Should we take seriously what every Muslim believes when 6 out of 10 Muslims are illiterate which is about 800 million illiterate Muslims out of 1.4 billion in the world. Then there are millions more Muslims that cannot read Arabic the language the Quran is written in which means the majority of Muslims cannot even read their holy scriptures. So why should the world take all these illiterate Muslims seriously when they cannot even meet the basic educational requirements to fit into modern society and are forced to live in extreme ignorance and poverty.
Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist turns out to be a Muslim. Are Muslims then turning their inner demons loose on the society they live in which is why their actions are so terrifying?
ISIS and Al Qaeda have killed more Muslims than infidels. Is that an indication Sharia law is working for the Muslims? Muslims are finally being brought to justice by Islamists.
There is no difference between the learner and the Muslim who did not get education
The two believe in Quran
The firststudy
And in doctrination and education
Out of ten Muslims
One of them believes in the Koran to rule and daash
Because Islam in his verses make these terrorists
And the most dangerous of the learner is ignorant
Studyingthe Qur'an
Believesin Islambetterlaws
And that religion is best
And that the world should become a Muslim
Then there is the problem of
A Muslim missi on ary goal s has always
It does not accept any law
Only accepts the law of God in the Qur'an
This Canon is can ons desert
I think the world should know
The objectives of the realIslam
They can be summarized
In the famous hadeeth
These words Muhammad (
InArabic)( امرت ان اقاتل الناس حتى يقولوا لااله الا الله ومحمد رسول الله فان قالوها عصموا دماؤهم مني (((((())))))))))))))))))))))
I wish you could go to the translation from Google
(Godordered meto fight withpeople.
To say do but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God
If many people chose to save blood from me
These are the words ofMuhammad
It is clear
The Muslim is trying to become the words correct
This uses all possible methods
In combat
Or enticement
Or the pious