious
Posted by immortalflame: perhaps, then, you don't understand that a slave is literally a person that you own and is considered your property. If you're okay with that, then your moral compass is broken.
Um we are slaves, the banks own us and everything we have. We just allowed to 'think' were free. It isn't called a ratrace for nothing. We are slaves!
And you whine about context?

Flyingteapot wrote: in 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) of Glasgow published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years.
Flyer um that was one guy and its not what was printed in the textbooks and imprinted on every kid as the absolute gospel. And between 20 million and 400 million?? C'mon can you call that an educated guess? And what calculation did he use??? Maybe he sucked it out his thumb?

You pulled numbers out your backside, clearly showing you know nothing about what you whine about, and are now trying to move the goal posts.

And I'm very happy, just because I believe followers of evolution are hiding athiests, doesn't mean I have problems. They believe whatever tjhey want to, not what they should!
You are free to believe whatever you like.
However, when you start spouting bull **** about things you know nothing about, you should expect to be called on it.
Especially on this forum.

So, what are they supposed to believe?
Why are they supposed to believe it?


Woke gremlin
Um we are slaves, the banks own us and everything we have. We just allowed to 'think' were free. It isn't called a ratrace for nothing. We are slaves!

So, banks can literally sell us as property and pass us down to relatives in their wills like Leviticus says it's okay to?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Dude, I'm very much a theist, but I accept evolution over young-earth creationism, and so do many others.


Wonder Woman
And I'm very happy, just because I believe followers of evolution are hiding athiests, doesn't mean I have problems. They believe whatever tjhey want to, not what they should!

Wait. If a theist accepts the fact of evolution they are a closet atheist? Is that what you are implying? That it is somehow impossible to believe in a deity and understand and accept evolution at the same time?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Wait. If a theist accepts the fact of evolution they are a closet atheist? Is that what you are implying? That it is somehow impossible to believe in a deity and understand and accept evolution at the same time?

I guess he hasn't heard of the idea that evolution is the method of creation.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What I want to know is where the conclusion that evolution must automatically equate with atheism came from, because theism, or lack thereof, only refers to the belief in the existence of God and/or Gods. It has nothing whatsoever to do with how life began(abiogenesis) or how it got to where it is now(biological evolution through natural selection.)


??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide. Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change. Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz
Hmmm... So evolution is the study of carbon dating? And this whole time I thought evolution was about the changing of alleles over time.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The fact that there are other forms of dating that a more frequently used because they are more precise than carbon dating aside, you don't need dating to prove evolution. Even without any forms of dating at all what-so-ever, we would still see the same "steps" in the fossil record (Da Vinci even noticed it centuries prior to Darwin or scientific dating), that show the history of how organisms have progressed and changed throughout the earth's history. There is also DNA evidence that shows we are very strongly related to chimpanzees, and even to an extent dogs and daffodils.
And there is also that the big bang and evolution are very compatible with most religions. Even Christianity, unless you assume God was standing on planet earth during creation (which would be impossible since Earth was not created first) to get a 24 hour day because a day is very different depending on where you are at in this universe. And since Genesis records a gradual appearance of different species, which in a nutshell sums up evolution, I do not see why so many people have a problem with it. Even considering that Man is supposed to be a very special creation, to have God's hand guide our lineage to produce a being of advanced intelligence seems to add just that little extra "specialness" to our creation, no?
As for the age of the Earth, science is based on the best available information at the time. Even gravity, something we thought we knew very well, turned out to be something we are relatively clueless about once we were able to gaze further out into the universe.


Resident Liberal Hippie
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide.

Chronometric Dating
Florine absorption.
Oxidizeable carbon dating.
Rehydroxylation dating.
Iodine-xenon dating
Obsidian hydration dating
Radiometric dating
Argon–argon dating
K–Ar dating
Helium dating
Isochron dating
Radiocarbon dating
Rubidium-strontium dating
Samarium-neodymium dating
Uranium-lead dating
Uranium-thorium dating
Uranium-uranium dating
Fission track dating
Cosmogenic radionuclide dating
Rhenium-osmium dating
Rubidium-strontium dating
Optical dating
Spectrum analysis.
etc, etc, etc....

