How can it bring you any closer to God, if it is only imaginary? That would be no different than someone starting a new religion, and making up a story to make them feel good about themselves.
Here's how I look at it, TrueBeliever 37: the Bible speaks of circumstances we are not used to, such as Adam being created from the dust. But that is what the Bible says, and however it works, I believe it. (P.S. I do not believe it is fiction, although I suppose some enjoy fairytales.) '
This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for out of man she was taken.”
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."
So science has realized that bones can be evidence of a person. And that reproduction causes two persons to make another. But a man cannot make a child without a woman. Therefore it makes sense to me that God made the woman from Adam's rib. Does the Bible describe extraordinary events? Yes, of course it does.
I always keep in mind (even for
@IndigoChild5559) that even the Jews rebelled against their deliverer, Moses, in the wilderness. And then God had to take action. He demonstrated love many times, even by chastising his people. If people don't believe it, that's really between them and God, because like Saul, who became Paul, extraordinary events can lead an honest hearted person to the one true God.