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The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?


Active Member
I could also further the speculation......
Having denial in declaration, you could end up beside someone who also makes denial.

Have you read the book of Job?
Yes, I have read the book of Job. What is it you mean to say, exactly?


Active Member
Children, men, and women in scripture are metaphorical for seeds of knowledge, emotion, desire, etc.

Essentially, brain cells/neurons growing from dendrites where the tree of knowledge derives from, the brain.

Noah is representative of any human. The ark is the brain. His wife, three sons, and their three wives are symbolic for the 7 chakras up the spine/spinal cord of the human. (Serpent/mutant DNA)

The exodus says to kill the firstborn (protein) and remove the leaven(enzymes) from your house (brain). The bad ones.

Noah's Ark(Arc) where the flood of cosmic energy/light came and destroyed them all (bad cells).

An Arc is defined as a continuous passage of an electric current between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes.

Nerve impulses in the human body are triggered across synapse's.

These are electrical impulses.

In the brain the impulse Arcs from one receptor to the other.

As one is separated from thought and mind, we are receiving light energy through the Pineal Gland which then causes Arcs of electricity from receptor to receptor.

These are inner experiences of consciousness achieved through electrical Arcs,or Arks. The matierial world and being wouldn't understand, or receive this energy.

Angles of light cause Arcs in the brain, Archangels or we can say Arcangles.

The human brain is a receiver for information in motion/energy/consciousness from its external and internal environment. It's a miniature duplicate brain of the cosmos (big brain)

Conveying signals point to point. Source to source.

Information in motion. (Photons/light)
The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger, Angels are God's messengers, and Einstein said that Light comes to the Earth at an angle, and that light which are Photons, are messenger particles. Angels/Angles. Archangel= Arcangle.

The tabernacle of God is the brain. The tabernacle of consciousness is the brain.

With the twelve tribes surrounding: twelve cranial nerves.

The twelve cranial nerves regulate touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, balance, movement, and much more. They are responsible for how you interact with and interpret your environment. In other words, they help define your reality.

The two tribes (cranial nerves) of the South are from the cerebrum, the optic and olfactory. The 10 other tribes/nerves are of the north, from the brain stem.

I dont usually pay attention to insanity, if you persist in this, I will have no choice but to ignore you.
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Well-Known Member
What would you like to know, friend?

I would love to know why you make it seem as if it was I that wrote the quoted text. I didn't.[/QUOTE]

I'm aware of that, I saw you asked a few questions and that you had preconceived imaginations of what "God" was or did, so I replied to your questions, to better help you understand the spiritual and scientific meaning behind the myth and story.


Well-Known Member
I dont usually pay attention to insanity, if you persist in this, I will have no choice but to ignore you.

Well, I'm sure it takes thousands, of electrical impulses neurologically for you to think and type those words, having a brain with 12 cranial nerves, and that life is sustained by our environment with many elements and forms of light coming from celestial bodies from the cosmos, as well as something more forceful and powerful than us sustaining our life and allowing experience and life to exist, as well as receiving the conscious intelligence into our brains to adapt and discover, and be inspired. If that's insane, rather than reality, you can react by ignoring me out of emotion.
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Unsubstantiated rhetoric.

Factually different. One is based on observed facts and evidence, the other faith.

I was making a point about "stories". Evolutionists use stories to prove things in the same way that people who follow religion do. Usually, most Biblical stories contain miracles. My science teachers at high school used books on evolution like a Bible. Evolutionists have their theories "or facts" as they are called by some. These theories or "facts" all seem like miracles to me. We have the Big Bang story.......the story about apes changing into man......the story about fish growing legs and walking out on to dry land. Evolutionists need faith to believe these miracle stories too, just like those with a religion. But you will say......we have prove.....we have evidence. Where? I've not seen it. Where is the fish with legs fossil? Or the half man, half ape skeleton. We have bone fragments, not even one complete skeleton and the bone fragments are used to reconstruct a skeleton (from their imagination) . And then the reconstruction is used by some scientists to "prove" we came from apes. It's just speculation. And many in the West chose to believe these miracle stories because they don't like the religious ones. Personally, I don't have enough faith to believe in Evolution.
Ok, you think evolution is an atheist invention. And that in your view, it's not real. I suppose all of the evidence supporting the theory doesn't count for you. That's common.

And you believe that I am in a religion when I say that I'm not. Ok.. you don't believe that, either.

But when it comes to god claims, you are more generous.. God claims can be believed in or not.. doesn't really matter. BUT when it comes to evolution or what I tell you about atheism, you are magically transformed into a skeptic.

And then magically back again into some super non-deciding person when god comes up again.. That sounds to me just like a double standard. One set of epistemological standards for god questions and another set for anything you don't happen to believe in.

