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The Logic of The Trinity


Active Member
To understand the dogma of the Trinity it is necessary to resort to an example: see Pharaoh's two dreams (Genesis 41:26,27), however, their substance is one (Echad in Hebrew), a single metaphysical essence. One does not necessarily mean in this context, one dream, as it is in fact understood to be two dream manifestations, this extends the argument that it is not just one person, but two or more, with substantial uniqueness.


Well-Known Member
In logic and through faith each are equal and separate in power, creation by The Person of The Father
The Father isn't a person.

For YHWH your Elah [is] Elah of the Elohim, and Lord of lords, a great El a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
Deuteronomy 10:17

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

1) How can a completely human person be in the Father?

2) How can a completely human person be PERMANENTLY in the Father?

Peace to all,

True and in logic, created mortal and corrupt humanity is transformed immortal and incorruptible and transfigured as glorified in the person in being through One God in The Power from Heaven. Fiat is Latin for "Let it be the Will of the One in Power." in 0AD (Anno Domini) The Beginning of Church Time, Mary said, "Let it be not my will but Your Will be done." And Jesus said the same words. And Both were Baptized, John Baptized Jesus and Jesus Baptized is Mother. And both Jesus, Mary and Even John the Baptizer was born immortal and incorruptible and Mary and Jesus were Baptized for death and resurrection as to becoming again glorified and transfigured and as all mankind. St John the Baptist is sanctified from birth and without sin yet never Baptized himself placing John in Heaven yet unable to transfigure gloriously as un-Baptized and least in the Kingdom as only transformed. Jesus says John the Baptist is the greatest born among men but least in the Kingdom of Heaven perhaps because John Baptized The Christ for His death and resurrection for Jesus to become glorified and transfigured. John the Baptist is Immortal and incorruptible and sanctified for birth, but never Baptized to be able to gloriously transfigure through death and resurrecton, yet he remained only transformed to heaven and perhaps considered by the words of Jesus as "Least in the kingdom" yet still in the kingdom, least as unable to transfigure glorified as not Baptised and unable to die to become again resurrected glorified and transfigured as Mary and Jesus and all Baptized souls in heaven. The Power of the Will of the Father is the Person in being, The Person of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Jesus becoming The Baptized Christ, through the persons of all brothers and sisters of Jesus in all mankind becoming the Image of Creation for the Person of The Father. In 33AD Christ said, "It is Finished." He gave up the ghost, left for all mankind the Will of the Father, the Holy Spirit in the person of the Paraclete, The Advocate, for all to share as one in being as the intelligence of creation being what would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality through The Christ in all mankind.

In the beginning was the Word, The Holy Spirit Person of the Will and Intelligence of Creation in the Divine being.
And the Word was God, the Person of the Father and Creator of all Authority and Spirit and Life in the Divine being.
And the Word was with God, the Person of The Son, Jesus, delivered and redeemer of all Authority and Spirit and Life for The Father.

And the Word became flesh, by the Power of The Creator, The Father, from conceiving the Holy Spirit Person of being Spirit Will in the soul of Jesus becoming The Christ in all mankind, immortal and incorruptible through Baptism. The Will of the Father is delivered through the Immaculate Conception through Virgin Birth of The Christ by the Ark of the New Covenant on Earth, not requiring blood and water birth because the persons of the Holy Spirit being and Jesus the redeemer already existed and is The Christ in all mankind to become. All mankind will become the spirit in teh body for the soul of the being of Our Christ, the Will of the Father, The Holy Spirit being in person into the Divine being of The New Eve as one in being.

Logically, blood and water birth creates the soul immediately from the spirit through the flesh for the becoming the being in the Body from Adam and Eve and Baptized into the Christ, the New Eve becoming immortal and incorruptible becoming again glorified and transfigured into the image of The Creator God, for The Father. Through the Power of the Person of The Holy Spirit delivered by Jesus in The Christ we become glorified and transfigured in union with all mankind becoming again as one in being for The Father.

