The bible mentions not to worship the golden calf.
To the christians that more or less worship Trump, here's your golden calf that people had to take pictures with and rally around.
Golden Trump statue turns heads at CPAC - CNNPolitics
The "golden calf" had an impact on the human psyche, connected to the subjective induction associated with art. Any good work of art can make you feel something. This feeling can be positive, negative or in the middle. One is not indifferent to a good work of art. The master pieces of art will impact the widest range of humans with some type of neural induction. If you look at
Pietà, one can feel the spirits of art; subjective enhancement.
If you go to an art museum, with mostly master pieces, the total experience will have an impact on the brain. Buttons can be pushed whether you like it or not. This same type of art induction could be induced by the golden calf. I am sure it was quite breath taking.
The people of that time felt and explained the neural induction as being due to the spirit or "god" within the golden calf. They did not understand this was actually connected to an affec inside their own brains. The golden calf, since it was made of gold, with gold more or less universal in terms of an awe induction, put the art affect over the top. Some knowledge of psychology would b needed to see through this, which was not available at that time.
Trump was/is not a work of art, but rather was a real person, who in spite of the lying press and the conspiring and obstructionist Democrats, managed to set many records in terms of presidential job performance; record low unemployment, rebuilt the most powerful military in history, created the most robust economy, etc. This is not the same thing. The golden calf did nothing but look pretty, with its induction subjective and its extrapolation, induced and imaginary.
A more modern example of the "full golden calf affect", are Designer clothes versus well made knock offs. Both can look pretty much the same; special art They will differ by the label. Labels make it too easy to intercept knock off imports, so the proper label may not be attached. Even without the official label, people in the know will still golden calf react to the knock off clothes, when the label is hidden by the wearer.
Like the golden calf, the gold label of the designer, will create a secondary subjective enhancement of worth; induced prestige affect. Unlike art, this type of free market product not only create a natural induction, but there is also a secondary overlay affect, molded by the culture superego; free market salesmanship. If you brought these same clothes to a place where the designer is not known, so the secondary affect is not induced, all you will get is the natural art affect for both sets of fine clothes.
The taboo of the golden calf was not entirely do to the natural art affect, but mostly due to the superego of the Egyptian culture, creating a secondary induction, via gold, that conditioned people, as to how they needed to react to the subjectivity of the art; bow before the the god. The pet rock had no natural art value, but could induce based on a marketing overlay.
God was different in that he was real and had a proven record of job performance; plagues of Egypt. This was not a marketing scam, since all people saw the real time results, and not just the word of the propagandists of the day.
Biden used more golden calf affect than Trump. Biden seemed like a nice guy with a natural art affect due to his relaxed continence. However, since he did not campaign, but was campaigned for by the media, and his current performance in office was not the same as what was being sold, by his handlers, he was like a trojan horse art, that was let into the Leftist centrist brain.
The fake news media did try to create a negative golden calf overlay, onto Trump; negative pet rock affect, which seemed to only work for Leftist. The question becomes, why is the Left more vulnerable to golden calf style inductions? The answer has to do with their reasoning having been watered down by feelings and emotions. The art affect is emotional; feelings inducing thought. Their induced feeling nature makes them more vulnerable to golden calf subjective overlays. This long nurtured neural foundation of feelings, made the faux affect image of the golden calf, more important than hard reality data. God would have trimmed this fat, back in then time of Moses, since the story is about common sense superseding subjectivity.