Now, the amazing thing is. All these methods confirm each other.
Isn't physics great!!

Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution?


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Carbon dating isn't used to date the Earth. Carbon dating is rather limited in it's uses and is only one of several dating used together for better confirmation.



Guardian of Asgaard
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide. Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change. Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz

If you're not taking the micky out of us then i truelly hope that one day you can take off your religion goggles and see the real beauty of the world instead of your narrow, draconian beliefs.

As dating methods are updated, so are theories.

If you're ignorant or uneducated enough to believe the world is less than a million years old I suggest you never go into a building higher than 3 stories. If you do the geotechnical engineer who designed it would be awfully wrong and you would be in danger :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
??? Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong along time ago by many respected scientists worldwide. Without C-14 dating what proof is there for evolution? Um nothing! The word fossil is from the latin 'fosilis' meaning 'dug up'. 'Fossils' don't come with a tag saying '300 million years old'. The elite cannot date rocks, bones or the creation to be 4,6 billion- pushing their ideology is called pseudo-scientific PROPAGANDA! First in 1975 they said the world is a million yrs old, then later two million, then three, and now they claim the world is 4,6 billion years old. How come they can change their athiestic ideology as often as they change their socks??? But YaHWeH does not change. Their isn't and never was ANY proof for evolution. The word 'evolve' means to 'unroll', like a scroll. Adaptations exist, evolution doesn't! The evolutionary dogma is fundamentally an athiestic dogma, not wanting to glorify the living God for His creation... To believe we came from nothing, nowhere, and no-one knows is absolute madness! And unfortunately the devil has many children so the world is full of psychoz

I thought trolling was against forum policy...this has to be a troll.


The Lost One
To washme:

What make you think ALL theists reject evolution?

And what make you think ALL theists accept creationism?

Not all Christians accept literal interpretation of creationism, as portrayed in Genesis 1 to 8 (including Noah's flood). Some believe it to be a myth or allegory.

And in any case, Evolution is not about the study of the origin of life, so it is in no way conflict with Creationism. Evolution is about the study of diversity of species, which is biologically true, scientifically. The fossils are evidences of such diversity exist; it is not about when the very first life began.

And the 2nd thing, Atheism is about lack of belief on the "existence of God". There lack of belief on creationism has nothing to do with atheism.

All your posts just showing, is your lack of understanding about evolution and atheism. And BTW, evolution and atheism are not related in any way. A lot of my cousins don't accept evolution, simply because they are not scientifically educated; most of them are more interested in business or other non-scientific careers. And I am agnostic, and I accept that evolution explain why there are diversity among species.

The theory of evolution is sound, and supported with evidences. What is not sound, is your understanding of this theory.


How do creationists explain the many different races of humans if they claim that humans have only been around for a few thousand years and were all descended from one couple about 12,000 years ago?

How do they also explain dinosaurs? How come there is no mention of them in the Bible yet they claim the Bible records all history from the beginning of the world which they claim was only 12,000 years ago.

How do creationists also explain continental drift? The continents of Africa and the Americas are slowly drifting apart at a rate of about two centimeters a year. They were once joined together but at the rate of drift it has been worked out that they were joined together tens of millions of years ago. How does that fit in with creationist young earth belief.

How do creationists also claim that the entire worlds' human population is descended from just one couple when that would mean incest ie brothers marrying sisters which is strictly forbidden in Christian teaching.