To me in logic and faith through pondering the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Dogmas of the Faith, logically by the Power of the Will of The Father the following becomes clear to me from the logical trinity of the Bodies of created Adam and Eve through the Christ. To me through the Person of Jesus in the mindset of The Father, the Holy Spirit Will of Creation in the state of infinite divine infallibility we become sanctified and confirmed and united in all mankind from creation through becoming transformed becoming again transfigured as one in being.

To me rationally and logically we created born mortal and become born again and become again saved.

To me and logically and in faith, The blood and water flowed from the Cross for re-birth of creation from mortal and corrupt becoming through the Christ, the "First" being free from internal temptations and choice with no chance of failure and infallibility intrinsic to His being as sanctified immortal and incorruptible as the Epiphany, the Manifestation of God in Man. The Christ is the first reborn for all as Baptized unto death and resurrection, to new life and reborn again becoming glorified and transfigured. The Body of Christ, the Word becomes flesh and reopens through blood and water birth from the cross, the gates to the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven for all Mankind through The Christ in us, all mankind from the Cross when He said, "Ecce Mater tua, Disciple, Behold your Mother." From the cross, He spoke to us by name before we were even born as the Disciple he loved the most, from the Cross. He loves all of His Disciples with the most love. The Disciple He loved the most is all mankind. And John did take Her home with him, just like we do, from the cross, we were there also. We become logical and through faith Divine brothers and sisters of the Christ in all mankind. Reborn in Baptism and Re-Born again, we are Saved through re-Sanctification in Confirmation of the Spirit Will of the Father in Communion with Him in Sacrifice and Atonement through hearing the Words of Absolution and forgiven in Confession through Penance for Absolution of Sin we become in union with all mankind together for the Father and with the Son glorified and transfigured as one in being.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Active Member
Peace to all,

Jesus says John the Baptist is the greatest born among men but least in the Kingdom of Heaven perhaps because John Baptized The Christ for His death and resurrection for Jesus to become glorified and transfigured. John the Baptist is Immortal and incorruptible and sanctified for birth, but never Baptized to be able to gloriously transfigure through death and resurrecton, yet he remained only transformed to heaven and perhaps considered by the words of Jesus as "Least in the kingdom" yet still in the kingdom, least as unable to transfigure glorified as not Baptised and unable to die to become again resurrected glorified and transfigured as Mary and Jesus and all Baptized souls in heaven.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

You were right that according to sacred writings the birth of John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary and Jesus were prophetic.

As for the title "the least of the kingdom", for me this title refers to Jesus.

Your theology is not bad, I particularly like it.


Active Member
The Father isn't a person.

For YHWH your Elah [is] Elah of the Elohim, and Lord of lords, a great El a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
Deuteronomy 10:17

Well, the text you cited from the Hebrew Bible already says a lot... It's almost a war cry... However, it has an explicit hierarchy in it and this is very useful. Technically, the Christian Bible ("New Testament") DOES NOT EXPLICITLY state:

1) That Jesus is the all-powerful God.

What the Christian Biblia ("New Testament"), precisely in Pauline theology says:

2) That Jesus is IMPLICITLY "theos" in Romans 9:5 and Philippians 2, but we know that "theos" is equivalent to elohim in the Hebrew Bible (Ex 21:6; 1 Sam 2:25).

3) That Jesus is EXPLICITLY "theos" and ''Lord" in John 20:28, in this same book, we have PARTIAL proof of the dogma of the Trinity in John 14:10,20 according to Basil, the great and Saint Augustine. I say PARTIAL , why can't we prove grammatically in Greek that this UNION between Jesus and the Father is PERMANENT? We have the Sphere Theory in Greek, but this is just a CONJECTURE!

4) The Book of Revelations ELEVATED the doctrine of Unity:

4a) The temple of the God of Jesus in the Holy City is God himself¹ and also Jesus, that is, Jesus and God are a Temple, in Substantial unity.

4b) The name of the God of Jesus is the Name of Jesus himself, that is, Jesus and God are one Name, in Substantial unity, thus, the new Name of Jesus is the Name of the Father²

4c) The name of the city of the God of Jesus is the Name of Jesus, where Their Throne is³. The city of the God of Jesus is the possession of Jesus, it is also the city of Jesus.

