If It exists totally free from the human imagination as is not beholden to or encapsulated by the human imagination or any concepts created by the midget intellect, and is trancendental then that would be god. Does that actually literally exist? Based on midget measurement no and yes!!!And whichever one [it] is, if [it]'s real, if [it] has objective existence, if [it] exists independently of anyone's imagination, then how can we tell [it]'s a god? Not until I started turning over the question, What is a real god? did I understand that this is a truly basic problem for thoughtful religious belief.
I know there are thoughtful believers on RF, but so far I haven't found any of them willing to discuss it in those terms.
So the real question for the midget is why the lack of self awareness of being so short?!!!!! The midget self labels itself "higher functioning" region of the cranium. And yet there is zero evidence of that actually except in its own mind. The only thing i know that is larger than reality is the midget according to itself. Its called "normal" Egaaads!