Abuser wrote:If we look at pure black and white terminology, if you're paid at all then you're not a slave. Imperialist societies weren't the only ones to have slaves either
*if you're paid peanuts and live in a tiny place and OWE the bank money then you are a slave, you will be thrown in jail like a criminal if you don't payup. The middle/working class are the slaves and the poor are there just to scare the **** out of us, to keep us showing up at those jobs!
Immortalflame wrote:perhaps, then, you don't understand that a slave is literally a person that you own and is considered your property. If you're okay with that, then your moral compass is broken.
*i wanted to farm veggies as a young teen, instead I had to go serve people food, or try to sell **** like raffle tickets just so I could put food in my mouth, my dreams were destroyed under the banner of progressa. The government doesn't want us to subsistence farm, it wants us to build an economy so that the elite can enjoy all the best pleasures, living waaaay above their means. You can call it an economy, I call it slavery!

God's a figment of imagination that caught on.???? Really? Maybe godlessness is like a disease spreading like a wild fire.

Teapot wrote:if facts shake your belief, then your belief wasn't strong in the first place
*when did facts 'shake' my beliefs? Rather facts strengthen my beliefs, afterall, how can you stake your life on something you cannot logically demonstrate!

Drake wrote:'m just thrown over the title of this thread. How can one not understand that there are far more theists who accept evolution then there are theists who believe in creation?
*well as Jesus said: Not everyone who calls me 'lord, lord' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven BUT HE WHO *DOES* THE WILL of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day "lord lord have we not healed the sick, raised the dead and drove out my demons." And I will say to them "get away from me, I never knew you"
Mestemias wrote:What proof is there of evolution?
I do not know about "proof" but there is tons of evidence.
*i have googled it and still don't believe it. Finding 100year old men skeletons who had degeneratve bone diseases like rickets and walked crouching forward isn't 'evidence' that monkeys rose from walking on 4 legs to 2 legs. Putting a filed human jaw bone on a human bone and claiming its a primitive half-monkey man(piltdown man) isn't 'evidence'.
To all 'evolutionists' : what does it feel like to believe a doctrine started by liars several decades ago? What does it feel like to stand on the shoulders of men who fabricated evidence for evolution?? I won't be able to sleep at night knowing my 'prophets' are a bunch of ideological liars!
Mestemia wrote:In 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) of Glasgow published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years
*between 20&400 million years???? Whahahhhhaah my nephew could have made such a generalized GUESS! Are we to take these people seriously when all they do is theorise??? No thanks!

&:Your blatant dishonesty is most revealing.?????
What on earth are you talking about?

&:You do an awful lot of whining about n proof for evolution yet have no problems with the serious lack of proof for your chosen god?
*Love and respect is good evidence for Gods existence. Take out the fear of God and Judgement day and you have a recipe for rape, murder, extortion, torture and the like. Men know its wrong to molest their daughters, and why? Because they know God is a Holy God and gives to every man according to his works. Athiests are devils advocates, excusing the wicked, and living in sin themselves, its why they won't come to the Light.
&:Where did your god come from?
My God is a formless God, He always was in formlessness. He has no beginning. He didn't come from anywhere, He always WAS!
Afterglow wrote:
The sooner you let go of your fantasy and accept the world as it exists, the sooner you will find happiness
Who said I'm not happy? Just because I think evolution is a delusion doesn't mean I'm sad, get over yourself please!
Abuser wrote: Then why worry about what they believe?
Who said I'm worrying? Its strange, you guys think you know what's going on in my head? No actually you want me to be a sad worrisome person so you can feel better about your own delusions
Teapot wrote:Kelvin was the person who gave us absolute zero temperature. Ever heard of temperature mentioned in Kelvins? Um wtf does some scientist have to do with the YaHWeHs power of Creation.
Mest wrote:You pulled numbers out your backside, clearly showing you know nothing about what you whine about, and are now trying to move the goal posts
*um my numbers come from the textbooks published in american schools, your dates come from illuminati.com
&You are free to believe whatever you like.
However, when you start spouting bull **** about things you know nothing about, you should expect to be called on it.
Especially on this forum.
*Please go to a mirror and read this to yourself, thankyou
Drake wrote:Wait. If a theist accepts the fact of evolution they are a closet atheist? Is that what you are implying?
*exactly, they are deceived by computer generated dogma. You arnt a thiesta because then you would KNOW God is ALL-powerful and can do ANYTHING, and not merel what your limited psyche can comprehend
Riverwolf wrote:I guess he hasn't heard of the idea that evolution is the method of creation.
*well I guess you havnt heard of God creating man in an instant.
***if the world is millions of yrs old then why are the oldest trees and deserts etc only around 4400 years old and dated to the flood of noah???? Yip, athiests will duck and dive what I just wrote, they're good at only looking at their 'proof'. Its a biast perception to begin with so what good can come out of it?
skwim wrote:C'mon guys, washme is trying as hard as he can.
*trying hard to do what? Convert athiests? Ha that's like trying to draw water from a rock. I didn't come to convert but to show creationists how hypocritical you ppl are!
Shadow wrote: "steps" in the fossil record?????????
You get some bones together and call them links yet completely ignoring that fact that NO GENETIC MATERIAL has ever changed through 'evolutionary steps'. A dog is stil a dog, a monkey is a monkey and a human is a human.
---------We CANNOT procreate with monkies and bring forth children so its proof we ARNT the same or even come from the same being. The only similarity is that we all come from 'dust', or 'sand'
Steps in the fossil records? lmfao
If you wanna believe and teach your children we were a piece of snot that rolled off a rock and turned into a tick eating monkey, then you're free to believe that delusion, a lot of people will agree with you, but don't expect everyone to.

