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The "Kangaroo Court" Debate Style


Well-Known Member
One aspect of the Kangaroo Court debate style is an appeal to the prestige of experts and consensus. A Dictator will form a consensus of yes men and women whose job is to give prestige to his bad judgment. It is safer to run with the herd and if you disagree you will be dealt with.

The Republican Party is less lock step then the Democrats, therefore it is less of a Kangaroo Court. Some Republicans do not like Trump and will say so; Mitt Romne. However, you will be hard pressed to find any sycophant Democrat who will be objective to Biden's age. They assume their consensus will appear like truth or strength to their base, thereby conning and forcing the minions to carry the water, also

Lack of Kangaroo Courts in debate and discussion is done by providing your own data and analysis, rather than quote the prestige of the leaders of the pack. It shows you understand the topic and are not just an automaton programmed to say the party line with a programed twist.

I remember during the Russian Collusion Coup, periodically the media propaganda machine of the DNC, would give marching orders to the entire propaganda army, with the latest buzz words. Everyone outlet in their propaganda wing would repeat the word of the day, with some trying place their own unique style of spin to the buildup. It is funny to listen to when the Kangaroo Court of public opinion was in session.

The below an example of the more current mantra of "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy"



Veteran Member
One aspect of the Kangaroo Court debate style is an appeal to the prestige of experts and consensus. A Dictator will form a consensus of yes men and women whose job is to give prestige to his bad judgment. It is safer to run with the herd and if you disagree you will be dealt with.

The Republican Party is less lock step then the Democrats, therefore it is less of a Kangaroo Court. Some Republicans do not like Trump and will say so; Mitt Romne. However, you will be hard pressed to find any sycophant Democrat who will be objective to Biden's age. They assume their consensus will appear like truth or strength to their base, thereby conning and forcing the minions to carry the water, also

Lack of Kangaroo Courts in debate and discussion is done by providing your own data and analysis, rather than quote the prestige of the leaders of the pack. It shows you understand the topic and are not just an automaton programmed to say the party line with a programed twist.

I remember during the Russian Collusion Coup, periodically the media propaganda machine of the DNC, would give marching orders to the entire propaganda army, with the latest buzz words. Everyone outlet in their propaganda wing would repeat the word of the day, with some trying place their own unique style of spin to the buildup. It is funny to listen to when the Kangaroo Court of public opinion was in session.

The below an example of the more current mantra of "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy"

When you say "the prestige of experts and consensus", are you then talking about scientific topics?

If so, are you then really comparing, say, the expertise of biologists and the consensus of the field of biology to for example some political opinion or "official party line" of a political agenda??


When discussing the stuff concerning biology, why wouldn't we go to what experts in biology say and / or what the consensus of the field of biology is?


Veteran Member
The problem with religious debates is that both sides play by different rules. It has nothing to do with "ego" or whatever you wish to blame for it.
It's all about ego for those who think that the purpose of debate is to "win it", and thereby confirm the imagined superiority of their chosen position.
The fundamental difference between the religious believer and the non-believer in a "debate" about the religious claims, is how both sides justify belief. Or rather, what methodology is used to decided if a belief is justified.
Theism is not a belief. It's a philosophical proposition about reality and our relationship with it. Who believes what about that proposition is their own business. And regardless, it lends no credibility to the proposition either way. So arguing with other people about what they "believe in" is not actually debating theism. Its debating individual beliefs about theism which neither support nor detract from the validity of the theist proposition, itself.

But our egos rule us much of the time, and so the battle of belief rages on, and on, and on, and on, with no possible resolution.
In this case, it all comes down to what is and is not considered evidence.
In think for most people it all comes down to the results gained from the determination made. The "evidence" is, does it work for them in their lives sufficiently enough for them to continue holding onto this determination.
For me, evidence requires independent verifiability. Evidence furthermore requires a falsifiable hypothesis.
This is true for everyone. But most people determine these via practical personal experience. And those results will, of course, differ. Sometimes significantly.
Without such, evidence is not evidence. It's just data. Data only becomes evidence once it can be evaluated against predictions naturally flowing from a hypothesis / claim.
This is true for everyone. But you're trying to treat it like it's a science experiment, and that's not how it is for the huge majority of people. They don't "predict" rersults, they just hope for something they deem valuable. And then they act on that hope and see what results from it. If the results are favorable to them (even if not what they'd originally hoped for) they will trust in that process and act on that meme, again. Over time they develop a "world view" based on a succession of those hopes, actions, and results.

