Thanks for your time answering my post
Really appreciate that.
The bomb is build based on atomic models. It is carefully designed with a sophisticated mechanism to release the power of splitting atomic nuclei.
I know, but it is still not the proof for atoms.
An atom bomb that explodes proves that we can generate an enormousness amount of energy.
The fact it is done by splitting or fusing atoms, doesn't prove the actual existence of the atom, rather that there is something that generates enormousness amount of energy.
The atom, it self, is a complex structure.
What we describe as atom, in its simplest idea, is a small physical part that is a building block for different molecules.
These molecules in turn generate other physical blocks and so on.
The Atom itself is described as a three type parts structure.
There is a big difference between proving what the atom is (with its parts, and the forces that act in it) and proving that you can clash these atoms and generate energy from them.
When i say prove Atom, i mean prove the actual description of the scientific atom.
But from your above answer i understood what you meant when you said atom bomb proves atoms.
Dude, the entire computer industry is pretty much built on quantum mechanics.
Yes, but this doesn't prove the actual quantum physics..
Lol.. i wish we could talk in Hebrew.. it would be much easier for me to explain what i mean
They certainly didn't shoot off into space.
No, they fell to earth. Every single time.
Bodies with mass exert attraction to other bodies with mass. We call it gravity.
It's a demonstrable fact.
Yes.. but this is not the actual gravity.. its its affect.
Instead of calling it gravity, i could say it is a magical force causing things to attract one another...
the gravity force itself.. is a very different thing.
but again, as it seems, if i'll describe you the effects of God.. you will conclude that it proves God?
The difference between "energy" (in physics) and your god
Lol. it is not my God
is that energy is well defined.
And because it's well defined, those things I mentioned prove the presence of energy.
This is again, testable fact.
I really appreciate your patience
how do you define energy?
If that body isn't dead, then I don't know what "dead" means when you use that word.
Exactly! Maybe here we can find the difference between what i wanted to ask and what you thought i asked.
You show me an image of a corpse.
How do you know its dead? what in the corpse's state proves it is dead?
Except that brain activity reflects thoughts.
Again, testable.
Not really.. brain activity reflects many things.. how do you know it is an actual thought?
it reflects electrical signals passed between neurons.
Is this what you call thought?
When i stick a needle in your hand, your brain will go nuts. activity in many places.
Yet i can stick you hand, and you will think about flowers, and i can stick your hand and you will think about blood.
There is no "no thought" state in the brain (unless you are brain dead.. and we don't really know that for a fact)
But what is the objective proof that someone is having a thought?
Do plants think? how about rocks?
You're changing the goalpost. Your initial question was about JUST "thoughts". Not about specific thoughts or specific content of a thought.
True, sorry
Your what-if doesn't make sense because we DO know about human life on earth and all of use know and understand that stories for entertainment can be made up and that people actually literally do that for a living.
So this makes it is relative to the observer.
If i need to see X in order to prove Y, it mean I have no objective proof of Y.
If i say that a square have 4 edges, it doesn't matter if i know a triangle has 3 or not.. it is objectively a square
So Star wars proves imagination unless it is real.
As you cannot prove it is not real, it is not objective.
You ourself has made up stories in the past I'm sure.
Yeah, i did.. yet i can't really for a fact tell you if they are my imagination or not.
I can tell you yesterday i say an alien spaceship.
How can you prove it was an imagination or not?
So very existance of Star Wars, or any other work of fiction, is proof that imagination is a real thing, which we humans use to make stuff up.
So this proves that humans can describe things.. we have no knowledge if they are true or not.
Do animals have imagination?
The reflex happens out of fear. It runs because it thinks there is danger.
Not really.
I guess it depends what you think fear is
I guess we have a very different way of defining things.
Which I do.
You'ld know it for a fact as well if you would see his reaction when suddenly in close proximity to a dog.
Good for him than. bravery is awesome
Then nothing is random because ultimatily everything in physics is deterministic.
But when we use the word "random", we really mean "things that have so much and such complex variables to calculate that it becomes impossible to predict the outcome".
Not really. some people really think things are random. for example people think snowflakes shape is random. yet it is not.
I know and I think I just acknowledged that (and I'm reading as I reply, so I actually didn't know this was your next sentence either
That makes no sense to me.
Have you ever heard the term "Everything is written"?
It is a Hebrew saying.
It goes like this:
הכל רשום והרשות נתונה
It is a Jewish phrase saying that everything is pre-determined and you have the ability to change it.
That a very simple yet deep concept of the Jewish belief.
Basically it means that events in your life are never random.
Nothing in our reality is random, yet we have the ability to change the course of actions and affect the next chain of events.
This is referred to as Karma and Dharma in the east.
In the Jewish belief it is referred to destiny and freedom of choice.
Many people assume that when the Jewish religion say everything is written, they mean you are doomed to a specific destiny. but it is not the case.
What it actually means is that everything that happens in your life is already set based on the set of events starting with the first instant of reality. (lets assume it is the big bang for the simplicity of things). this means that starting that point, every event that ever happened, was destined to happen.
our earth was destined to happen as our entire universe follows very specific set of "rules".
These rules lead to a series of events that in theory, if we had the entire "database" of everything in our reality, we could predict to a 100% the next events.
This is what is referred to as "destiny".
Humans, have an amazing ability to go against those "pre-determined" chain of events. and this is what is called freedom of choice.
Actually it is much more complex and much more detailed than that.. but i was just trying to give an example of things that are misunderstood.
They actually were, though.
I had fun coming up with silly examples maybe, but I did mean every word and I think my answers were very valid.
Thanks for that.
I think i start to understand how you approach things
This is simply not the same.
My answers were demonstrable. Yours are just statements.
If i say God is proven because god causes Gravity.
It is demonstrable in the same way a falling rock demonstrated gravity (which it doesn't btw
Kind of funny that when you are going to define god, the first characteristics is, that it is "undefined", but moving on.....
I didn't say i am going to define God, i said i will explain what i mean when i say God.
meaning and definition are two different things
Yes, it is quite confusing.
First you say that it's not energy, not a force, doesn't have shape and isn't a thing.
Then you say that it is everything that exist. But everything that exists.... is energy, has a shape and is a thing.
To me, that is self-contradictory.
Imagine i have A,B and C
And i tell you that D is A + B + C + ?
it doesn't mean D is A, nor that D is B nor the D is C
just like an Atom.
Hydrogen is not an Electron, it is not a neuron and it is not a proton.
It is the sum of these with additional forces and other things we don't really understand (yet
Look at God the same way.. it is the sum of all we know "plus"
The "plus" can be whatever, no one will ever know probably.
We do know, though, the affects God have on our reality.
If you can't understand or observe it, how can you possibly know anything about it?
The same way we know black holes exist.
We don't really understand it, we cant observe it. we do , however, see its effects. this is how we know it exist, and this is how we describe it.
The same goes with God.
We don't really see it, we can't really understand it, yet we see it's effects all around.
You know what else can't be understood or observed? Things that don't exist.................
Those statements are just that: statements.
Some of them are self-contradictory.
None of them are in evidence.
Of course.
They weren't supposed to be proofs, rather statements that explain what i mean when i say God.
But it is important to understand those statements before trying to explain the proof for them