Eyyy! You made my point for me! I love it when people do that.Actually the decorations in the Jewish temple were commanded by God.
So, as you just now said, there is nothing wrong with having images in church. And the Ark, which was decorated with cherubim, was most certainly treated with the highest respect. It was kept out of sight of the common people, and you couldn't even touch it without dying.
Crack open a history book. Crack open the Bible. Crack open Acts 6, 1 Timothy 3 and 1 Timothy 5. The idea that Christianity had no churches and no liturgical priesthood is a complete and utter farce that can't stand up for a single second of actual scrutiny and examination of source documents that we have from the time.In fact Christians had no temples or an earthly priesthood for that matter.
For someone who claims to put all his trust in the Bible, you sure do seem to completely ignore it whenever convenient. I'm surprised I'm even rehashing this with you; I've pointed out these same exact things to you time and time again, yet every time you make the same exact points as before, like you've never even seen any of this before. Short-term memory loss, perhaps?
Just because there will be priests later doesn't mean there weren't priests in the first century. And we know for a certain fact that there was a liturgical hierarchy in the first-century Church. Initially, bishops took on the roles that we would now assign to a priest. In fact, all a priest is is a delegate of a bishop who has the bishop's blessing to perform the sacraments and care for a smaller community.The priesthood promised to Christ's disciples was future and it was heavenly. (Rev 20:6)
Humans venerate these objects of worship in Catholic churches. You cannot deny that, surely?[/QUOTE]
Venerate=/=worship. Icons and statues of Christ and the Saints are not objects of worship, nor are they worshipped. Just because you're unable to make that logical deduction doesn't mean that billions of other people throughout history have been unable to do so.
So Jesus broke His promise to protect His Church. The Holy Spirit failed His job as well. The pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15) crumbled to the ground. And God waited 1900 years, letting billions of people die and get slated for damnation, before He finally decided to stop being lazy and re-reveal the truth to a bunch of Americans sitting around reading the Bible that, apparently, not even those who sat at the feet of the Apostles and learned personally from them, the ones whose hearts had been opened by Jesus to understand what was written about Him, could understand.Where do we learn about Christ and the teachings that he expounded? If not from scripture...where? If men were already corrupting Christianity even before the apostles died...imagine what they did when that restraining influence was removed! (2 Thess 2:3-12) The weeds of Jesus' parable were beginning to be sown at the end of the first century. (Matt 13:24-30, 36-43)
Excuse me if I can't take you seriously for saying that.
The belief in resurrection of the dead and of the Messiah originally came from Zoroastrianism, and are not to be found in earlier parts of the Bible. What do you say to that?Life after death is not just a Catholic belief. Protestants too believe in an immortal soul. Since this is not a Bible teaching, both must have adopted it from the Greeks, which is where they heard it.
You clearly don't seem to understand that each of those words have very, very different origins and connotations.Catholics say they "venerate" their images, which can be expressed by bowing or praying before them or kissing them. It isn't hard to find pictures of people doing that. But what does it mean to venerate something or someone?
This is the Thesaurus definition....
It's in there, just hiding.
Aside from the time when God commanded that images be made, and when God sanctified a temple that was completely filled with images, or... You know what, never mind, you're just going to ignore the Bible anyway.The Bible itself condemn the use of any image.....period.
What about parading around the Ark of the Covenant?I do not see parades of idols through he streets or the kissing of images or the bowing before them except in pagan religions...can you find any Christian doing that in the Bible?