And as stated above, these vary widely from person to person. Not the process, but the hopes, the actions, and the results. And too, then, the world views being generated by them.
To the religious believer, that is far to restrictive as an understanding of what is and is not evidence.
I think you're the one with a far too restrictive view of what is and isn't evidence.
On forums such as this, religious believers will claim all kinds of things as being "evidence" which simply doesn't match the above criteria:
- anecdotes
- supposed "testimony"
- the fact that there are people that believe the claims
- the claims themselves (ie: the bible is evidence of the bible)
Of course they will, because all those things ARE evidence. It's only in your own private kangaroo court that they get tossed out as non-evidential.
Such thing simply don't compute as valid evidence to me.
Yes, and that's too bad, I think, because your absurdly narrow criteria for evidence closes you off to a lot of very interesting and potentially useful possibilities that are still open to a lot of other people. They are learning about life in ways that you cannot, because you are denying yourself the use of a much broader range of experience (evidence).
And, I would argue, it also doesn't compute as valid evidence to them when it comes to any other subject then their own religion.
That's nonsense. All these people negotiate with life via trial and error, just as you do. We have no choice. But as we all develop our own world views as a result of this, and we choose our own goals and paths to attain them, it begins to look to each other like everyone else of doing it "wrong". Or at least differently. When in fact we're all doing it the same, but getting somewhat different results relative to the results we are seeking.
Because every one of such types of "evidence" also exist for other religions that they don't believe. But then it doesn't count, for some reason.
All our gods are "God". All views of the world are the world. Everyone's life is a process of trial and error. Everyone is both right and wrong about everything all the time. It's innate to the human condition. And what we believe about it all is irrelevant to anyone but ourselves.
I simply try to be consistent in what I deem to be valid evidence and what not. In all areas. Be it religion or anything else.
How much "deeming" do any of us really need to be doing, though. A hoped in possibility either works for us or it doesn't when we act on it. That's as much truth as we're ever really going to get. So why all the "I deem this or that to be true!" "I deem this or that to be right!" "I deem this or that to be real!" That's just the ego blowing hot air around to make us feel important.
Yes, this means that whenever a debate comes up regarding pretty much any and all religious claims, chances are rather ENORMOUS that they will end up in the same way as all others: me not being convinced because the "evidence" offered will not meet my standard of evidence (independent verifiability of a falsifiable hypothesis).
If you're looking to be convinced (especially against your will) or to convince someone else (especially against their will) then I think you've totally missed the value and purpose of debate. The value and purpose of debate is to try and get a glimpse at the world through the other person's understanding and experience. Not to reject, defeat, or dismiss it!
I can not convince myself to believe unfalsifiable extra-ordinary claims.
That's because you've already convinced yourself they are false (you've become a true believer in your own righteousness). That's the poison of an unchecked ego. I'm not saying this to insult you. This is true for all of us when we succumb to "belief".
You like to fault me for this stance. You like to "accuse" me of "kangaroo court" and what-not.
But to me it just comes accross as you being butthurt of being unable to provide me with rational evidence or alike.
Yes, "true believers" love the "kangaroo court" method of "debate" because they can never be found wrong, or even questioned, while they are playing judge, and jury, and executioner over someone else's life experience and world view all at the same time. Certainly we see the religious fundamentalists doing this. But the scientism fundies never see themselves doing it. But it's common enough among any group of people. I keep thinking of that Star Trek Next Generation episode with "Q" hovering over his "courtroom" in a hydraulic cherry-picker throne and shouting his accusations at the Enterprise crew. And when they try to speak he shouts "SILENCE MORTALS!" :)
I actually don't really understand why me having such a standard of evidence annoys you so much....
I am not in the least bit annoyed. If I weren't enjoying this conversation I wouldn't be engaging in it. You're helping me to better understand your world view. And since you keep responding, I have to assume I am doing somewhat the same for you. My sometimes pointed responses are not intended to convey any anger on my part, but rather to poke at you a little harder to see how you'll respond. I have many years under my belt related to the art of critique and I don't become easily rattled or confused in these situations. I promise.
It seems to make you very bitter for some reason.
It really isn't and it doesn't. I feel a little sad that you have apparently trapped yourself is such a constricted concept of trial and error and so cannot learn much from the trials and errors and world views of others. But can only "reject" them. But that's just my perspective. I'm sure you're quite happy with it, from your perspective.
To the point that you feel like creating threads like this, where you try to paint people off as "closedminded" and "full of ego" and "intellectual failures" and what not.
I do sometimes try to "poke at people" to see if perhaps I can wake them up, a little. But not because I'm angery with them. Just the opposite. I consider it more like giving them a gift that they didn't ask for and didn't know they needed. :)