How convenient that your standards are so flexible like that..

I'm not mocking you Blastcat. I enjoy reading your comments. You are obviously an intelligent person and deep thinker. I didn't say you had a religion. For me personally, I need more faith to believe in Evolution. I studied it in school and had my books on Evolution at home with all the charts etc. For me, those miracle charts with the process of evolution.....micro organisms changing into sea born creatures and then changing into fish.....and then developing legs....and making the transition to dry land.....and then changing into all other living creatures......all requires too much faith for me. Keep posting....regards.
ethical content of WHAT?

Not of a god indulging in global genocide? Is this GOOD ethical content or EVIL ethical content? In my narrow world view, drowning everybody on earth except for just one family and a bunch of animals is NOT what I consider good.

Saying that the flood narrative has a unique ethical content isn't saying very much about the question. I was asking outhouse if he thought the ethical content was of EVIL or GOOD.

Is it common that people simply avoid questions in here?

It seems that too many people are active in this forum so it is impossible to reply to every question.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you think evolution is an atheist invention. And that in your view, it's not real. I suppose all of the evidence supporting the theory doesn't count for you. That's common.

And you believe that I am in a religion when I say that I'm not. Ok.. you don't believe that, either.

But when it comes to god claims, you are more generous.. God claims can be believed in or not.. doesn't really matter. BUT when it comes to evolution or what I tell you about atheism, you are magically transformed into a skeptic.

And then magically back again into some super non-deciding person when god comes up again.. That sounds to me just like a double standard. One set of epistemological standards for god questions and another set for anything you don't happen to believe in.

How convenient that your standards are so flexible like that..

Scripture does tell us we are an animal, and we must sacrifice our animal nature, animal carnality, and animal minds, and that we are the beast. For religionists to deny this, would be to deny "God" which is truth and life. Evolution and creation is a design, and evolution and creation are carrying on in this PRESENT time.
The body evolved, the "being" was given. The only thing separating us from an animal is a rational mind to discover the truth about ourselves, and life. We are the beast, and it's number. 666, carbon. 6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons. There is a problem with our mutant DNA (the serpent) Kill the firstborn and remove leaven from our brains and bodies. Firstborn means protein. Leaven means enzymes. This cosmic energy (Holy Spirit/kundalini) has great healing and alteration powers.
Evolution is design. All of the missing links, the Cambrian explosion, the rapid acceleration points, are due to energy/light/DNA/molecular gas, etc coming from the cosmos and it's celestial bodies. If scientists can change and altar a cell with a baby bit of electricity, imagine the change in our cells, our bodies, our brains from this outburst of all of the subatomic particles from the cosmos. Supernova 1987, likely the sixth seal in the book of revelation, also the resemblance of the Pineal gland seeing eye between the east and west hemispheres of the brain and sixth chakra. . . It's light coming to Earth and an outburst of intelligence and knowledge and scientific advancement since 1987.
Eta Carinae is the seventh seal. Eta meaning seven, it's light has been gradually affecting the Earth and humans with DNA and intelligence. It's all the revelation of Jesus Christ (conscious life/DNA) and answers.
Angels releasing these seals. Angel: God's messengers: light coming to Earth at an angle, information in motion, photons and other energies from celestial bodies affecting the human race. The book of life (conscious and physical evolution/DNA) is in its final stages of being revealed.
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Well-Known Member
So the Abrahamic god is a bloodthirsyty lunatic of a god?

The biblical account about God is confusing.
In OT children and women can be killed.
In NT Jesus says he came to bring the deadly sword and to defeat the enemies in the book of revelation.
Also in NT God according to NT says forgive ur enemies.


Active Member
I dont usually pay attention to insanity, if you persist in this, I will have no choice but to ignore you.

Well, I'm sure it takes thousands, of electrical impulses neurologically for you to think and type those words, having a brain

Maybe way more than mere thousands.. it's more likely billions., but why quibble, i generally agree that my brain has to function the way that human brains function in order for my brain to function the way that human brains function. Thank you for that penetrating exploration of the perfectly obvious.

with 12 cranial nerves, and that life is sustained by our environment with many elements and forms of light coming from celestial bodies from the cosmos, as well as something more forceful and powerful than us sustaining our life and allowing experience and life to exist, as well as receiving the conscious intelligence into our brains to adapt and discover, and be inspired.

Oh, you're sure of that. Noted.

If that's insane, rather than reality, you can react by ignoring me out of emotion.

Well, I wouldn't call your daydream INSANE.. but I wouldn't call it rational, either. I have no idea how you discovered that something, and I'm not too clear what you meant here.. but that something "more forceful and powerful than us sustaining our life and allowing experience and life to exist, as well as receiving the conscious intelligence into our brains ".

