Shalom goodjewishboy,goodjewishboy said:Hell is not a concept in Judaism. Satan, in hebrew, means adversary. He acts as a counterpoint to G-d in the book of Job. Nowhere in the text says that arguing with the Creator is a sin. The afterlife is not clearly mentioned in the torah, and what I understand about the afterlife is gleaned out of what little I know of mysticism
I tend to see things much in the same light, though as a Christian, I agree that I see Satan as 'The opposite' to God.
I believe that God's love for us all is immense - the most wonderful imaginable love there is, and that all he asks of us is a belief in him, and in the teachings of Jesus Christ; we are frail humans - unable not to sin; the only thing I believe God expects of us is an awareness of that, and a genuine effort to be made not to sin, and to Love all others.