But they just might realize, in time, that it was useful.
It seems like badmouthing people simply because they have a standard of evidence that you can't meet.
It's only "badmouthing" to our ego; that of course wants to present us to ourselves in the brightest light posible at all times regardless of the the truth of things. Our egos are rarely our friends. We should be grateful whenever someone bothers to take a poke at it. They are doing us a service. Even if they're completely wrong in their criticism, seeing that can still help us to see when our egos or lying to us. Which is most of the time.
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Veteran Member
In think for most people it all comes down to the results gained from the determination made.

Maybe. I don't talk for other people. I talk for myself. And I don't care about the "results".
I'll believe whatever the evidence justifies. In fact, it's a compulsion of an intellectually honest position. I can't "force" myself to believe something.

I believe whatever convinces me. And evidence convinces me. I have described what I consider evidence and what not.
That is my standard of evidence. I think it's a rational standard.

This is true for everyone. But most people determine these via practical personal experience.

That's self-contradictory. "Personal experience" isn't independently verifiable.

I think you're the one with a far too restrictive view of what is and isn't evidence.


Of course they will, because all those things ARE evidence.

They are not reliable evidence. They are not independently verifiable either.
So they don't meet a rational standard.

It's only in your own private kangaroo court that they get tossed out as non-evidential.

You call it "kangaroo court". I call it a rational standard of evidence.
Those types of "evidence" are a very good way to engage in confirmation bias and self-delusion.
And not just in terms of religious claims. In terms of all types of claims.

It's how people get wrongfully convicted in courts also, for example.

See, unlike what you like to claim, I have no pre-determined my answers. Instead, I just have a standard of evidence and stick to it.
That's my "claim filter". And I do my best to be consistent in that at all times, regardless of what claim is being presented to me.

Yes, and that's too bad, I think, because your absurdly narrow criteria for evidence closes you off to a lot of very interesting and potentially useful possibilities that are still open to a lot of other people. They are learning about life in ways that you cannot, because you are denying yourself the use of a much broader range of experience (evidence).

For example?
What demonstrably true claim am I unable to accept because of my standard of demonstrability? :shrug:

That's nonsense. All these people negotiate with life via trial and error, just as you do. We have no choice. But as we all develop our own world views as a result of this, and we choose our own goals and paths to attain them, it begins to look to each other like everyone else of doing it "wrong". Or at least differently. When in fact we're all doing it the same, but getting somewhat different results relative to the results we are seeking.

If all these people get different results, wouldn't that then be a good indicator that there is something wrong with the methodology?
I mean, they can't all be right... They can all be wrong off course.

How much "deeming" do any of us really need to be doing, though. A hoped in possibility either works for us or it doesn't when we act on it. That's as much truth as we're ever really going to get. So why all the "I deem this or that to be true!" "I deem this or that to be right!" "I deem this or that to be real!" That's just the ego blowing hot air around to make us feel important.

You keep talking about functionality, which in this case seems to relate to how it makes people feel and / or cope.
I'm talking about what is actually true or not. See, I care about being justified in my beliefs more then how my beliefs make me "feel".
I consider it important to hold as many accurate beliefs as possible and the least wrong beliefs possible.

I have no clue why you insist on calling this "ego blowing hot air".

If you're looking to be convinced (especially against your will) or to convince someone else (especially against their will) then I think you've totally missed the value and purpose of debate. The value and purpose of debate is to try and get a glimpse at the world through the other person's understanding and experience. Not to reject, defeat, or dismiss it!

Then what are you complaining about?

Personally I don't care for "debates". I care about learning, about what is true and what is not, about justified belief.
Debates are more about rethoric and scoring points by trying to "over-argue" your opponent. A good debator could "win" a debate while being wrong. That doesn't interest me at all.

That's because you've already convinced yourself they are false

No. And this is a mistake you make all the time.
It's because I can't be convinced of them being correct (and the reason for that I have explained in detail: unfalsifiable, no evidence, etc).
That doesn't mean I automatically believe they are false. I can't know they are false just like I can't know they are correct. The point exactly. :shrug:

Unfalsiable claims are, for that exact reason, entirely without merrit. Pointless. A waste of time. It's logically impossible to evaluate the accuracy of an unfalsifiable claim.