You don't seem to be capable of defining what that something is, but you say that you are sure of this. I would love to know how you arrived at that certainty.

And I don't appreciate your attempt at poisoning the well, I don't make rational decisions based on emotions, sorry. IF you ever catch me at it, I will gladly take it back. I would agree that appeals to emotion and irrational thought processes are not what I would ever call good and clear thinking.

You don't have to needlessly assume the very worst of me to help make your case. You could, in fact, choose to assume the best. Why not? Would it hurt to think that I am not bound by mere emotion whenever I happen to disagree with one of your ideas?

Can I , in fact, be a rational person in your estimation, and not just someone to dismiss as.. merely emotional?

Here is an emotional plea.. PLEASE do not assume the worst of me. You wouldn't want to fall into the trap of a hidden or implied ad hominem. And if it is TRUE that as soon as I disagree with you I am just ranting emotionally without being honestly trying to have a reasoned discussion, then I am fine to not HAVE this discussion.

And you should not pursue any discussion with me, either. I have NO idea why you would want to discuss anything with an irrational person. So, it's up to you to ignore me, or engage me.


It's really hard for you to answer the simple question, isn't it? Sorry, but my views about abortion aren't IN the flood story. The Bible flood story is about a god, and in this bible flood story, what does the god do?

In the story about this god, is it true or NOT that this god floods the earth and drowns everyone but a select few? YES OR NO

And in the story about this god, is it true or not that this god drowns BABIES on purpose. YES OR NO?

Is this an EVASION forum?

I did answer your original question by stating that God did not commit genocide, but exercised His right as the Author of life to pass judgment.

I think you are being evasive more so than me. Of course your views on abortion are not in the flood account, but they are relevant to your argument. You are specifically picking BABIES out of the context of the account. Babies are not even mentioned. The account is not about drowning babies, it is about God's judgment upon humanity which, according to the passages, He determined had become completely wicked and violent. If you do not care about the life of babies now in the present time I cannot take your concern or argument seriously for babies thousand of years ago. Instead, I see your use of "babies" as simply a means to create emotional outrage and attack the character of God.


Active Member
I did answer your original question by stating that God did not commit genocide, but exercised His right as the Author of life to pass judgment.

Odd definition you have of genocide. The flood story ISN'T about your god drowning everyone but a very select few individuals? I thought that it was. How odd of me to mistake the whole gist of the story. Earth full of nasty humans.. get a guy to build a boat, fill it with a bunch of animals, and then drown everyone not on the boat. All of humanity. Complete and utter destruction of every living CREATURE on earth , including all humans...

PLEASE define genocide. We do NOT speak the same language, apparently. To you, the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group, such as say.. MOST of humanity isn't genocide. It's just a judgement. It's gods way of saying "tsk tsk.. mustn't touch".. ahh well, it was a benign drowning of everyone on earth. it was a kind and generously GOOD drowning of babies and fetuses.. pregnant moms, uncles, nieces, friends and foes. When god kills everyone, it's a NICE thing to do.
And because god is perfect in every conceivable way, the drowning of everyone on earth was a PERFECTLY good and moral ,nice decent and compassionate way to explain to humanity that HE in his infinite goodness and kindness didn't quite approve.

I think you are being evasive more so than me. Of course your views on abortion are not in the flood account,

Good , we agree on THAT.

but they are relevant to your argument.

My "argument" is that genocide is wrong. If your story has a god who kills everyone on earth, that god is evil.

You are specifically picking BABIES out of the context of the account. Babies are not even mentioned.

Oh, so they weren't MENTIONED.. so then no babies or fetuses were drowned? Who else wasn't mentioned, not one of them were drowned, either? No dogs cats or mice were drowned? Nothing that isn't mentioned was drowned?

Genesis 7:4
Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."

So, in your mind, when the bible says "EVERY LIVING CREATURE I HAVE MADE" that doesn't include babies .. ok. .just checking.

Didn't actually know that about the story. Teach on..

The account is not about drowning babies,

Ok, got it. the account is not about drowning babies. No babies were drowned, got it.

it is about God's judgment upon humanity which, according to the passages, He determined had become completely wicked and violent.

You know what keeps me up at night? Those gangs of violent babies.. god I hate them.. let's drown them. OH WAIT.. they weren't drowned. Right, you told me they weren't drowned. All the more reason to fear them.. all those evil babies that DIDN'T drown prowling our streets at night looking for violence... yeah.. them and their nasty bibs and soothers.. God SHOULD have drowned them

If you do not care about the life of babies now in the present time I cannot take your concern or argument seriously for babies thousand of years ago.

