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the great qur'an described the surface of hell and this was proven by a NASA picture

I invite you all to read surat "Al Morsalat",sura number 77,verses 30 to 33

here is the link to the sura:

here is the link to the picture:

30.go to a shadow which consists of 3 ways (this is the electromagnetic waves that are found on the surface of the sun-the sun acts as a model of hell-in a solar storm)
31.that shadow is not like the ordinary shadow and it doesn't enrich from the flame (ofcourse because it consists of electromagnetic waves)
32.it-hell-throws sparks like a great palace
33.as if they are yellow camels (this is clear in the picture)

again i say translation wont do,i've tried to be precise
take care


Well-Known Member
It never occurred to you, that maybe the writer of the Koran got the idea for their description of hell from things that they had personally observed, such as oh I don't know. . . the sun.

Just a random thought.


Fire Empire

Islam Sword said:
I invite you all to read surat "Al Morsalat",sura number 77,verses 30 to 33

here is the link to the sura:

here is the link to the picture:

30.go to a shadow which consists of 3 ways (this is the electromagnetic waves that are found on the surface of the sun-the sun acts as a model of hell-in a solar storm)
31.that shadow is not like the ordinary shadow and it doesn't enrich from the flame (ofcourse because it consists of electromagnetic waves)
32.it-hell-throws sparks like a great palace
33.as if they are yellow camels (this is clear in the picture)

again i say translation wont do,i've tried to be precise
take care
We don't see any camels in that picture. And why would hell be the sun? Are you saying that hell is responsible for light and energy here on earth? Hell helps plants grow? Hell helps people get tan (or causes skin cancer)? Should sunglasses be called "hellglasses" from now on?


God's Warrior
Islam Sword said:
i don't understand what you mean?this is no mock
There were no witnesses to Mohammed's encounter in the cave in which alledgeedly an angel from Allah choked the inspired words that make up the Q'uran into Mohammed. :)
We don't see any camels in that picture. And why would hell be the sun? Are you saying that hell is responsible for light and energy here on earth? Hell helps plants grow? Hell helps people get tan (or causes skin cancer)? Should sunglasses be called "hellglasses" from now on?

no i don't mean that,i just meant that the sun can be a small model of hell,no offense brother


Active Member
The same way you say there is no proof of Muhammed having the word of God put into his mouth, is the way the Jews claimed Mary wasn't a virgin. I believe that they thought a carpenter had an affair with her. Now I dont believe this in anyway, just like I dont believe Muhammed is a liar.

Peace and Blessings


Active Member
What needs to be realized is that people may not have seen the actual process of Muhammed being given the word, but they most certainly witnessed the result, and it was very clear to all that it was no joke. Some of the very first converts of Islam were those who knew Muhammed for his whole life, and what made them believers was when they heard him speak in ways that he NEVER had done before, even better, he was speaking in ways that they KNEW he was INCAPABLE OF without some sort motivation.

Peace and Blessings


God's Warrior
Islam Sword said:
so you are saying that he's a liar,how can you prove that?
I am not calling him anything, I am just making a point. I have not even dipsuted whether or not Mohammed met a spirit in the cave, I just have doubts as to whether that spirit was from God. :)


Active Member
I'm not too sure what you're looking for, but this verse from the Bible may be of some help. It's been used as an example before, but I feel it's a pretty good one.

John 16 12-13

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when HE, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he SHALL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; BUT WHATSOEVER HE SHALL HEAR. THAT SHALL HE SPEAK: and he will shew you things to come.

The verse then goes on to talk about how he will Glorify the name of Jesus (which I feel Muhammed did, aswell as saying everything God has given to Jesus (knonwledge) he will give it to this person also.

Peace and Blessings


User of Aspercreme
IslamSword, I have to give you a lot of credit. You keep posting this type of thing and people keep hammering you on it, but you remain just as nice and polite as can be. Good for you.:) I have a magnificent difference of opinion mind you, but I enjoy seeing someone not afraid to tell others their belief. Keep up the interesting discussions.
thanks eewred,you're most welcome my brother,the best thing in islam is that it is the religion of great morals,believe me it's no lie
peace and blessings

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Islam Sword said:
,the best thing in islam is that it is the religion of great morals,
Whilst I am not stating you are lying and you may be right, the same could be said amongst other religions.