¹ Revelation 21:22

² Revelation 21:9 and Unity in the Name

³ Revelation 2:17, 14:1, 22:3-4.

What do we actually have?

A) THE DOCTRINE OF UNITY, present in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Note the prepositions in 2 Samuel 19:8 LXX, 1 Kings 1:17,30; 2:30, Psalms 17:30 LXX, 18:29 HEB; 44:9 HEB, 55:5 LLX, 56:5 HEB; 107:14 LXX, 108:13 HEB; Hosea 1:7; Habakkuk 3:18, Zechariah 12:5.

I agree? I am baptized Catholic. What goes above the doctrine of unity I understand as RELIGION. There is no evidence and when there is, they are PARTIAL, INCOMPLETE AND IMPLICIT, in short, that's what I said, it's religion and I respect my religion and others.


Active Member
No, Exodus and Samuel don't use the word theos. Elohim has a singular nature that is not evident for theos.

"theos" is a Greek word related to elohim.


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Well-Known Member
"theos" is a Greek word related to elohim.
The point is that the singular nature of Elohim is not the same as the singular nature of the Trinity - In Exodus 19-20 Moses was a member of Elohim but he's obviously not a member of the Trinity.


Active Member
The point is that the singular nature of Elohim is not the same as the singular nature of the Trinity - In Exodus 19-20 Moses was a member of Elohim but he's obviously not a member of the Trinity.
Let's progress. The subject addressed here at this point, in this reference Ex 21:6, is the "doctrine of unity", not the dogma of the trinity.

וַיַּרְא֙ כָּל־הָעָ֔ם וַֽיִּפְּל֖וּ עַל־פְּנֵיהֶ֑ם וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ יְהוָה֙ ה֣וּא הָאֱלֹהִ֔ים יְהוָ֖ה ה֥וּא הָאֱלֹהִֽים

And all the people saw, and they fell on their faces, and said, 'The Yehovah, he is Elohim! The Yehovah, he is Elohim!' 1 Kings 18:39

Elijah is the Elohim.

Another case:

נֹורָ֤א יְהוָה֙ עֲלֵיהֶ֔ם כִּ֣י רָזָ֔ה אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֱלֹהֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ וְיִשְׁתַּֽחֲווּ־לֹו֙ אִ֣ישׁ מִמְּקֹומֹ֔ו כֹּ֖ל אִיֵּ֥י הַגֹּויִֽם׃

Awesome is Yahweh over them, for He will make all the elohim of the earth thin. And they will bow to Him, each from his place, all the islands of the nations.

razah: to be or grow lean
Original Word: רָזָה
Part of Speech: Verb

There were various elohim on earth (deified judges, christs/messiahs, priest-kings, king-priests).

The Pauline narratives, according to critics of the Greek Christian Bible, are often severely misunderstood in Greek and inadequately translated by many. Moreover, these scriptures reflect the dominant viewpoint of uncircumcised Hellenists regarding the circumcised after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. I agree that the pseudo-Christian letters should play a lesser role and hold less value compared to other writings in the Christian Bible and the Hebrew Bible. As I explained, "theos" in the Bible is not always the Tetragrammaton; sometimes it is "elohim." In the primary example Jesus cites from the Psalms 82:6 in the Gospels, it is like this. As I have shown, "elohim" can range from definitions of God to divinized judges. Jesus stands in the middle: a king-priest and Messiah/Christ. This is indeed what the Pauline narratives truly teach.


Well-Known Member
And all the people saw, and they fell on their faces, and said, 'The Yehovah, he is Elohim! The Yehovah, he is Elohim!' 1 Kings 18:39
That's mistranslated, [יהוה הוא האלהים] -> YHWH, he is the Elohim.

Elijah is the Elohim.
There's no textual support for that.

He will make all the elohim of the earth thin
Another mistranslation, אלהים is not in your source text.

