There are many Christians, who see the Bible as the (100%) literal, infallible Word of God.
That's fine -- but I am curious to know, are there any other positions, that one can take? I believe that the Bible is holy; and that it was inspired by God. But also, that every punctuation mark (or word) should not necessarily be taken absolutely literally. I think the message, and its divinity, remains the same; because it is inspired by God.
It is a holy text, that was written by human prophets, who were chosen by God. I suppose mine is a more moderate position. Are there names for the different points of view -- regarding the literalness of the Bible? Why is it so important (for some people) to take an absolutist position? What does everybody think the value is of the other points of view? :bible:
The Great Architect,
There is much more to your question than it seems on the surface.
To answer you need to understand exactly what God's PURPOSE is for the earth.
When God created Adam and Eve, He told them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and have in subjection all other eathly creations, Gen 1:26-28. This means that God's purpose was to have MANKIND EXTENT the Garden of Eden until it covered the earth, Isa 45:18.
God's promise is; when He states a purpose it is certain to come true, Isa 55:11.
As we can see clearly, God does not force a person to obey Him, He wants all to obey Him because He created man and knows what is the best for man, Isa 48:17,18. God makes laws for our good, not just because He can. Man. even when he wants to do the right thing, many times does not know the best way to go, Jere 10:23.
God gave the Israelites a set of laws to help them live happy and satisfying lives.
God has also given Christians a set of laws, these are mentioned in the Christian Greek Scriptures. The Most important law is to love your God with all your heart mind and strength, the second is to love your neighbor as yourself, Matt 22:37-40. Christians are not under the Mosaic Law Covenant, but there are several laws that were also in the Mosaic Law Covenant that are also laws for Christians. John 13:34,35, Matt 7:12, Gal 6:2, Rom 13:8-10, are laws that are much more important that the Mosaic Law. These are different, because they are laws that say you must DO THINGS. while the Mosaic Law Covenant was a DO NOT DO set of laws, more tha a DO set of laws.
For God to produce a paradise earth for people who love Him and love their neighbors He must judge the people, Rom 3:5,6, and remove all who do not want tp obey HIm, 2Thes 1:6-9, 2Pet 3:3-7,13, Rev 21:1-5.
God is JUST in everything, Deut 32:4. God will not Judge anyone unless His word is accesible to them, and that word MUST be accurrate, for how could a just God judge anyone as not worthy of living if they had no accurrate set of laws??
God, not only gave mankind a set of commandments, He also promised to keep them from becoming adulterated, Ps 12:6,7. Jesus said that God's word is truth, John 17:17. The Apostles of the first century made sure that every word written in God's Bible is accurate. A comparison of the Dead Sea Scrolls with copied scriptures during the time that the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden prove the accurracy of the scriptures, 1Pet 1:25, 2:2.
God inspired men to write His book, The Holy Bible, 2Pet 2:20,21, 2Tim 3:16,17. Men wrote things that seem to be contradictory at times, but a close examination of the scriptures reveal that the thing written were complements, not contradictions. Some modify, some qualify, all are accurrate!! the truth is: ONLY THE WORD OF GOD can be trusted completely, it is God's promise, Prov 3:5,6, 2:1-12. Never trust your own heart, unless it has been train in God's word, Jere 17:9, and never put trust in men, Ps 146:3,4, Mark 7:6-9,13, Col 2:8, 2Pet 3:15-18.