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The last post is the WINNER!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I left out "Martini" between "Actor" & "Lurking".
But I'm impressed at your new ability to spell!

I see....well then I guess its back to....Shut your pie hole ya vagrant..... living of the dole...takin' handouts.... us honest hard workin' folk have to support the likes of you ya torpid transient tramp


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I see....well then I guess its back to....Shut your pie hole ya vagrant..... living of the dole...takin' handouts.... us honest hard workin' folk have to support the likes of you ya torpid transient tramp
I do like pie!
And your hard work enables my habit.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Awesome, that sounds like a great program
The smiles on the faces of the children make it all worth while. And the lessons are universal so at times we've had Protestants and Muslims at the event. And quite a few of the children come from abusive homes and have low self-esteem. We can't change their lives but we can give them a wonderful memory and hope that it redirects their lives over time.

Sermon over.

We now return control of this thread to the winners who contend for transient glory and ephemeral winning.

Brain reboot.

Hey, I win.
With no sin.
And no spin.
Fin & fin.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
And I shall now post my last post for a few days and go out on a win..... see ya next week.....



Rogue Theologian
I shall now reiterate that I am by all rights the victor in this somewhat redundant thread.....but alas I realize my victory is only fleeting......... but then...to the victor go the spoils......
yeah....you're spoiled alright....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's not raining here right now.
It's sunny.
It's a winning day!

Another guess....
Did you play Frisbee in Central Park?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Mayhaps Sunrise flew to NYC cuz he thought he could win there?
Boy, was he wrong!
Bad dog! Bad! Bad!
Just kidding....you're a good little doggie. Yes, you are!