The doctrine of unity is reflected in the gospels:

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:4

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
John 17:21


Active Member
That's mistranslated, [יהוה הוא האלהים] -> YHWH, he is the Elohim.

There's no textual support for that.

Another mistranslation, אלהים is not in your source text.

The doctrine of unity is reflected in the gospels:

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:4

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
John 17:21

Hello, I'm going to consult how the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translated the text, I'm going to consult the Latin Vulgate and also see if I can find the Syriac text of the Old Testament for this passage.

Zephaniah 2:11



Active Member
επιφανησεται κυριος επ αυτους και εξολεθρευσει παντας τους θεους των εθνων της γης και προσκυνησουσιν αυτω εκαστος εκ του τοπου αυτου πασαι αι νησοι των εθνων Zephaniah 2:11

τους θεους των εθνων : Transliterated : "tous theous ton ethnon" > "the gods of the nations" or "the gods of the peoples"

In short, an elohim, even with the same possibility of being in the capacity that Moses was.

Sophonias 2:11 Biblia Sacra Vulgata
Horribilis Dominus super eos, et attenuabit omnes deos terrae: et adorabunt eum viri de loco suo, omnes insulae gentium.


N. Germanic Descent
I wonder if its' more akin to life in the body and truth. It's a concept either way. Father (spirit of God) in us as (children) and the holy spirit (spirit of truth) who guides. I dunno. I know we have life and are able to discern between what's true and what isn't. Does truth matter? Maybe it's not such a mystery after all.


Active Member
I wonder if its' more akin to life in the body and truth. It's a concept either way. Father (spirit of God) in us as (children) and the holy spirit (spirit of truth) who guides. I dunno. I know we have life and are able to discern between what's true and what isn't. Does truth matter? Maybe it's not such a mystery after all.
This is very close to the message of 1 John 4:15 and 2 Peter 1:4.


Active Member
That's mistranslated, [יהוה הוא האלהים] -> YHWH, he is the Elohim.

There's no textual support for that.

Another mistranslation, אלהים is not in your source text.

The doctrine of unity is reflected in the gospels:

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:4

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
John 17:21



Well-Known Member
επιφανησεται κυριος επ αυτους και εξολεθρευσει παντας τους θεους των εθνων της γης και προσκυνησουσιν αυτω εκαστος εκ του τοπου αυτου πασαι αι νησοι των εθνων Zephaniah 2:11

τους θεους των εθνων : Transliterated : "tous theous ton ethnon" > "the gods of the nations" or "the gods of the peoples"

In short, an elohim, even with the same possibility of being in the capacity that Moses was.

Sophonias 2:11 Biblia Sacra Vulgata
Horribilis Dominus super eos, et attenuabit omnes deos terrae: et adorabunt eum viri de loco suo, omnes insulae gentium.
Zephaniah 2:11 from the Masoretic has כל אלהי הארץ, which has the singular elah in contrast to the plural theous of the Septuagint. Translation issues like this are significant for the doctrine of unity. The unusual Hebrew grammar for elohim also imparts a different meaning from that of the Greek text.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

True, Betho_br, and thanks.

To understand the dogma of the Trinity it is necessary to resort to an example: see Pharaoh's two dreams (Genesis 41:26,27), however, their substance is one (Echad in Hebrew), a single metaphysical essence. One does not necessarily mean in this context, one dream, as it is in fact understood to be two dream manifestations, this extends the argument that it is not just one person, but two or more, with substantial uniqueness.
The repetition of the dreams in two different forms indicates that God has already decided on the matter and will bring it to pass soon.

I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him hear.’ ”

We know God always said, "I will always provide the Chosen Sacrifice."

In logic, we share as picked to carry the chosen sacrifice in the New Temple of The Living God, delivered in the Ark of the New Covenant as the transformed immortal and incorruptible Body of Christ in all mankind. Delivered is the intelligence of Creation through the Person of The Holy Spirit being in Person of Jesus becoming The Christ, the becoming of united in being together with the Father and The Son, becoming again glorified and transfigured. Delivered in the flesh of The "First" Christ and Virgin Born because His Soul pre-existed requiring no blood and water birth through the Immaculate Conception, in the Person in being conceived through the Will of Creation, from through and for Jesus.

