Dean Radin's website appears to list a slew of studies from a number of people (some which were already resounding discredited) and the only thing I can see he has down is supposedly down meta-studies. There are no dissenting opinions on his website. So he pretty much lists all the studies on the topic that agree with him, and exclude anything that don't. That's interesting.
On his website, he said August 2015,
"Most active researchers are focusing on development of adequate theoretical explanations, advancements in methodology, the “source” of psi, and issues about effect size heterogeneity and robustness of replication. "
So active researches now are still focusing on actually developing adequate theoretical explanations? Were there none the last 100 years before hand? Replication of experiments isn't robust,
An interesting thought about one of those pesky skeptics:
Dean Radin, author of
The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena (HarperSanFrancisco 1997), says that "psi researchers have resolved a century of skeptical doubts through thousands of replicated laboratory studies" (289) regarding the reality of
psychic phenomena such as
ESP (extrasensory perception) and
PK (psychokinesis). Of course, Radin also considers
meta-analysis as the most widely accepted method of measuring
replication in science (51). Few scientists would agree with either of these claims. In any case, most American adults—about 75%, according to a 2005 Gallup poll—believe in at least one paranormal phenomenon. Forty-one percent believe in ESP. Fifty-five percent believe in the power of the mind to heal the body. One doesn't need to be psychic to know that the majority of believers in psi have come to their beliefs through experience or anecdotes, rather than through studying the scientific evidence Radin puts forth in his book."
Chris Carter appears to misrepresent skeptics:
I know, I know... skeptics are the one with closed minds, etc. and these guys no financial or career outcomes to worry about at all. Not like they are actively selling books or anything...