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The many legends of St Patrick


Well-Known Member
St. Patrick’s greatest miracle

For all his failings—wiping out an entire species of animal, purposely offending the religious customs of others—there is one truly great thing about St. Patrick: He insisted on a full pour.

Once upon a time at a pub, Patrick ordered a whiskey, but was shocked and offended when the bartender’s pour did not fill his glass. He said the man had a devil in his cellar feeding on his dishonesty, so he’d best get his act together. The man immediately changed his ways. Like Scrooge on Christmas Day, he became the guy who filled everyone’s glass to the rim.

Today that story is remembered in the “Drowning of the Shamrock.” Each St. Patrick’s Day at the very end of the night, shamrocks are dunked into the last round of drinks (ideally whiskey) and a toast is offered to St. Patrick, in honor of his preferential option for the full pour.
The crazy stories about St. Patrick that are actually true | America Magazine
Happy St Pat's Day

The Hammer

Premium Member
St. Patrick’s greatest miracle

For all his failings—wiping out an entire species of animal, purposely offending the religious customs of others—there is one truly great thing about St. Patrick: He insisted on a full pour.

Once upon a time at a pub, Patrick ordered a whiskey, but was shocked and offended when the bartender’s pour did not fill his glass. He said the man had a devil in his cellar feeding on his dishonesty, so he’d best get his act together. The man immediately changed his ways. Like Scrooge on Christmas Day, he became the guy who filled everyone’s glass to the rim.

Today that story is remembered in the “Drowning of the Shamrock.” Each St. Patrick’s Day at the very end of the night, shamrocks are dunked into the last round of drinks (ideally whiskey) and a toast is offered to St. Patrick, in honor of his preferential option for the full pour.
The crazy stories about St. Patrick that are actually true | America Magazine
Happy St Pat's Day

I'm actually wondering if this tradition predates St. Patrick.

Like it's a hold over from pre-christian traditions, that then got rolled in to the guise of St. Patrick, much like how Voodoo worships Catholic Saints, but as representations of older deities and beings


Well-Known Member
Happy St Pat’s to yis all…