Jesus' rebirth was from earth back to Heaven at the Cross. This is where the blood and water flowed, from the lance of Longinus, where did all the water and blood even come from? From the Christ, New Birth for the glorification and transfiguration of the "First" Christ, Jesus sanctified and confirmed in the Will of The Creator God, for The Father back to Heaven, the gates have been reopened for the Christ in all mankind. Saved by the sacrifice and rebirth from the cross, St. Longinus was right there, blind in one eye now clearly sees the death rebirth and resurrection of The Christ for all.

The Christ manifests through the power of The Holy Spirit being in the soul of the Person of Jesus infallibly and eternally through His Baptism and death and resurrection of Virgin Born sanctified immortality and incorruptibility to glorified and transfigured re-imaged becoming The Father's Will for the souls of all mankind. We become disciples, brothers and sisters through all of the wondrous mysteries of the faith of The Christ within our own Christ. To me and in logic and faith, from sanctification from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of our being in Baptism and from the cross, re-Confirmation of Sanctification through Sacrifice and Penance and through Confession and Atonement by the Words of Absolution and in Communion with Him we are forgiven and re-Confirmed sanctified manifesting through our flesh for the soul of our being the power of the Will of Creation. From Baptized transformed incorruptibility and immortality as re-Confirmed sanctified by the Power of Holy Spirit Person from His spirit manifesting through the flesh for the soul of Our own being in the Body of The Christ, the intelligence of creation in the flesh of our being, we become again as one in being becoming glorified and transfigured into the image of the Creator, God, for The Father.

James, Peter and John witnessed the logical "second coming", the Transfiguration and were told not to talk about it until after His Resurrection, and they all speak of the transfiguration in their Gospels.

To me in logic, the trinity of the Body of Christ follows the Trinity of Creation in that logically mankind is created mortal and corrupt, becoming immortal and incorruptible through The Christ in all mankind to become again, glorified and transfigured into the image of Creation by God for The Father through the Power of the Person of The Holy Spirit.

To me logic is the simplicity in the exactness of truth of the infinite understanding of Creation. The static state in eternity in logic is the Will that will never fail. To me logically the fulfilled Creation will be Static in unfailing with the removal of choice, with no chance of failure from the removal of intrinsic internal temptations. What is removed is the chance of failure becoming in the the pattern of unfailed creation, the re-imaged intelligence that manifests creation becoming immortal and incorruptibile and becoming again as glorified through transfiguration. To me in logic, the static state of eternity is in the static state of the sanctified Body of God as one in being and unable to fail and dynamically in the Presence of Divine Eternal Love manifesting His Passion forever.

Peters asks, "Do I make three tents?" Jesus responds as James and Peter and John listen and Moses and Elijah disappear in the clouds, "Make on Tent." In logic to me, Fulfilled is the Old Covenant laws of Moses and the messages of the Prophets and Elijah through His Passion, fulfilled from through and for manifesting unity through the Divine Eternal Love of Creation for all mankind in the New Temple.

To me in logic and in faith in the Power of the Holy Spirit Will of Creation, we all know together to know to keep open the doors to The Catholic Faith and the Church of The Body of Christ in the New Eve for all to be well, free of mental anger and mental hate and unafraid, for we all know the opposite of fear is love and we are able to share in unity as one in being through the fulfilled faith and morality of God.

Peace always,
m Stephen Andrew

There is no greater work possible than for the salvation of souls.
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

In 0 AD (Anno Domini) Latin for the beginning of church time, Mary responds “Let it be not my will but Your Will be done.” The Will of God becomes to the flesh of Mary making Her in the Christ, the Immaculate Conception, immortal and incorruptible sanctified in the Will of the Creator God for God the Father delivering through the Virgin birth, the Christ through Jesus for all mankind.

In 33AD The Christ, The person of Jesus conceived in The Will of the Person of The Holy Spirit resurrects life eternal for all mankind.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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