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The last post is the WINNER!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I feel terrible for anyone who has to drive somewhere this evening.
Worse than that. We have super dry fields and stupid idiots started fires last night with fireworks and it's not the 4th yet. I'm at least mildly tempted to get a drone, find some of the perps, take pictures and report them to the cops as well as perhaps the local media.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Worse than that. We have super dry fields and stupid idiots started fires last night with fireworks and it's not the 4th yet. I'm at least mildly tempted to get a drone, find some of the perps, take pictures and report them to the cops as well as perhaps the local media.
Well, thankfully it just rained here and it was pretty much a frog strangler so I don't have to resort to drones but you sure could!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
tomorrow is


Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Mrs. Wirey is an attorney. There are indeed some bad ones out there, but the vast majority are just people trying to do their job. We tend to meet them during difficult times in our lives, and no one introduced in a spot like that, who takes your money and can't necessarily solve all your problems, is going to wind up being your friend. I could tell you stories about disgruntled clients, including one who was trying to find our house (he would have met my good friend, Mr. Remington 870), but for the most part people act like people, regardless of employment.
I agree, every profession has a spectrum in the quality of its practitioners. My sister was an attorney. She worked in property law for five or six years and decided she would rather be a different sort of counselor.

My attorneys seem to give up and just let things go during the divorce. They signed off on some things that I never agreed to and they have been a real hardship.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
My daughter is always sending me dashcam stuff. This was the most recent and one of my favourites. Warning it contains bogan meth heads using a fair bit of profanity.

Despite the profanity they seemed rather casual and almost polite during the chase.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I was lucky there. Hired a Lawyer, but in NYS if they do not discuss cost in the beginning.... you have legal grounds not to pay them. And he didn't discuss. But then, out of nowhere he retired and left me lawyerless.... My future ex contacted me about using the same lawyer.... it was a ploy to get me to pay for it all.... I refused.... went to another lawyer who said she needed $200 for JUST consoltation... I left that office, then found another lawyer who advised me to file paper work for a legal separation, wait one year and BINGO, divorce done.... I paid him $400 and that was it.... she already got enough from me in the bank account and credit card usage, I was not going to give her anymore..... from what I heard she had to pay her lawyer for doing virtually nothing.... I got the divorce through legal seperation...

What always made me wonder about the whole thing was about 1 month before she left she was trying REAL hard to convince me to get a life insurance policy.....which I did niot get.....It always has made me wonder what her plans originally were, before leaving....
I have a letter somewhere from my ex to her uncle claiming she had friends that would "take care of me". It didn't mean anything in the divorce. All anyone seems to have seen was how much I made and how much we had.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Mrs. Wirey is an attorney. There are indeed some bad ones out there, but the vast majority are just people trying to do their job. We tend to meet them during difficult times in our lives, and no one introduced in a spot like that, who takes your money and can't necessarily solve all your problems, is going to wind up being your friend. I could tell you stories about disgruntled clients, including one who was trying to find our house (he would have met my good friend, Mr. Remington 870), but for the most part people act like people, regardless of employment.
I suppose the unfortunate part was that they took my money and created new problems. Hence the sour taste that it left me.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
They're relationship seemed supportive.
It did. No violently, angry responses or comments to each other in a tense situation. They seemed to genuinely care about each other. I find that odd in people that are stealing cars, racing to evade the police and wrecking expensive cars. They said sorry to the guy they cutoff just before the last run they made.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
It did. No violently, angry responses or comments to each other in a tense situation. They seemed to genuinely care about each other. I find that odd in people that are stealing cars, racing to evade the police and wrecking expensive cars. They said sorry to the guy they cutoff just before the last run they made.

And they were probably out on bail the next day.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Despite the profanity they seemed rather casual and almost polite during the chase.

This is another one, it happened about 40 minutes away from where I live. How no one died is a miracle. When you get sick of watching a lunatic driving go to about the 23 minute mark and he walks in front of the car. He looks exactly like I imagined he would.