That's the poison of an unchecked ego.

No. It's the result of a rational standard of evidence.

I'm not saying this to insult you. This is true for all of us when we succumb to "belief".

It has nothing to do with "belief" and everything with a rational standard of evidence.
It has nothing to do with "ego" either.

Yes, "true believers" love the "kangaroo court" method of "debate" because they can never be found wrong, or even questioned, while they are playing judge, and jury, and executioner over someone else's life experience and world view all at the same time. Certainly we see the religious fundamentalists doing this. But the scientism fundies never see themselves doing it. But it's common enough among any group of people. I keep thinking of that Star Trek Next Generation episode with "Q" hovering over his "courtroom" in a hydraulic cherry-picker throne and shouting his accusations at the Enterprise crew. And when they try to speak he shouts "SILENCE MORTALS!" :)

All I have done is told you what my standard of evidence is.
I didn't make any truth claims. I didn't tell you what my beliefs are.
All I did is tell you what my standard of evidence is. Every claim you present to me will be driven through that filter.

I can easily be found wrong or question when it comes to the beliefs I hold (or don't hold). But it will have to pass through that filter. That's how you can show me I'm wrong. In fact, what does "show" mean in that sentence, if not that..........................

I do sometimes try to "poke at people" to see if perhaps I can wake them up, a little. But not because I'm angery with them. Just the opposite. I consider it more like giving them a gift that they didn't ask for and didn't know they needed. :)

But they just might realize, in time, that it was useful.

Maybe you should check your own "ego".

You might also stop with the strawmen and consider what I tell you instead of pretending to know my position better then I do.


Well-Known Member
When you say "the prestige of experts and consensus", are you then talking about scientific topics?

If so, are you then really comparing, say, the expertise of biologists and the consensus of the field of biology to for example some political opinion or "official party line" of a political agenda??


When discussing the stuff concerning biology, why wouldn't we go to what experts in biology say and / or what the consensus of the field of biology is?
There is a difference reading technical papers from renowned scientists, who have and deserve their prestige, to just hearing a summary coming from the echo chamber of a biased political party. They will use this science prestige for their own political spin. Maybe we can call this second hand prestige. Second hand is detached from the source and subject to political spin. The media has had the north pole melted for 20 years based on second hand science prestige spin. You assume this is from hard science, but it is really from second hand prestige.

Have you ever heard the term "consensus of science". Consensus is not how rational science works. It may useful in the fuzzy dice sciences that are less objective, and more in need for interpreting the tea leaves with dice and cards. If they all use the same shuffled deck; statistical method, it is expected that casino scientists can reach the same statistical end and have its own echo chamber.

Galileo Galilei's observations that Venus appeared in phases -- similar to those of Earth's Moon -- in our sky was evidence that Venus orbited the sun and contributed to the downfall of the centuries-old belief that the sun and planets revolved around Earth. Also sketched here are Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Galileo's observation went against the "consensus of science" of his time. The old consensus was more based on the dice and cards of classic thinking; whims of the gods. Galileo's clever use of the telescope and his irrefutable logic turned out to be correct, based on objective science. He was not trying to buy a political consensus, like you can buy votes; yes men seeking career advancement or students wanting to get out of loans. A consensus of students still think loan forgiveness is the best idea since sliced bread. The term "consensus of science" is a political mantra based on second hand prestige. That is good enough for mass mindedness if it is repeated; meme virus. How many stopped looking further, once you heard a consensus said this? How many became part for the echo chamber, with their third hand prestige?

The US Democrat party and the world's Liberal Parties are all highly invested in this consensus of science. Few of the leaders read the journals but all contribute to the gravy trains, to keep the consensus on target; globalism and eminent domain.


Well-Known Member
How would the external standard of science and science evidence deal, with the artistic claims, of a renowned musician, who write lots of hits songs?

There is no good science approach that can follow along as he/she slowly composes his/her next big hit. This is mostly based on internal processes, conscious to the artist, that is just as real as any external processes. In this case, these internal processes, although unverifiable in terms of the mechanics of creation, would nevertheless output something; song, that can generate enjoyment and create obsessive demand within the market place.

Something happened inside as inferred by an output effect. But inside the consciousness process are in a black box to the scientist who observed in the third person. It is more direct, but only in the first person. This black box can use the method of statistics, since he/she shows exceptional output and even output consistency. He/she can be approached this third person black box way, but not in a tangible objected way that can break down the logic of his/her creative method so we can all write hits songs. This would require first person data that only the artist appears to see; opens the black box of creativity.