Oh, totally agree. I do care about babies now in the present time, I would NEVER advocate drowning every baby on the planet, but as you say, neither did your god. That was me just reading the whole "every living creature I have made" wrong. Silly, silly me. I am a father of two such babies.. And you know what? I've never actually MET a baby that I didn't like. or want to drown. WEIRD, huh?

And you imagine WHAT about my position on abortion? ... tell me my position on abortion .. go ahead.

Instead, I see your use of "babies" as simply a means to create emotional outrage and attack the character of God.

I'd use the term MORAL outrage, yes. A god who would drown every living thing that he made ( except for the babies, because there is not mention of babies in the story, of course ) is horribly immoral. I don't attack the character of god, I just question why a loving and kind god would DROWN every living creature that he made. Because if you made a human, you can drown it and that's ok?

And it would make sense if you worshiped a perfectly evil monstrous immoral god. But a loving and kind one? Doesn't add up, dude.

But then again, you have a kind and loving way of thinking about genocide. it's a loving act, in your world. Good morals? well, maybe so, but DIFFERENT from mine, that's for sure.

"Born Eunuch"

Anonymous American Black Male
The God of OT:

15 Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one the Lord sent to anoint you king over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the Lord. 2 This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”

(1 Samuel 15: 1-3)
The Violence in OT is clear.
Message is: Kill enemies of the God of Israel.

Now it seems the authors of NT are more confused and dont know weither to follow Love your enemies part or the sword:

The God of NT: Love your Enemies.
That sounds cool right? Until you read this:

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

And until you read about the bloodthirsty history of the christians(the classical crusaders and modern crusaders).
Butchering 50.000 muslims and jews in one day is truly inline with Samuel 15:13 and with the NT verse: Do not suppose that i have come.............but a sword.
Perhaps the enemy is loved with a hug,and same time stabbed in the back.

Actually, this Bible citation is out of context, Sir/Ma'am: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Jesus said more after that which is a CONTINUATION of what you have cited explaining what your cited verse means:

"(34)Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (35)For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. (36)And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. (37)He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Matt. 10:34-37

Jesus says the word "FOR" in verse 35, saying further things that shows that Jesus' "sword" reference in verse 34 is to spiritually separating yourself from some people and not to physical violence. Jesus does talk about buying a physical sword (apparently a physical sword) later on in the Scriptures, and as far as changes in the message of the Abrahamic God, you aught to know why that occurs if you are a student of the Qur'an:

"When We substitute one revelation for another,- and Allah knows best what He reveals (in stages),- they say, 'Thou art but a forger': but most of them understand not." Qur'an 16:101



These theories or "facts" all seem like miracles to me

With education, that changes bud.

We have the Big Bang story.......

Yes we factually are in an expanding universe.

.......the story about apes changing into man

We evolved from primates not monkeys

the story about fish growing legs and walking out on to dry land


Evolutionists need faith to believe these miracle stories too

We have facts, not stories that explain the past. You would need to know about these facts before debating them with people that understand the science.
With education, that changes bud.

Hong: Yes, some people believe that only the educated ones are the ones with the same view as theirs. There are many educated people in this world, not just those with my views. I have studied at a tertiary level.

Yes we factually are in an expanding universe.

Hong: That may be so, but the big bang theory is still a story. No one was there to witness it if it happened. I don't rule it out. I'm just making a point that it is a story that some scientists use and it is not the only one that scientists retell. Many Christians believe there was a big bang and that it was started by God. It is a theory that is acceptable to Christians.

We evolved from primates not monkeys

Hong: Monkeys or apes are primates.


We have facts, not stories that explain the past. You would need to know about these facts before debating them with people that understand the science.

Hong: Yes, Evolutionists believe they are facts. I have studied your "facts". For me they are just stories. Hundreds of different dinosaur bones have been dug up over the last 200 years and we have complete skeletons of many different types of dinosaurs that walked the Earth before "man evolved from apes". We even have multiple skeletons from the same type of dinosaur in some cases. Why has no complete skeleton been found for the so called missing link? I believe the answer is because there is no missing link. Scientists continue to look for something that does not exist. It's just a story, that is taught as a fact.


Active Member
Hong: Yes, Evolutionists believe they are facts. I have studied your "facts". For me they are just stories. Hundreds of different dinosaur bones have been dug up over the last 200 years and we have complete skeletons of many different types of dinosaurs that walked the Earth before "man evolved from apes". We even have multiple skeletons from the same type of dinosaur in some cases. Why has no complete skeleton been found for the so called missing link? I believe the answer is because there is no missing link. Scientists continue to look for something that does not exist. It's just a story, that is taught as a fact.

Well, it now looks as if your study of the facts puts you in disagreement with most of the world's scientists.

The phrase "missing link" has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view of nature.