Was the first monkey a hermaphrodite??????? Or did a male and female monkey appear at the same time and find eachother and have the first boy and girl???
THERE ARE NUMEROUS FLAWS WITHIN the doctrine of evolution, and what's sad is people tend to ignore certain questions and hinder their own spiritual development.

Tumbleweed wrote:Chronometric Dating
Florine absorption.
Oxidizeable carbon dating.
Rehydroxylation dating.
Iodine-xenon dating
Obsidian hydration dating
Radiometric dating
Argon–argon dating
K–Ar dating
Helium dating
Isochron dating
Radiocarbon dating
Rubidium-strontium dating
Samarium-neodymium dating
Uranium-lead dating
Uranium-thorium dating
Uranium-uranium dating
Fission track dating
Cosmogenic radionuclide dating
Rhenium-osmium dating
Rubidium-strontium dating
Optical dating
Spectrum analysis.
etc, etc, etc....
*thats right tumbleweed, oppress free thought with scientific jargon. Make us look stupid with your fancy words and non-verified calculation systems. Are we now just supposed to go 'yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir" without being able to do the obscure experimental calculations ourselves.
You posted dogma my friend!

Darkend wrote:As dating methods are updated, so are theories
Yip you said it, THEORIES, thanks :)

Greystone wrote:How do they also explain dinosaurs?
*theyre actually called dragons and scientists found t-rex blood a few years ago. Google 't-rex blood found'. It couldn't survive for millions and millions of years. Dragons still exist today. There were many stories of brave men slaying the last dragon in the past. Crocodiles, lochness monster, pterodactyls in africa called 'kongomoto'. Yip some dragons are still alive and kicking
*wrote:How do creationists also claim that the entire worlds' human population is descended from just one couple when that would mean incest ie brothers marrying sisters which is strictly forbidden in Christian teaching.
*simple, moses only brought the law later. Yes adam and eve were guilty of sin, why does that surprise you? Aand what's the genepool of a monkey? Even in your 'evolution' theory, the first two monkeys which miraculously appeared at the same time with male and female genetalia had to be involved in incest, there's no way of avoid this touchy subject. Adam and eve weren't perfect remember!


thats right tumbleweed, oppress free thought with scientific jargon. Make us look stupid with your fancy words and non-verified calculation systems. Are we now just supposed to go 'yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir" without being able to do the obscure experimental calculations ourselves.
You posted dogma my friend!

You seriously don't need tumbleweed to make you look stupid.
Education is not just for the elite. There is nothing stopping you (besides your ignorance, lazyness and lack of mental constitution) from looking up each one of those dating methods and learning exactly how they work.

Please remove your helmet and let natural selection have it's way with you.