The next question is, what makes this special music output, cause millions of people to become excited enough to spend money and even want to award the musician a consensus of acclaim; annual awards? Again, we can do brain scams of millions of these excited fans, who can sing the song on demand and display the excite output, but that too is very detached from the inner consciousness of the individual excitement that brews up within each of these people.

Religion is often the same way, in the sense the excitement comes from the internal world of consciousness, that is not obvious from the outside in the third person. In the third person it is the black box, with some limited output reactions for statistical studies. There is much more also going on inside each person, but most of which is only witnessed by each unique consciousness. While artists often have a way to trigger this even in the masses. This internal well of joy is life worth living.

The other day, I reread Carl Jung's small book called, The Undiscovered Self, written when he was in his 80's. He was at the end of his Medical career and life and he wanted to discuss mass mindedness and our uniqueness. He discusses the inner or undiscovered self that makes each of use unique in terms of how we each see the inner and outward worlds impacting us.

Jung was a Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist, he discussed how he and all Doctors were trained to look at the world in statistical ways that create the average man. But in his own experience, one would be hard pressed to find the average man, even if you tried, since the average man does not take into account the uniqueness of each person; black box of consciousness. He as a Doctor needed to treat patients based on averages, and one by one, eliminate possibilities. This average approach of his statistical training tended to create clones in culture, where everyone learns to become the average, denying their own uniqueness; run with the herd and avoid being too different. This mass minded was caused not just by science, politics and materialism, but also by religion.

Jung, in one chapter of his 80 page book, also makes a distinction between religion and creed. A creed is more like a religion version of scientific and/or political collectivism, in that you learn the way to become part of the average. While true religion places one more in touch with religious experience; mysticism, that comes from the inner world, that makes people unique, and no longer part of the averages. Each becomes the artist of their own life, writing songs from the black box that often only they truly see and appreciate.

So many discussion between science and religion is between two creeds for the soul of the average man and average woman. But we never discuss which allows for the unique man and woman. I suppose science and materialism allows for external sensory stimulation that we can created by having money. We can fly to an exotic place and bask in the sensory inductions and unique feelings of utopia unique for us. Religion can so something similar, without external resources for sensory triggers; blessed are the poor. Both help us become the unique person inside the average person.


Veteran Member
There is a difference reading technical papers from renowned scientists, who have and deserve their prestige, to just hearing a summary coming from the echo chamber of a biased political party. They will use this science prestige for their own political spin. Maybe we can call this second hand prestige. Second hand is detached from the source and subject to political spin. The media has had the north pole melted for 20 years based on second hand science prestige spin. You assume this is from hard science, but it is really from second hand prestige.

Have you ever heard the term "consensus of science". Consensus is not how rational science works. It may useful in the fuzzy dice sciences that are less objective, and more in need for interpreting the tea leaves with dice and cards. If they all use the same shuffled deck; statistical method, it is expected that casino scientists can reach the same statistical end and have its own echo chamber.

Sounds like a lot of dancing around the question I actually asked.

Galileo's observation went against the "consensus of science" of his time.

Yes, this is how science progresses.

First there is a consensus, meaning there is general agreement in the field concerning the currently best explanation for the available evidence.
Then someone comes up with new data and a new hypothesis and challenges said consensus.
This is then evaluated by peers (which is to say: the other experts in the field) and then either rejected or accepted. If accepted, a new consensus forms.

Not sure what your objection is. It's called learning. It's a good thing.

Off course, your example is not a very good one because science as a standardized methodology didn't really exist yet in Galileo's time....

The old consensus was more based on the dice and cards of classic thinking; whims of the gods. Galileo's clever use of the telescope and his irrefutable logic turned out to be correct, based on objective science. He was not trying to buy a political consensus, like you can buy votes; yes men seeking career advancement or students wanting to get out of loans. A consensus of students still think loan forgiveness is the best idea since sliced bread. The term "consensus of science" is a political mantra based on second hand prestige.


That is good enough for mass mindedness if it is repeated; meme virus. How many stopped looking further, once you heard a consensus said this? How many became part for the echo chamber, with their third hand prestige?

The US Democrat party and the world's Liberal Parties are all highly invested in this consensus of science. Few of the leaders read the journals but all contribute to the gravy trains, to keep the consensus on target; globalism and eminent domain.
You are confusing political talk with science.

They are not the same thing.