Hey Kenny, nice to meet you. Where do you think in Colossians 2:16-17 does it say that Gods 4th commandment of the 10 commandments has now been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a holy day of rest? - It doesn't. Also this scripture does not have anything to do with "the Lords day". I have met many people over the year trying to use these scriptures as proof texts out of their context to try to argue that the Sabbath has been abolished but if you look at the withing scripture and chapter contexts and context to what Paul is quoting from in the old testament scriptures it does not say what many people think it does. Colossians 2:16-17 is a reference to the ceremonial sabbaths (plural) in the annual Feast days and the meat and drink offerings and not not let others judge you in this regard...
Kenny, did you know that there were many ceremonial sabbaths connected to the annual Feast days that are not the same as Gods' 4th commandment, seventh day Sabbath commandment of the 10 commandments?
Here lets look at the detail...
The scriptures say
- Colossians 2:16 [16], Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day (Feast day), or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days (plural): [17], Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. [KJV]
If you prayerfully look at this topic in detail and not surface read the scripture and separate it from context like many do, you will find
Colossians 2:16 is not a reference to Gods' 4th commandment of the 10 commandments but is a reference to the
ceremonial "sabbaths" plural in the annual Feast days connected to the meat and drink offerings and animal sacrifices that are shadow of things to come pointing to Jesus.
Paul here is actually quoting old testament scriptures in regards to the annual Feast days and ceremonial laws and sabbaths that were connected to these Feast days. I will show you examples of these shortly but let me ask, did you know that there was many different kinds of sabbaths (plural) in the Old Testament?
For example the annual Feast days included annual ceremonial sabbath
s (plural) that unlike Gods' 4th commandment that is every "seventh day" *
Exodus 20:10 on a continuous weekly cycle, the annual sabbaths in the Feast days could fall on any day of the week depending on the yearly cycle and were connected directly to the meat and drink offerings and animal sacrifices and sin offerings pointing to Jesus. All these shadow laws of remission of sins including the meat and drink offerings the new moons and the annual sabbaths (plural) in he annual Feast days for example included;
It is all these sabbath
s (plural) that were connected to the old covenant earthly Sanctuary that were all shadows of things to come pointing to Jesus as the promised Messiah and Savoir of the world.
It is impossible that
Colossians 2:16 to be talking about Gods' 4th commandment for God's 4th commandment has never pointed forward to things to come but points backwards to the finished work of creation *see
Genesis 2:1-3;
Exodus 20:8-11. Gods' 4th commandment was also made before sin and before law when mankind was sinless and there was no need for a gospel pointing to Jesus because there was no sin when God made the Sabbath for all mankind (see
Mark 2:27;
Genesis 2:1-3) only Adam and Eve created. Gods' 4th commandment points
backwards to the finished work of creation (
Genesis 2:1-3;
Exodus 20:8-11) not forward to things to come so cannot be a "shadow law" of anything.
to be continued...